best gs provider?

hy, anybody of you know a good gameserver provider, i mean low price and high performance? you have good experiences with

serious anwnsers pls, thank you
87 have always been good afaik.


< 20 €, located in NL, nice pings for everybody
ist das zb der ur gameserver?
jop, aber wir haben noch einen 30 slot mit ettv und noch einen deutschen, aber das is unser hauptserver =)
der eine von euch suckt hart glaub das is der von fdj :P
des prob is das alle chello user (ich inklusive) a bissl hohen ping haben, aber sonnst is er eh sehr nice :)
ur nicht selbst ich mit ner Germany Leitung pinge da derbst mies tbh normalerweise pinge ich jeden Europeserver zwischen 15-25 den fdjler eher mit 40-50
heast wos wüst, ich hab auf dem einen 160 ping =P

*derbst* machst da bitte die österreichische hälfte weg du schrumpfgermane =P <3
"heast wos wüst" - irgendwann verklagt (hoffentlich) einer österreich am europäischen gerichtshof wegen vergewaltigung der dt Sprache :D
sagt ein in bayern lebender preusse :P
preusse?!? ich glaub du hast noch fieber^^
i bin a bayrischer schwob von kopf bis fuß - gebürtiger augsburger und nie übern Weißwurschtäquator gezogen!
najo dein dialekt ist halt nicht vorhanden :P
tzzz, bei deutschen dialekt bekomm ich sowas von schädlweh

außerdem is vorallem in wien die deutsche sprache perfektioniert worden!
du meinst weil du dennen während dem sprechen die zahnkronen erneuern kannst weil die für ein wort 1 min brauchen?
1min? untertrieben =P

wie kannst du überhaupt damit leben? diese gewissheit ein halbdeutscher zu sein? :D
is ur schlimm so halb piefke sein is nicht toll :(
der is eh nice :D

ps: gib noch mehr an :p
Parent - powered by X3M Servers
haha X3M i thought they just sponsor there server :D

comon X3M got the crapiest server ever they are just such famous coz they sponsoring every second noobclan :)
FYI, X3M doesn't take on sponsorships.

The only thing remote to sponsoring X3M has is a couple of servers under my supervision that I can hand out to people for certain occasions. I guess zP is your every second noobclan right? Perhaps the same goes for

Besides that, if it wasn't for x3m, xfire wouldn't even be running now.

Get your facts straight before you post stupid comments.
yes zP! = second noobclan :D

at least i wont buy a server from X3M there are many better serverhoster in NL tbh :)
that may be your opinion, others disagree, but don't spread stupid information that is simply not true.
i remember that i played ~1 year ago every second match on a X3M server and always was smth like "sponsored by X3M" @connection msg so plz
X3Mservers > *
Hi, the guy that owns and runs x3m is a close personal friend of mine. Do you really think you have more accurate info than I have?
so thats the reason you're commenting to everyone who is saying that x3m servers are shit?
Not that I'm a personal friend of his, no. But cuz I know the servers themselves are quality servers. Therefor I want to know where the problems occur so that X3M can do something about it (like I told you in the other post (inter-isp routing))
haha thats why u defend the servers such hard?

i dont care about personal infos but i know what i saw so plz
If you had cared to read my other posts you wouldn't be such a tard with your kiddy-attitude.
sorry that i read afterwards ...

ronner comon @first look i thought mmh a cool guy and stuff but more and more it builds a new opinion about u why u are such ignorant about other guys opinion? its my opinion that X3M = crap and i know many other peeps who share the opinion so plz dont say just "I KNOW HIM IRL HES 1 OF MY BEST MATES THE SERVERS CANT BE CRAP"

its just my humble opinion :)
I never said that the servers can't be crap cuz i know him in real life. I just said that I have a lot more information on x3m because I know him in real life.

The servers itself aren't crap, simple as that. I'm not going to type the same story again but I already explained tons of what could be the cause of people's problem on x3m in my replies to decem. I suggest you read those so that you see I'm not defending X3M just cuz I know the guy. If they were to be crap then I simply say "yes, they are", but I know for a fact that they are not.

