My Job!

I lost it today..... awesome :/

my life is going well.........

fuck everything
Lost mine 2 weeks ago, start another one in 2 weeks.

1 month holiday. FUCK YEAH.
hang on there m8. Thank god we have KELA here in finland, np!
started mine last week
did they kick u from speedlink?
omg what happend :<!?
=(((( Well, more time to play LoL with me and kevin! :D
share it with your e-friends on a gaming website. sad boy
omaha might be a temporary solution
thought the same.. :P
That sucks, I'm in college right now so its kind of easy to get a job on campus doing something, not looking forward to trying to get a real job, at least right now :S
my room still needs to be cleaned , if interested send pm
=> Army!
prac hard go pro
alcohol might be a temporary solution
Alcohol is always a solution
The cause of and solution to all of life's problems.
Alcohol is never the answer, but it makes u forget the question ;)
don't give up!
kopf hoch ;)
professional gaming might be a temporary solution
Just stay hungry & free and do the best you can, you'll be fine.
tja potter musste weniger zocken und ich sag dir ganz ehrlich bisschen am straßenrand stehen und flyer verteilen ist nicht arbeiten!
I like the girl story even more bro!
have fun at 2 bewerbungen pro woche fürs arbeitsamt zu schreiben :ppp

nee gl bei der suche :)
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