rejected tutorial

Dear Loekino,

We are sorry to inform you that the tutorial you have recently registered at the Crossfire Community, Smokin' Weed, the EC way!, has been rejected by the Crossfire Team. Your tutorial has been deleted from the Crossfire database, and no longer has the status 'pending'.

The following reason was provided why your tutorial was not accepted:
Looks good, but not for Crossfire!

Sincerely yours,
The Crossfire Team.

(do not reply to this message)
Post it in a non-tutorial form
forever postpone
make a weekly updated journal
:[[ send me the tutorial in pm
wow, youre smoking weed?
Pretty cool, right?
oh god the 2 nerdiest people being angry that i am serious, damn my father already told me i would meet thaus people on my adventure
the adventure of posting a tutorial?
nono in general, cant tell you wats it about in case of herpes
hahaha owned:D
i love u :D u dont fuck with the boss!
oh snap i got owned by someone using 4chan(or where ever the geeks hang out nowadays) thingys :(

can you make one for me but then it ends with you installing windows or sumthin?
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D: amazing
simple as fuck
reply to that message it will kill crossfire
I could make a kilju/wine/cider/moonshine -tutorial :)
i bet you can!
Post dan als journal ik ben nu wel geïnteresseerd :(
neeeeeee wesbo dat ben je helemaal niet!
Smoke weed every day nigger.. Posten hoer.
nee ik moet dat spul niet!
hij luisterd na hiphop, flexican enzo :DDDDDDD :D :D en justin bieber
dat zei wesbo en toen kwam die aan met gekke niet hiphop music
wtf justin bieber!
dat bedoel ik
en ik had wesbo nog wel hoog zitten ://///
wtf is dat xD
Is toch een vet nummer :*
can you send me the tut or make journal?

i think there is a high demand
didnt save it :(
First of all, you gotta need some weed. Personaly i prefer haze because of the nice energetic high you get from it. Ofcourse other weed is fine too if you just wanna get blazed up ;)

image: gallery_25783_10661_3526833

Second of all, you gotta need something to roll it up with, i'm talking long rollin' paper and some filters/roach.

The best may imo is to make a M kind of filter, it looks something like this:

third of all you need some tabacco, just cigarettes (or you can just roll em' pure for the stressful EC matches ;))

Alright, now we can start rollin' it up!
waarom scheur je stukje in de lengte van je tip af?

en als je schuin stuk afscheurt kan je openluchtkamertip maken :p
ja kan op zoveel manieren joh, dit is voor EC spelers het beste want hiermee train je hand oog coördinatie
+ de laatste keer dat ik jou een jay zag draaien kwam ik niet meer bij, laat het over aan de betaalde tutorial maker

mijn joint gaf al een lachkick voordat ie aan stond :D
dat is ook wel skills :D
Die plant ziet eruit of ie mij op wil eten:<
Is it your MJ + growbox or just a random picture?
its my new mj facility, recently got offered a job to grow medical mj for the use of MS gotta fine tune that shit with the proper gear and that is what happens! a great big ganja plant
send me some seeds bro :(
Mate, I have to say you're one lucky guy! I've wanted to plant a few also, but have no place for it :( but I'm moving out to the village next year, so in next autumn I'll plant some outdoors plants, hope any deers/roes won't eat them randomly.
good luck ^_^
We finally live in times where is a possiblity that they legalize MJ (+ other drugs which unfortunately have to be legalized next to ganja) in Poland, though.
new president new rules!
Kind of. I think most of the work have done people who wants to legalize MJ and who smokes it. If they legalize MJ, they have to some harder drugs, too.

So, you have to plant it in your little growbox from any previous journal. Anyway, gotta finnish my math homework! Smoke good and have much fun, see you :)
nah that is just for myself, the medical stuff happens in another location
Can you grab some of plants for your own use?
no this is not allowed
utter crap.
your parents dont even want you to smoke weed so you goota hide your plant.
tutorial in smoking weed
1) its not cool. keep it to yourself.
my mom told me sharing is caring, she is the one that raised me so i cant help it :( just tried to help the people here that play EC and got a stressful time
your mom also told you to not smoke weed so now you grow a plant in something thats supposed to look like a PC tower.
i grow for a living, supporting my family.. just doing something good, in an illegal way and i have seen the bible and its allowed my son
yeyeye talk on if that makes you feel good but escpecially if you do it for a living you should not be all over the place with it.
just keep it to yourself is all im sayin
i am doing it for a legal institution so it doesnt matter with who i share it, cause its legal for me to do ^_^
which institution would that be?
as i said before, medical MJ for the use of MS patients
interesting. didnt know that it would be outsourced to private people.
how about the quality. how would you relate it to some top-shelf coffeeshop stuff?
well i am not really a private, its like a job since we do researched on the plants and everything. just the location is strictly hidden but it is less strong of course then that what you buy in the shop
i thought so.
so with the research you conducted and all the practise you have you should/could be able to grow the real stuff but that would be illegal again, right?
well yeah i can use it but its not really meant for the weed smokers that just like to smoke ganja, this is meant for the pipes the MS patients use
i just mean its a shame to let all the knowhow get to waste.
arent you allowed to have 5 plants per person in your place? (or at least some legislation similar to that)
yeah that is allowed, but if you add a lamp its illigal :D

+ it wont go to waste since i will use it for myself ofc
oh i didnt think of that yet!
Looks Good but not for crossfire
Thats some fucking improvement, correct the regular CF poster and let the idiot cheaters run around posting the garbage posts/journals on this site.