Furhermore to show you that it's not the servers, I msg-ed nizou on irc, like decem said. We did some tracing and came across the fact that the connection gets massive latency in the network itself, which is the cause for finish players on x3m having unstable pings or packetloss. But because I talked to nizou about this we can report this back to Leaseweb (X3M's isp) to show them they need to change the routing and thus improve the service to finish players.
yeah i dont say the server itself lags i wanna say more like the connection of the server lags 4 me and many other peeps but would u rly trace every route from all guys who mean there are lagging?

if u would np then i say gj if not its not a good serverhoster 4 me :)

btw if nobody know that u help against the lags no1 wanna pm u isnt it?
He's right about the crappiness of the servers, though.
x3m servers do suck, they really are crappy servers.
how come? what makes it a crappy server for you?
packetloss, bouncing ping. better and more detailed explanation, /msg nizou
yep but they still suck,

6 months x3m
4months properly working maximum, is my own expierence.
rly? then how come you never contacted me about it?
cos he doesnt play on such crappy servers


x3m are really the worst servers ever oknp
plz if you have nothing useful to add to the discussion then shut up. I was asking Zenix a question, wasn't asking for a dumb remark from your side. He apparently DID play on it otherwise he couldn't have this experience now could he.
he is just stating the obvious.
nah, stating the obvious is saying that the sun shines.
What he did was just bitching cuz he had some bad experience with x3m and then adding stupid remarks like "cos some crappy clans own such crappy servers". That is not stating the obvious that is just being a stupid teen without a clue.

there is tons of things x3m can do about such problems but most of these problems are related to peering between ISP's and thus not the problem of the server itself. if that is the case we can contact leaseweb and have them correct the peering/routing to make sure the traffic from leaseweb gets to other isp's via the best possible way. but if everyone is just continuing to make stupid remarks like "only nubclans have x3m servers" then how can we help them?
umm.. right. well, maybe they should check every x3m server they are hosting? all of them are shit.

I'm quite sure that would help if the thing you said is true and that it's only becuase of that.
did you read what I wrote? it's usually not the servers but the peering/routing between isp's.

if we have numerous complaints from for instance ISP X located in finland then we can contact leaseweb and tell them about this problem so that leaseweb (which is where x3m is hosted) can choose to route their traffic via a different route over the net in order to correct the problem.

thousands of possible locations where a connection could go wrong or get delayed or fuck it all up beyond recognition, however if we just bitch about it without just filing a formal complaint, it will remain the way it is.

Leaseweb has altered the routing several times on X3M's request to improve the inter-isp routing towards various locations in europe, which lead to tons of improvements.

I can assure you, the machines themselves are fine cuz if they were not then EVERYONE should have the same problems, which is not the case. Thus, inter-isp routing is the problem.
u got me there, didnt actually read. how come other server providers got things working but not x3m?
Other providers also host with their own ISPs. The ones that have a good coverage over europe when it comes to having low pings and stable connections usually have good (and expensive) deals with other ISPs in regard to routing their traffic between eachother. Take K-Play for instance. Their routing is superb. They have pretty much great routing to about any european country. However, that comes with a price. A 16 slot PRIVATE ET server with K-Play will cost you 92 euros per month. The same will cost you 17 euros with x3m.

There are ofcourse options for X3M to improve routing in the event that tons of people from ISP X in Finland or ISP Y from norway have ping or packetloss problems. We can then simply contact our ISP Leaseweb and tell them the problem so that they can change their routing to those ISP's. It's lead to tons of improvements already.

So yeah, ofcourse K-Play is superiour when it comes to lower ping s on a wider range of countries and stability, but it also comes with a steap price.
rofl in my no-life time I played too much time on x3m servers and had no probs with them 99% of the time, so dunno what you are talking about.
you still have no life negzor, just like me
i have played on x3m too! and u know why cos some crappy clans own such crappy servers
i contacted patrick, but that was a year ago. For those time that we werent able to play, we recieved 2 weeks extra. That was good service but... i prefer a server without problems.
you still have problems with x3m currently?
wtf that servers are bad you are dumb? you must play nubclan only nubclan likes x3m.
lawl 2 true :<
i just need a serv where nearly everybody got the best ping (israelis and stuff )
k play :o
i asked for low price and high performance :p
proplay! :-)
n1 joke :)
Ich mag den sTREETFIGHTERS server. :o
k-play :)
so true :)
too expensive :(
Both x3m and Game-Hosting sponsor crossfire, if you need a test of either, drop me a message and ill see if i can help
X3M or =o)
K-Play or Game-Hosting, the best fucking servers I've ever played on.
fps does the bio server and at times i can get <10 ping got to love that
20 slot 3months 60 euro, nice

but i never played on a server of this company
is that sarcastic? :<

edit: nvm

is fdnl pub, for me pings around ~8
i try then, i´m in school know :p
servers suck
uQ.Gaming - I bought a server with them and the help is excellent, any thing you need to ask is dealt with. :)
no, if they are good qualitiy for 20euro/month then i take this provider, you have testserv or smth?
für was brauchst du einen?
Parent !
host selber einen du birne!
1st serious journal ever imo :o



edit: is there a such thing which includes low price AND high performance?
every hoster has it ( in his opinion :p ) but i wanted to know from players from different countries how they think

ps: i calculated when i quit smoking i can rent a k-play :D
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