lets talk about the weather

I am living 50 meters from the sea in north Greece near a big city,we are talking about uber mediterrenean climate, and from the one day to the other, the temperature dropped down to [-1, 4] degrees centigrade (in the afternoon) for a few days and the next day (now) its over the 20?!
discuss... 8-|
rofl hard thing for ur healthy imho :)
but it isnt like 20° here isnt it?
what is the name of this _big city_? :>
rofl @ october there was something like ~35-40 ? :D
i dont have a problem with that :>
in a few years i will drown anyways, because the ice in the poles are melting, and i live so close to the beach so gg 8))
fake Greek
misos ollandos, misos ellinas
jebem ti mater
we greeks got scared the shit out of us those days :((
waarom geloven mensen me nooit dat ik half hollander ben en half griek?
er is geen liefde in deze wereld :((((
en dan woon je in griekenland best vervelend
where is the love!
the weather is fucked up in the whole world
the end of the world started
loekino > all
here it is 280 K xD
Let's talk about the weather? k

Finland's frost record is -51,5 °C

Beat that
omg we had -2 °C yesterday and now its 17
yeah, i want your babies <3
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