voting timelimit

Just saw Aero vs Giants game and they had wrong timelimit on first round so they had to vote 7.59 on next round. I wonder how people still cant vote it properly? They actually voted for callvote 7.59 which is 7.35 ingame. So because of undead's wrong vote giants had 24 seconds less to attack and they didnt seem to understand it either. And it wasnt a first time ppl to do that, even admins use to always vote it wrong way i mean HOW STUPID CAN U BE :E. Real vote would've been around 7.98
its alot of fun when you do a correct vote and the opponents say "THAT WASN'T THE TIME LOL, U ADDED MORE" and the vote doesn't pass.

had that happen to me loads of times.

59/60 = 0,98

make tutorial
ppl are dumb, jeh
How do we have to do it then?
As Sample told you: x/60 where x is the amount of seconds you want..

E.g. 7 minutes and 23 seconds would be 7 + (23/60) = 7.38
Wow, maths in ET.. Too hard for me. :(
always bothered me how it did that, but nether bothered me enough for me to care
Yeah, seems some people think that a minute is 100 seconds
minute is 100 seconds so you are wrong
Don't forget about all those extra milliseconds. :D Callvoting the time has always been an issue for some reason.
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