Your favourite drug

Name me your fav drug(s)

It can be whatever

Magic mushrooms or coke!
your mother, fucking crackhead
SKUNK!!!! white widdow, ak47, purplehaze, kush !!!
weed but have been clean for over 2 months
alcohol, weed and sniff
sniff? Elaborate!
havent tried that much. usually weed is ok..funny story: in summer i attended a drum n bass electronic festival, before we left a random smoked one with me. in the car i noticed that the radio turned into a crocodile and that zombies would follow our car. i then wanted to wait 2 hours for the first train to arrive alone in a little town near vienna, i was so afraid of everything that i took it for a walk, when i returned to the railwaystation i jerked off in the hallway there and took of all my clothes. when i was done i went over to the right station and noticed that 4-5 people were standing there suddenly, eyeing me funny.

... heres the map of the corridors....

#1: people waiting for train
#2: me jerking off in hallway number 2 (totally naked)

main corridor
-- -- ---------------------------
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v v
1 2
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and guess from which side you came when you needed to get to number 1.....

shrooms in weed ftw....
and i tried speed once
avi or never happend
that isn't even funny, thats rather pathetic
Yes and an absolute load of crap, shrooms are very psychedelic they're not pcp however
i dont know if it were shrooms i never took shrooms but from what i was hallucinating in the car i would have assumed that it were shrooms ;)
What you described is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. I've tried both mushrooms and LSD numerous times and it's not even anything in comparision. Unless that 'spliff' you smoked contained a serious ammount of PCP or something, that story is bullshit!

E: And if you had inhaled such a huge amount of PCP you'd have been out of it for days.
as i said 3 times already:
i dunno what was IN THERE
it was weed mixed with something else
i didnt notice any funny smell nor taste.
i assumed it were shrooms since i thought shrooms give you hallucinations
but since i never took anything besides weed and speed i dont have a clue.
nice bullcrap story
hm its true but well you dont have to believe it
was it your own weed? mixed with sumthn else?
no as i said it was random weed from random fella i didnt know. i was waiting by the car, we talked and then he suddenly asked do you wanna smoke and i said ok ;)
pregabalin or tramadol.
bibu can tell mine :)
that's kind of romantic :)
chocolate (the super dark one)
sex ofc! but im sure many of you havent get it yet xD
image: kriegsschiff_uss_iowa_feuert

u like the big gunz?
drugs are for retards
u just dont got a life
yea and using drugs is for real lifers, idd
whats whrong whit smoking a joint for example
Yeh indeed, can't understand people who smokes MJ just to be cool, to freely dance in the club or just act like retards (I'm not saying about other drugs as people take them only to show how their life is screwed up).

There's nothing wrong with smoking joints, as far as you know how to behave. I am, for example, "very thinking guy". I simply like thinking, especially when I'm high I love thinking of my life, of my girlfriend. I can spend hours on my chair with good relaxing music thinking of some facts from my life. Of course I like smoking it with a group, have much fun and laugh at everthing or doing it outside, somewhere on the meadow and relax as hell. Second thing is weeds don't affect your health so much as other stimulants, and that's confirmed by scientists. I think everyone has own ways of smoking and there's nothing wrong with it. Just pull something out of this :)

Sorry for pretty long replay but I wanted to do it seeing as many people just want to show they're smoking Marry (or after a few beers are drunk) and act retarded (not related to journal-owner nor commentators)
drugs are bad, joints or fucking cigz, cofee, its shit.
Have you ever tried a joint? It feels awesome when you do it for relax, it's magic. It's confirmed by scientists that it doesn't affect your health very much. Can't say anything about the rest as:

- I drink cofee only when I want, don't do it evey morning/evening etc
- I've never smoked a cigarette, never will
- I've never taken any other drugs except MJ, never will

