25 second respawn.

I need help with a 25 second spawntimer for the Allied spawn time on Frostbite. I currently have a spawn timer that allows you to input their spawntime and it will give you the next time of spawn, however, you must input again the latest spawn time to get the next. I want to know if there is a spawntimer that requires only the first spawn time to be put in and then it will calculate the next spawn time and subsequent times after that and will give a warning or the equivalent in mm2. I know Heron basically does this and I will use it if there's no better alternative, however it requires you to manually start the clock via a key press rather than an input of time and therefore is a bit tough to synch perfectly. Added to that its text spam doesn't show up in mm2 or the like which is a bit annoying as well.

Anyway, if anyone is able to help me out that would be appreciated, otherwise thanks anyway :o)
I use it
We all care about it ;)
you know that external spawntimers are not allowed, do you?
if it's a program wich interacts with ET, then yes
Heron does, afaik.
Heron is legal in Australia, I didn't know it wasn't in Europe :o
I think it's banned by clanbase...
C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\autoexec_frostbite.cfg ~~~~~~

bind h "timerset 25;cmd say_team ^7Enemy spawned
bind g "timerset 30;cmd say_team ^7Enemy spawned
bind j "timerset 0"

edit:got a link for your spawntimer?
BAN pls
just have perfo calculating it and shouting it on vent. nP
hacks ban ! :D
:))) maths wonder
set spawntime vstr spawntime1
set spawntime1 "unbind mouse4;bind mouse4 timerset 30; echo ^0spawntimer ^7set to ^130;set spawntime vstr spawntime2"
set spawntime2 "unbind mouse4;bind mouse4 timerset 25; echo ^0spawntimer ^7set to ^125;set spawntime vstr spawntime3"
set spawntime3 "unbind mouse4;bind mouse4 timerset 20; echo ^0spawntimer ^7set to ^120;set spawntime vstr spawntime4"
set spawntime4 "unbind mouse4;bind mouse4 timerset 15; echo ^0spawntimer ^7set to ^115;set spawntime vstr spawntime5"
set spawntime5 "unbind mouse4;bind mouse4 timerset 10; echo ^0spawntimer ^7set to ^110;set spawntime vstr spawntime1"
bind h vstr spawntime

Edit mouse4 and h- key in want you want. Easy and allowed.
bind KP_DEL vstr st

set st0 "timerSet;echo ^wSpawntimer Off;set st vstr st1"
set st1 "timerSet 15;echo ^wEnemy spawntime set to 15;set st vstr st2"
set st2 "timerSet 20;echo ^wEnemy spawntime set to 20;set st vstr st3"
set st3 "timerSet 25;echo ^wEnemy spawntime set to 25;set st vstr st4"
set st4 "timerSet 30;echo ^wEnemy spawntime set to 30;set st vstr st5"
set st5 "timerSet 35;echo ^wEnemy spawntime set to 35;set st vstr st0"
set st vstr st1
ban this guy, he said he will use heron
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