Admin appreciation journal

In this journal we appreciate the admins of crossfire that do valuable work and keep our site clean from inappropriate content.

image: gj

Picture might be related.
image: cheater_error
[@Crossfire] pebe posted a new journal: need wh -
this is what happens when you unban the cheaters..
take his posting rights away..
No buddies.
Deleted them all :)
Because you have no friends!
Yeah, true I'm a bitter nerd with no ebuddies.
except for most of them i think most of them are doing a good job
Yeah, they are
You are such a stupid cheating kid who is seeking for attention by writing some senseless trollshit here on crossfire, because you already lost in your reallife. Now you are trying to be one of the cool respected guys but you dont even notice that you are failing hard because everyone hates you. YOu are shit. Face it. Stop trying to troll and be a copy of Loekino. You will never reach his level. You will never be respected. You failed already in realllife and in playing ET, because you are a dirty cheatingcunt. Welcome to the next Level of failing in the web. You are officially a braindamaged attentionwhoring idiot without friends.
Are you trying to imply that I would give a shit what people think of me in a gaming related site? :D? Why are people always trying to connect failing reallife into cheating and trolling, I do it because its amusing, if my only friends would be there I'd take this shit site seriously as you do
You put so much effort in beeing noticed by some people here on crossfire...please! What are you trying to effect with this senseless journal? Do you want people to say" Oh wow he is such a cool guy because he is messing with the admins" ? Doing such things in reallife is already retarded , but doing it on a gamingwebsite is even more braindamaged.
YOu are doing it because its amusing? Since when is beeing stupid fun? Yes its fun - for us. Because everyone is facepalming whenever you are making a comment or a journal and everyone is laughing at you. Please gtfo of crossfire and leave us alone with your stupid attentionwhoring journals.
I have actually no other point in this journal other than getting nerds angry and mad cos im stylin on them ;P:)

> leave us alone

No wonder you want to be alone, nerd :AHHAHAHAHA
Thx. If you feel better by calling me nerd then im fine with that. Since im one of the coolest guys here ;)
Yeah I feel alot better.

> one of the coolest guys here
> crossfire

image: HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW
how does been cool benefits you?
Makes him sleep better at night
but i m cooler :-*
Are there rankings? Who is in your cool top 10!
i think i'm up there in the top
Unblind would lead the ranking though
as long as i will be finally recognized as been cool for the first time ever in my life
u are part of it ;)
You must know.. that you're retarded :D:D
I bet the word "styling" has a whole other meaning in belgium.
> Belgium

image: HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW
image: 48
QuoteAre you trying to imply that I would give a shit what people think of me in a gaming related site? :D? Why are people always trying to connect failing reallife into cheating and trolling, I do it because its amusing, if my only friends would be there I'd take this shit site seriously as you do

Whats your job may I ask ?
Job, in real life you mean? I am a student.
Jeh, somehow I expected.
How so? Because I dont take this shit site seriously? :)
There is difference between taking something serious and act like a retard.
Did I say im talking seriously or what are you trying to say?
Before I opened this journal I knew this would be related to cf
I hope this journal post is in queue for garbage deletion.
dunno why, but you're not funny at all :'s. no, i'm not mad. i try to get the joke, but somehow i can't :|. to make a long story short: you failed.
Im not trying to be funny, im trying to be annoying.
uhmm well in that case you succeed for some cf users :dd
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