
That is Quake Live on an internet page has when Wolf:ET with the same process
with more new maps & textures & maybe little bit hitbox [ETpro hitbox is good but look jaymod is really better , a mix of this!!]???!!! Need to PM the Developer of ET!!

you guess it's a good ideas or not?

YES OR NO ?????!!!!!!


As a young panda cub I was brought out of the forests of the Sichuan province to live with humans, now I work as an undercover ninja-agent for the secret government agency known as IRIS.

image: panda3
cute panda
what the fuck did i just read
ton anglais devient de plus en plus a chier
Use a better translator next time.
Don't steal content off my profile from my achievements without giving me credit nerd.
Jaymod has horrible hitboxes

You dont need to aim at someone to hit
i guess you re wrong,
they are even smaller than the etpro ones afaik.
you really need to aim onto the model to hit.
? Not my experience with jaymod.

Much easier to shoot headshots on jaymod than on etpro for me...
What the other guy said. The hitboxes are a lot smaller. The fucking hitboxes on ET are so wide! You should try play BlackOps after MW2 or COD4... it's like playing ET in 100x100pixels mode.... the hitboxes seem so small.... also they're accurate... you can shoot between legs etc.... NOW THAT'S WHAT WE NEED.
per polygon hitboxes are probably used in more modern games so that the whole of the model is the hitbox not just a volume around it
I'm not sure tbh, if I get it on PC I'l check the hitboxes. COD 4 and MW2 is so similar to ET / Quake 3 it's unreal. Must be the same engine or a modification of the Q3 engine?
yeh cod4/6 were quake3 dervived
Maybe for single player but multiplayer games often use regular hit boxes because it's easier to calculate hits with boxes instead of polygons. The amount of hit boxes when you compare a game like Quake 3 and CoD:BO has probably increased though, I guess they have separate boxes for limbs, while afaik classic ET had just two hit boxes (head and body) and Quake 3 might only have one as I don't think head shots were registered any way different than body shots. Quake Live however seems to have multiple hit boxes (separate ones for limbs) and they are in cylinder shape, maybe the situation in CoD:BO is similar.
yeh per-polygon would be a heavy load for MP without lots of optimisation but i think idtech5 and 6 have it but they'd do lots of trickery to get around it
Oh so that's why I'm better at blackops than at mw :DDD
Fucking cunt, stealing private property of someone. homo
ja was macht denn der pan da?
back from the cluuub :D

saw michael mind liveeee and it was nice !! :P didnt met a new girl there :x but well...u cant have luck every night ;)
blabla malpa jebany cwelu co trty wogole piszessz/
just no :<
somehow now i feel like i need to murder u
pmmed, challenged, idling
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