conflict north/south korea

What do u think about that ? wanna a seriously answers pls..

care or not ?

image: asasa0
is this u in the gif ?
you can tell that this journal is serious by looking at the gif
i just have to get all my stuff ready and then i'm leaving to the nearest shelter
Depends on if North Korea will use a nuclear weapon.

Other than that, I don't care.
If idiotic regimes have one thing, they are good at, it's keeping them in power. Starting a nuclear war which they can't win would be the end of their reign and won't happen for sure. The same goes to really starting a war...
That didn't work out that good for Hitler then, apparently.

I doubt the saneness of Kim Jong-il too.
there was no nuclear weapon in '39.
Obviously. I was referring to his last sentence.
ah, somehow I haven't noticed that last sentence. sorry!
but then again (:D), don't you think germany had all it takes to conquer all the europe. apart from a sane leader :)
Hmm if they had waited 2 more years probably, yes. But in the earlier stages of the war it was winnable as well, if they hadn't come up with the idea of conquering the Soviet Union.
I know I'm contradicting my earlier comment, but Hitler was the first example that came to my mind, although it's obviously more complicated.
thats why i mentioned sane leader :D and i agree, its complicated.
2 totally different situations. Hitler had actually a chance for winning it when he started the war. Fighting just for the lulZ and losing for sure doesn't make Kim Jong-Il happy, I guess. :(
Personally, I don´t think there are any winners in a nuclear war...
Didn't say that - I just said that North Korea and every member of Kim Jong-Ils family would be ashes for sure.
Aahahahhaahhahaha :_DDDD!
Aahahahhaahhahaha :_DDDD!
I heard that there is a new game on the way- Call of Duty: Koreans at War
Imho it was just "only" demonstration of North Korean firepower and make South Korea affraid. But still it can turn into another korean war. Movement of NK is highly unpredictable since there is Kimg Jong Un (or whatever). Let's wait for official statement...
nuke the whole shit, put the israeli's where korea used to be, 2 conflicts fixed.
let them wipe eachoter out, maybe we can finally win some money in starcraft then
The North Korea v South Korea hypothetical war is a war that's never going to happen.

Why? Because it just can’t be allowed to happen on all sides.

You’ve got Kim Jong Il up there in the starving North surrounded by his cult of personality, polishing off a bottle of vodka every night in his palatial mansion while surfing porn on the only non cock blocked internet in North Korea. His health is fucked and he’s about to hand the gravy train off to one of his sons. He picked the youngest one because he’s the least retarded and therefore the least likely to start a war with the South and, by doing so, remove the entire “Kim” family from the human genepool. The North has a huge army but shit equipment and a shit airforce. All they have is a shitload of brainwashed youngmen that they could toss into the ring as human wave attacks like the Red Army did against the Germans in 1941. Result: 3 million casualties for nothing.

In the South, they’ve got a rich ‘democracy’ (are there any real democracies in the world today?) well aware that its capital is in artillery range of their nutty brother. They get a little touchy about this. South Korea is like some famous movie star who has this awkward little brother who has a habit of masturbating in public and ruining famous older brother’s credibility. You can slap him around for doing it but that’ll just cause you even more trouble for child abuse. Your only choice is to sit there and enjoy your prosperity and accept the fact that your brother jizzes on you every so often.

Also, the US has fifty thousand troops in the DMZ, so any conflict here will draw in the US which supplies/allows North Korea heating oil and rice in exchange for them not pulling their dick out of their pants.

Still more, China, that country with 1.3 billion people and who bought more new automobiles than the US last year, well, you see, they use North Korea as a buffer zone on the Asian peninsula against encroaching capitalism. LOL seriously! China slaps the shit out of Kim Jong anytime he gets ‘ronery’ and tries shit with the South because they have no interest in anything that draws the Americans onto the Asian mainland anymoreso than they are already. (Japan, Afghanistan, trade/oil deals with the other ‘stans south and east of the Himalayas)

China is run by savvy engineers who know that the only way to win the global chess game is to win structurally and economically. They view the Americans as trigger happy dumbfucks with a big navy, nukes and no money. Having no money makes Americans mad. China would prefer to keep quiet about it, not say anything about the precarious fiscal situation and allow America to destroy itself all by itself which is a pretty good bet if you’re Chinese and watch US reality TV.

So put down the popcorn, there is never gonna be a war on the Korean peninsula because big guys behind the scenes have too much to lose.

Stolen from
Both China and USA need each other if they want to survive. They are bound by strong economical and commercial links, none of those two superpowers can afford to secede, or the one who does will drag the other one in its own fall...
We will win easily. North Korea superior Korea.
i expected an essay answer from you
Nothing to say honestly. It has been proven time after time that North Korea is capable of killing more than 10 million soldiers in less than 2 hours. Any country that begs the differ may test us, but they are warned. :)
that sounds powerful

how come your so passionate about North Korea, are you from there or somethin?
Im one of the lucky sons. Kim Jong-Il has created many sons. Im one of those lucky guys. He is perfect, that makes me half perfect.
studying korean language? :)
Why study if I am Korean?
how would i know? :)
cant u tell?
i am disappoint
Quite easy:
If NK starts a war with SK (which will be fought in SC2), America and China will hold themselves back because they both dont want to risk a much bigger war which will affect the whole world. That would kill all of Chinas steps toward their industrial power they have nowdays, also it would get the Americans into an other war beside Iraq and Afghanistan which they couldnt afford (not only due to money but also due to soldiers, supply chains).

Just in case there will be a war, the Americans will fight but just with their 35000 Soldiers there who are just going to protect the bigger cities in SK.
couldnt care less
Go back to your cave then
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We'll although I find it scary, nothing WW3-like will come of it. North Korea won't actively start a war without China's backing I'd imagine, and China are not going to want to destroy the world's economy when they're up and coming.
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