Real life vs E- life

Hi crossfire users,
I hope you had a nice saturday. For everything was pretty ok 'till now... My girlfriend has just texted me and want me to go to the nightclub with her but I'd prefer playing ET with United KingdomJoe United States of AmericaAzuki and some other nolifers. :S

What should I do?

Translated sms :
QuoteHey honey, let's go to the nightclub tonight pick me @ home around 10pm get some condoms...

image: jailbait-jailbait-jail-bait-demotivational-poster-1227037332

Shoutout to my CF buddies blablablah.

image: tumblr_l56ltzd9Jd1qzq4sjo1_500
invite me and let me paly with you guise
it's saturday, the perfect day to play ET!
my girls just texted me that im awesome and have a big cock but i say gtfo i want to play et
Right decision!
indeed nolife xD
pmme on IRC Francism8!
go with ur gf LOL
ur a faggot if you have to think about that, or your translation is fake
Play a little ET first then take your girlfriend out to the club!
Jarrive pas a comprendre comment les gens peuvent croire a ton troll lol
C'est parce-qu'il avait été banni, alors les nouveaux ne le connaissent pas encore.. :P
J'suis sérieux :S
lol condom you have aids

trollé durement :~>
not translated sms - jej drek

e: fuck her and play et when she sleeps
putain je savais pas que ta main droite pouvait écrire des sms
Ouais, j'me sers de la gauche des fois.
you girl just text'd me saying she doesn't think you're gonna give her condoms so we can have sex :\ thats not nice...
U dont have gf.. Well cu fake..
sexy time yes
go with ur gf and come back to paly paly et
Haha! You don't have a gf! Haha cu in ET
just give her a ride.
It's pretty sad seeing desperate people making journals about this :/
Totally agree :S
it would lead you to this

but I'd never type that shit :/
nice, btw.

image: Cool-Starry-Bra
said same when i saw this photo :D
photoshoped, isnt it?
it's cool bra with stars so it's not photoshoped bro :)
Okay Francis, but we both know that's not true, else you wouldn't even be asking :)
Lost my mobile in a club yesterday!

Lost psr the last couple of days in HoN!

shouldnt have gone out :(
francis you must image: j58fol
t vraiment un tarré mdr
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