Maths journal!

Yay, another one!

I still need to write one math exam end of February. As we aren't allowed to use calculators and I'm not really fit in mental arithmetics (I kinda ruined the other math exam about linear algebra by miscalculating several times ;x), I'd like to know how I could improve this skill and become faster.

The exam will be about analysis (derivations, integrals, etc in R^n).
lol you cant use calculators? :( poor you btw i havent got any idea how you can improve urself
just dont be online every day and stop studying ETPro - but gl 4 ur exams m8 ;)
:D ich hab früher mit meine oma auf langen Autofahrten die "HL" "ALDI" whatever Prospekte seitenweise zusammen gerechnet hat mir damals geholfen schneller zu werden weil wir hatten 2 und es ging um die wette und damals war sie halt noch bisschen schneller als heut :) (evtl schlägt sie mich heut immer noch :o)
wenn du niemanden hast kannste ja mit stopuhr machen und rekordzeiten aufstellen und versuchen zu brechen :)

imho simpel und mir hat es damals geholfen
omas sind die besten :D
trve die haben das rechnen noch mit patronen und granathülsen gelernt die wissen wie das geht :D
rofl - Germany trümmerfrauen ftw! :D
Natürlich... studier ja Maschbau und nicht Mathematik ;)
Jetzt fällt mir auch ein, das da noch eine Mathe-Klausur fehlt. Numerische Mathematik im nächsten Semester. Sollte aber im Vergleich zu Thermo-Dynamik leicht sein. :x
learn to juggle, it synchronizes both parts of the brain

im serious
hmm when i was doing my advanced maths (at school) i found a sudoku before i started helped me get into gear (yes i know sad)

i now do accounts at uni and Statistics is 1 of my parts which is alot worse than my advanced course. I'm managing though and all i'm doing is reading and asking. I have had to cut down my et time though :( which i doubt you'll be able to as if you could you wouldnt be making this journal in the 1st place :P

1. Do Sudokus
2. Dont be lazy and do your work
3. Ask questions
4. Cut down on et

find me @ if you need specific help though :)
Last time I played ET was beginning of this year. And I don't play any other games either (would only be possible at weekends anyway).
Basically practice makes perfect. The more you can attempt past exams or similar questions the better you will get at them. The main issues I had with maths was getting rid of silly little errors and the best way to get rid of them is to keep doing questions. So if you can get a daily pattern of study going, you will improve exponentially and the pace at which you can do quetions will increase noticeably. Good luck.
I don't have any problems with what I need to learn (well, at least not in maths ;) ), only wanted to know, if some people here could tell me some good ways on how to improve my skills with basic arithmetic operations (getting faster and more secure).
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