Although I respect your opinion, it's not like everyone has to share the same opinion. Just don't see any arguments in it :(

btw, I've been clean for 2 months now, I've said I won't smoke till next year and I don't smoke. But I can clearly say I'm addicted to it as I don't want to stop for ever. I just want breaks... and before it I've haven't smoked it very often, once a week, maybe twice for some time, then less times. Now, I won't be smoking everytime, you know, I'll be doing it ocassionaly. And I rether be addicted the way I am to skunk than to other drugs/cigarettes and other things
ofc i did smoke lol
i tried speed, cocain, weed, peprs and all stuff of spray's
nice to hear, and the same to you m8
oh i admire that view on the whole smoking thing, my neighbour which actually is a pretty good friend of mine loves that too, he aint the guy that just wants to get high, he simply enjoys rolling and smoking the stuff. and me too, i never smoked that much that i had to laugh til death or something like that, im casual somehow, hes pro (for like 10 years)
it's like a culture... :)

honestly, I've been smokin since '10 holiday and I already can say I'm fed up with people who simply can't behave while doing it. You know, you smoke a joint in the afternoon, 1h later a friend calls you to come for a joint and he's with his crew. And when you do it you see people who surely shouldn't do it, people who after not even a half of joint are down on the floor or people who laugh as loud that you can't even go outside of the "spot" you're smoking (you can't go shopping or can't go for a walk cause everyone will know that something is wrong with him or even us).

if you have an opportunity just turn good music on, take some ganja on the table and roll the joint, then just ignite it and enjoy the moment fallen in awesome feeling
i agree on everything u say :D
exactly. hate those kiddies who always talks about smoking etc...
me for example love to smoke a joint while listening to music or after school outside whit some friends to end the day :D
hehe nice m8 that we have the same opinion :) that's pretty sad that people use it just to be cool, to impress others

ehh, just keep it real, have fun! :)
Well everyone's to decide that for him/herself. But it's a fact that drugs don't do well to your health.

As I do sports for me it's clear that I wont take them, which makes me a no-lifer :D ( -->sparkyxxx)
no it makes u stupid, since u dont understand a simple fact :D
sorry, replied to you by accident
nothing at all, if you just don't overuse it like any drug :)
i didnt mean it like that, think before u act, look
drugs are addictive, if u dont hawe anything addictive in ur life
ex: music,love,,stuff u like to do then u dont hawe a life :) thats how i ment it...
im not a simple person :)
love this comment
skunk blueberry+jack herer !
devils hill haze
weed , alcohol and sometimes mdma/coke/speed
<3 shrooms
look like me when i was 18

c u in 2 years
mdma en die schit gebeurt egt wel niet veel hoor :p
pak 4 - 5 keer per jaar ofzo :D
is brol maar moet nu en dan eens kunne:p
heroin,lsd,weed,alcohol combo
thats 1 hell of a friday
drugs are a little childish tbh
weed - aint a drug tho and i rarely smoke

xtc - :) didnt use it for a year+ (funtimes at youth)

coke - expensive, but when haz money = friday success

havent tried anything else

want to try:

QuotePeople I have enjoyed playing with over the last 4 years:

And you name Jake and Scott but not me :(((((

but most cannabis
Fixed! I made that list years ago, it's missing loads of people...
Had some fun times <3
I found a bunch of old xelite/dL 3v3 demos last week and our xelite photoshoot @ supply =D

image: XELITE
I don't even remember that anymore :(

If you could upload some of those demos it would be very appreciated btw, Ive been looking for old demos but due to many hd crashes never got very far.
I was heroine once and suddenly dick my mouth.
None, hate all drugs with a passion! Especially cocaine.
Never took drug.
+1 i drink only drugs is for losers :) to be feeling good :p
Alcohol is a drug as well >.>
he isnt that smart :D
I know nothing about this stuff you speak of. :D
dancing in the moonlight, the one and only.
not bothered anymore except for shrooms, lsd and weed. take others every now and then but not so keen on the chemicals anymore. coke is a ripoff but its ok cause its so mild.
Requiem for a Dream :P
weed and shrooms
cat pee aka cheese
XTC pills - ofcourse not that good anymore. Since most of them arent pure anymore.

So in this time better go for Pure MDMA

Some times coke when i wont get the bus :D

Alcohol - Limited and dont like that much

Weed - Only when iam going to sleep

Speed / Pep - @ Hardstyle party's only :D
I clicked on your comment and thought this was a recent journal... :<
PAS OP : koop ze niet in adam alles is hier vervuilt :P
dacht altijd dat je poppers deed

Nee ik heb mn anus spier getraind :$
marihuanka oczywiscie jebac cioranke i piguly xDDDD

grzyby som podobno spoko ale nie biore bo mnei pojebie jeszcze bardziej :D
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