Killerboy and SLAC

So I got this problem : failed retriving information about latest version,please try...

Basically I cant play. Who cares, it would have been a pub rally anyways.

But the funniest thing is about CB now. A estonian ET player needed to play a offi, but SLAC is shit and wasnt working. He had the same problem as I did. The offi was already set up and they needed to play it. So they asked the opponents (Finland webe and co I think) if 1 player can play without SLAC cause that shit is unreliable and isnt working, they allowed it.( Talk about sore loosers)

Turns out they lost hard and went whining to KB. Killerboy only says :
(+[CB]Killerboy) "if i dont use slac do i lose by forfeit"
(+[CB]Killerboy) you seriously need an answer to that?

Well, how can you force a rule when the program is piece of crap and doesnt work a lot of times?

And oh yeah,

[ 13:23:21 ] (+[CB]Killerboy) maybe its your thirdy country prevent slac from working

And nice CB admin I would say:
(13:24:00) (+[CB]Killerboy) told you i dont care
(13:24:06) (+[CB]Killerboy) as its not my problem

PS. Public logs.

[edit] Human Development Index

Estonia 34

Malta 33 :O :D:D

Seems like he is 3rd world also
(+[CB]Killerboy) maybe its your thirdy country prevent slac from working

And then came decem who had the same problem.

Btw, that wasnt said to me :)
yo infect! Hungary 36

increase (7)
Only Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia need to be conquered !
I can understand his frustration because he's probably being bugged by a whole shitload of people about SLAC, but

"[ 13:23:21 ] (+[CB]Killerboy) maybe its your thirdy country prevent slac from working"

kind of shows that he is jumping on more bandwagons than the HURR I CAN BE POPULAR IF I HATE POLAND DURR one, and he kinda lost my respect with that.
he has nothing to do with slac, dunno why you people whine to him
Maybe cause he's the one that forced a program upon us that obviously doesnt work to the fullest? how can you expect people to use it when it has bugs like this?
how he should've known this will happen? seriously, you guys think that Killerboy has anything to do with SLAC except that he forced it ? ...
Well if he doesnt know, he shouldnt force it?? Why would you force something when you have no idea whatsoever if its working or not? ZING

and besides that, admins insulting people based on their nationality? hmmm..not a smart move either if you ask me :>
funny to see everyone whines @ Killerboy, when he really has nothing to do with it.
he probably forced it, because EVERYONE thought that its better than nothing(pb), and it doesn't cause laggs.
it has already been stated that its not even finished, which means, it possibly has bugs. everyone accepted it, and this whine has been started against killerboy and webe, not because some people can't play.
Everyone accepted it? when? There has been people questioning it since the start. Point invalid.
God you're a moron, Im not saying he has anything to do with SLAC, Im saying if you dont know IF it works, you shouldnt FORCE it.

Done arguing with a lowlife like yourself.
there was a poll, like 'which anticheat you prefer' pb, slac, nothing, and more than 50% of the votes went to slac, so its like voting which would you like to use
so its like voting for anticheat
Quote by dexterbecause EVERYONE thought that its better than nothing(pb)

Quote by dextermore than 50% of the votes went to slac

It actually was 50,2%

and how did you determine 50% = EVERYONE?

Thought so, back to math class kiddo.
Also, if such problems occur he should at least be willing to invest his time into solution so that players and teams dont effected negatively like this.
but how should he make a solution, if he has nothing to do with slac, he quitted et(he said), so still don't get it ;D
seems like I overestimated your intelligence.
probably ye, but did you make something for the community ? i don't know you, but i don't think you did, now how do you except from someone do to ?
I voted there too. I havent played ET for like a year and half now. 3 weeks ago made first pub game after that break.

But my vote counted :D
I am not whining to him about SLAC. I perfectly know that he has nothing to do with the development of it.

Read my message again, twat.
He has always been that way.

He really suck @ ET and always has, so he went to adminning. And then he started to grow a big ego and now he is just helpless twat who really does nothing anymore. Homer and co do all the work :D
"Needed to play offi"

Sunday, 13:00.

image: In-Russia-Forever-alone-is-you
I just joined irc and found that problem :D
Killerboy 1
infect 0
Perhaps it's time for you to quit after all, Killerboy.
you honestly think i care about it anymore?
Thanks, you proved my point here now with your reply.
There is nothing to prove towards a person like you.
And who are you?
Atleast not as noob as you.
Gifted, really :D?

He has been around ET much longer than you.And he hasnt been busted like you :P
hehe you know so much about me :P. I've never been busted!
Sure you have, All bF has been. Why fake names @ a LAN then. But tbh I dont care.
lol, to cover up for sup3r duh
Playing with cheaters isnt nice either !
Atleast i was 100 % sure he wasnt cheating, unlike edgar & his butbuddy crod : )
Crod sucks lol :D:D

He maybe has a mediocre aim but he has like 0 gamesense and he cant play 5on5 nor 6on6
Neither can edgar.
killerboy you calling estonia a 3rd world country with foodstamps is getting old, think of something else

Estonia 34

Malta 33 :O :D:D

Seems like he is 3rd world also
his slac is working tho
Finland decem's isnt.
so what, thats not anybodys fault... it seems many ppl is having the same problem (im not home so icant check it out)

stop being a cunt and agree only on what rules say, rules are wrong many times.

and if theres an amount of ppl that seems to dont get SLAC to work those rules should be a bit flexible (estonian guys trouble) even tho i understand it might be hard to make em flexible..
Thanks for the info.
u are a cunt tbh.
coming from a stupid catalan spammer
point me out some of my spam
and again typical guy who just follows up whatever other says.

if u merege up and use the same flag and be somehow active on cf ull also be on that poll aswell.

yet u could not point out my spam, simple because there isnt any, im just a normal user wearing the flag of my place.

btw, check out the comments on that poll cunt
yes u are spamming at the moment, while i give u proper replies.