Good call CrossFire Staff. really. Is this how you treat the people that care about this game? Fuck off.

Yes, Im MAD.
But drugs are bad !
so are you <3
i see back from the club journals all the time :( and waki and his head are still posted in the forum threads all the time, thats what i call dangerous
smoking weed is not cool or anything.
fucking kiddos...
i like it to smoke a joint evry now and then
i myself smoke like a chimney but id never feel the need to go up to people and tell them.
its, afterall, not a cool thing so you should keep it to yourself, imo
you see it like its something bad or smth
i myself think its less bad than drinking alcohol (way less strong and all that).
but the general perception that people have is bad. so you either tell people cause you wonna be a badboy (kiddo lulz) or cause you simply dont know better.
ofc its different for me having started to smoke weed in germany but still here (in amsterdam and i take it that means something) it is not really socially accepted.
yeah i understand it then, plus this is the internet so why not talk about it? i like to discuss such topics and this tutorial would just be some entertainment for the ganja people
so i see you take a bit out of the filtertip. i dont tend to do that even tho some mates swear by it.
do you put some tabbacco inbetween the filter and the ganja itself (so you dont have to smoke the joint all the way), or is that just "greedy" ?
i dont smoke normal cigarettes so i never smoke the end, thats why i never really put that much weed in the end since i wont smoke it anyway, not greedy just smart tbh ^_^

and i just use a paper tip out of paper nothing more between it
thats what i meant. a normal (paper/carton) tip but no (nearly no) weed at the back so you dobnt have to smoke it all the way cause it will always taste like a normal cigarette, and i myself dont smoke those either.
when im lazy i use a part from the very cig as a tip XD
you means "a short roll of tabacco" ?
i have friends who constantly do that, why the hell?
or do you mean the actualy filter of the cig ?
i think the way that some friends of yours do

u cut a part from the actual cig (white part) and use it as a tip, i only do that when im lazy it actually works just fine.

when i was in holland we had those tips that loekino talks about (the ones u roll by making an m) but we dont have those here so we cut some part of the box from the rolling paper, or cut a small piece of the tobacco box and from that we make some sort of triangle with it,
Then u take the filter from the cig (he spongy thingie from the cigs tip u know) u take it out with your teeth and then u put the "traingle" inside there. its actually pretty fast to do, but cutting off a part of a cig is faster. and thats actually quite similar as doing that M with those tips

and of course not the actual filter of a cig, it would ruin the joint
thats a lot of work.
usually those tips are sold at tabacco shops or gas stations. OCB manufactures them aswell, try and keep ur eyes peeled.
also you can cut a strip of paper out of a DinA4 paper, fold it on half and make the M thing with the open side of the folded paper. that works just as good as any carton filter.
nah its not lots of work is really fast actually, its the same as folding a dina4 as u said.

we just do the m thingie with a piece of the paper from the OCB box u know. or tobacco box whatever we have

it takes the same time as doing the M,
the OCB box works fine, the cig box is quite thick for doing that stuff.
just visit holand and export a couple thousand tips ;)
yeh i go to NL once per year, but theres a part of the box that its thiner and taking the spongy thingie off is pretty easy once u did it many times
i know that those flappy things in the top and the bootom of the box make perfect tips.
but i honestly prefer paper by now
yep we do the same ^_^
yes i know;d

he just tried to be funny or something
damn man why you spanish people are always hatin on me like i black? i dont even know how to write your names :(
wut, im not hating on anybody.

you think that tho, what was the reason of the tutorial besides trying to be funny? cuz its useless as fuck, u just wanted to be funny

i flame lots of ppl on this website and they dont say that kind of bs u said;)

infact u started on hating first lol
i tried to open up a nice discussion that you take things so seriously isnt my fault, stop the hate weird spainland people!
what r u talking about, u should actually read the whole journal and check out for my comments, all i said was to the guy who was flamming u that i like it to smoke a joint every now and then.

u are obsessed or something.

and by the way this journal first discussion was about your tuto getting deleted but it seems that it changed now?:d
there is a reason behind the reason

got that tattoo'd on my lower back with a tribal
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