clubcuilb back me

yoyoyoyoyo nerdys, you playing there or what are you doing ?!?!?
club was so nice today, some pussys gave me a lot of fun and stuff hehehehe :P

image: Party_Hard_awesome

so see you after 7 days, next sunday i'll be here :P

that gif is fuckin freaky
ok thx for sharing your life
clubcuilb back me (3 comments)
Posted by $U$UMU Cheater on Saturday 23rd October 2010, 00:45

party hard indeed
I don't like at all the way cheaters are tagged, for exemple in the journal sections. The red exclamation mark attracts the attention way too much.
I mean, if you're new on cf and see the journal section, you'll most likely check the attracting stuff, and thus the bullshit posted by cheaters.

I think their journals should be with something like .5 alpha / transparency in the list, so we see them as not important.
You could do the same in comments, while keeping a rather visible /!\
QuoteI think their journals should be with something like .5 alpha / transparency in the list, so we see them as not important.
You could do the same in comments, while keeping a rather visible /!\

I like this too.
but please no smaller font
my font is samll enuff here already xD
hey man, cheaters are cool.
yea, must be awesome if you're already back at 0100
gtfo bergkurde
hurenspast kriech ins loch zurück
What the fuck is the point to go to a party if it's to get back at midnight?
Fucking cheating nerd trying to act cool.
haha echt e
u dunt c obvious troll :D
Don't call retarded cheaters who still want to become something on the ET-scene trolls, they will feel interested.
i bet ur back from ur interwebz club m8
habbo hotel probably
get rid of these "cool" quotes now you're tagged, makes it look kinda sad
I doubt this guy would even get in to any club, I mean he looks like 9-year old kid.
Skinny homo, get the fuck out
mistä sä ton idioottihäx0rin kuvan oot saanu, share??
jossain sen bustitopicis joku laitto sen facebook linkkii.

lupaan et hajoot, semmonen pulkannaru et ei morjens
gtfo my internetz
putin jpeux de nouveau poster!
Ta pas reboot aujourdui pour voir la sensation que ca faisait? :P
wow man u got back when i leave for party.

btw i just got back from partying

rofl newb
clubcuilb back me (34 comments)
Posted by $U$UMU Cheater on Saturday 23rd October 2010, 01:45

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