News From Zaigon!

Well most demos are recorded by now and about half of the movie is done.

But im running out of stunning 4,5 man frags.
So if u have smth for me, just pmme @ #ultraviolet
Please no mixed teams or Liga4Fun frags.
old, very old demos / clans are welcome too.
If you have any nice teamplay action feel free to send me those too.

you can send directly to:

[email protected] (Topic pls: Zaigon Demos)

or qry me for further info.

Pls help to make this movie a success.
thx 4 reading

PS: this is Zaigon
i only got skilled rifle kills ;*
erm? whose fragmovie will be this? :)
who's* will this be*

Who's = Who is. Who is doesn't make sense here.
o ye k i was a bit 2 tired.
ahaha Ronner vs tcg... must be at least 2 years old.. can't wait for that :)
guess i still have some demos from that time. sorted them out for a fragmovie, which was never finished.
then send! :)
Lets see em!!!! OMG that was a while ago, seeing it again almost makes me cry :(
resolution looks mighty widescreen ;P
No doubt about it, this has the potential to be the best fragmovie this community has seen.
nice nice hannes :)
hoffe der film wird so gut wie dein letzter :)
looks nice
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