football cya

LiEk i go right NoW to LikE the BiggeSt indoor football cup , lIke i am AwAy for Some DaYs and LikE soon i Am in AlLsvenskaN Like I Am Pro xiitor.

lIke GL to myself i Am Pro there n Stuff show of mmy pure football SkillZ like in ET
gL SwedenAlexL pro football playzor
AlexL is pro and represent the truly best of sweden unlike team-sweden CBNC.

So no need to gl cuz u will pwn their asses but hf and not to much pizza before the game, k?
I've to play today @ 21cet
gl pwnerer!!!11
Pls type normal, my old eyes can't handle that shit :)
and it makes you look dumb aswell.
u right to let look this normal he have to add a bit bold and maybe some Anonymousflags :)
and a random pic
random United Kingdomlink could be also n1 :)
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