dubstep set

image: podcast117

big ups 2 all dubstep fans ..

check out my set i've put together. all songs are from most likely unknown artists,
from the demoscene. all songs are free to get if you'd like to have individual songs
of the set.


or listen to it at my soundcloud page:


(you can also d/l it from there)

Mixing, compiling and jingles by tEiS, logo #117 by H2O

01. Jean Nine - Asphalt Ocean Lights
02. Quarta330 - Asutata50
03. Kosmonaut - Distanz
04. Takomo - Mobula
05. Skipp - Cold Dark Place
06. Drillsergent Gomery Hartman - Numb3r5
07. Gloom - Area unstable
08. Kaktusen - Phon
09. Anodyne Industries - I Would Die For You (Remix)
10. Dz - Gallileo blues
11. tEiS - HzO Mystery
12. Sinatra - Fluoridated Water
13. Dipswitch - Pressed Current (+bassculture)
14. lug00ber - Raiders of the lost Art (+trendy kids)
15. Puryx - Stay the Fuck
16. The S.K. - Paranoia
17. glxblt - Abell 2029
18. Skepsis - Canonstep
19. elB - Kill Kill Kill (Wobble_Mix)
Total playtime: 62:23min.

cant stop listening to borgore - ice cream atm
you got swagga
inb4 HugTheSub's comment full of hatred
nice, downloading :>
Maximum connections. 2...
Sorteddddddd. Gonna listen in a bit : )
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