"if you get a slac error you're allowed to play without slac"

if i try to run etbot i'll get the same error message or similair (or i can create a fake error or just copy images) etc easy to lame, it all depends on chaplja fixing it asap, i can only apply the rules.
I know u can only apply em.

but many lame ppl is taking advantage of em atm, even if u cant really do anything about it, but u should understand em even if u cant do anything about it.. dont be so defensive to them and throw em some swearing cuz it will just make it worse.

and there seems to be a quite a decent amount of ppl with the same problem.
This thread is image: oblivionpeekaboo.
which game is it ? :D
:o didn't check it :P
thanks :D
maybe its your thirdy country prevent slac from working
Calling finland a 3rd world country:O

Bold man, bold!
Everyone knows Killerboy will mean shit and nothing if he woudnt be a CB admin, he was never playing at good level, let me quote Ronner @ cc6 intervew "First of all he is incompetent, in some cases he dont know border between clean skilled player and cheater". So let me say dude, you are like anyone else so start be a bit more kind for other ppl you are not a fucking God.
He has a point though :D
i won SC Premier and i haven't supervised any cup at CB since last EC, i.e 4months ago
I won a cookie.

And btw, you live in Malta and you play ET @ the summer:O. You really must be pathetic :D
yet i haven't touched ET for 2months and playing 1 offi a week in summer was reallllly nerdy :D

a pathetic life is a guy whos life depends on whether SLAC works
Haha, wanted to play some pub games:D

And yeah, your life kinda is pathetic :D
ye you must be right since i don't care about your problems and i'm pathetic for not caring about a free online game
nice sunglasses bro :D:D:D
thanks man :D:D:D

they costed as much as a months wages in estonia
So, 2000 euros a pair ?

Nice man
"i won SC Premier"

No, it is a triangle.
Yes i am banned, and i was a fool but i rly dont care about it. Now everyone can see, you have no fucking arguments, so can post only red triangles?
Quote"First of all he is incompetent, in some cases he dont know border between clean skilled player and cheater"

Quote Abbas1337 Cheater

is just irony at its best
Yes you banned me cause of pb screenshot from public but look at wiesiek case you always thinking he is a cheater and what? oops you are wrong, but never say sry or omg i was wrong. I think without you et will be closer to death casue you do good work but ffs we are humans everyone can be wrong but be kind for others and give them some respect.
And mr."wannabe cool guy" you have no arguments? So sad...
what is there to argue? you're a cheater and i'm not and so is wiesiek?
now thats a reply i expected from you
ESL > CB?? :D
ESL always wins.. ! !
yup but that wasnt my point ;)
<ESL|M1st3r> i agree CB>ESL in ET

you're not brainwashing your colleagues well enough :(
you are way too serious about it :D chill mate!
isn't it obvious i'm just pulling your leg? :p
KB should learn to behave up to his status
What is so hard to understand? In rules it says "Use SLAC etc". Stop blaiming the admin and blame the opponents... If you win them easy this time you will win them again today when SLAC is on.
and fucking blame the whiners who accepted to play against a non-slac user, DON'T YOU THINK ?
Ain't the way an admin should act.
lol poor 3rd world nerds, get back to work :PPPP
Everybody knows that killerboy is e-kewl and he doesnt care about et players. only licking finnish balls etc :XD
like a third world countryman, he should just ban people and nothing more, tha easy stuff you know? why the hell is he admin anyway?
NorwayNorway #1
NetherlandsThe Netherlands #7

Shock :D
norway is the richest country by far anyway.

(those micro countries dont count tbh)
The richest, but also the most slacker one :D
so what if u are slackers, u guys can afford being slackers!:d

ppl in spain whines because they will have to work more years, but i dont know what they are whining about, if a country cant afford stop working earlier because is poor you should just deal with it:D

on the other hand norways goverment is rich to a point that could pay tons of money to each norweigan civilian every month
True =) Well, people stop working at the age of 67 here I think, and if Norway would take out all their money from the bank the value of money would drop alot i heard :P
i got to admit killerboy got BURNT with this shit countries list
Killerboy is sticking to the rules, you are a retard if you cant see it. So are we, what is the problem? Just another proof how retarded 99,99% of the estonian people are, also the average IQ of a crossfire user. Wonder how none of my mates had problem with SLAC, neither had claimax but LudAs had, are we lame to take a forfeit win from that? If so, ok.

tldr; estonian nerds are mad
u are lame for telling them to rup, then getting owned and then ask forfeit
You didn't stick to those same rules by accepting to play agains them, LITTLE MORON
Speaking about I.Q now ? Go hang yourself
I did? Its each players responsibility to have SLAC on, he didnt have, his fault = forfeit :)
funny journal
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