SLAC problem >:(

i installed slac and 5 minutes later, my full rune and rune scimmi were gone. WTF
say wat?
Chaplja pixxxelhunterrr2K10
Go to Varrock and scam some rune (g) sets :D
can't scam anymore noob :PPPPPP
:PPP Did I tell you that I achieved to get 99 herblore but got banned permanently soon after :PP
RSBot, was like a year ago, dont know whats hot in the RS community nowadays
rsbot got shut down, so the same day they made powerbot :>>
Jagex hasnt still got rid of the botting? Kind of funny, since for like 3months I kept my PC +5 hours a day running to level and got banned after I stopped botting :/
well u see, i dont think they mind it tbh,
since then removed wildy a lot of members quit,
now about 1/5 member players is a bot,
so if they get rid of bots they will lose 1/5th of their profit ^^
just go pvp and pk new rune things

I lost my bgs and zerker few months ago, everything I had left after getting 95 prayer

ragequitted that game
Runescape :D::D:D:D:
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