meet you in 2018


Rhand <3
See you there :-)
i'll be waiting
if you win against russia there they just wont let you leave :p
unless u invest some money in trustworthy guys in suits, who want to escort u safely to the airport :D
trustworthy guys in suits in russia... hmm...
or live for that matter
Corrupted country...
Corrupted FIFA
should have been belgium/netherlands x:p
image: russian-mrl

looks fun over there
kathyusha FTW!
cu, definetly going :D
yes ,c ya there,
me & h8m3 will go to the bestest night club ( singing in kakaroke, dancing & then having a gangbang with topclass chicks fuck yea )
we can take u with us if u'll appear to be cool enough :p
QuoteI also promise, in 2018, i'll speak english like my friend like my friend jack tomson

lol that's some hard work as all he is doing is reading all the time :D
Russia I can understand, but QATAR?!
Fifa trolling irl
Qatar has $$$$$$$$
I'm waiting for the thrilling matches in a heat of 40degrees with no rain in months + the empty stadiums.
Seems like they have cooling systems!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
cya in qatar!
Good thing the host country automatically qualifies, otherwise you wouldn't even be playing.
He still hasn't managed to deal with Euro 2008.
Fifa drunk
his english is worse than forward' one
it's a crying shame , ffs
woulnd't want to be found dead in russia :p
Lol'd @ Qatar. 40 degrees in the summer and no rain, fucking nice choice. Will be the worst world cup ever to be played. USA and Australia would've been a lot better choices. Way to go corrupted FIFA.
The funny part is that looking at your comment it clearly shows you have no clue about what's going on.
Qatar is a world of its own regarding money, they clearly showed that they are able to make cooling systems for the stadiums.
Oh, wasn't aware of that sorry. But do you still think this was the right decision? Cooling systems LOL? What about the millions of ppl who visit the country, I'd say +40degrees is a risk to your health. Or are they going to cool the whole country?

"Unity. We believe it is FIFA´s responsibility to foster unity within the football world and to use football to promote solidarity, regardless of gender, ethnic background, faith or culture

Integrity. We believe that, just as the game itself, FIFA must be a model of fair play, tolerance, sportsmanship and transparency"

This matches well with a host where men can have 10 wives and women have limited human rights (YES THEY ARE ALLOWED TO DRIVE CARS).
I'm kinda disappointed that FIFA's brand doesn't stand for environment & nature, because It'd be fun to see the explanation why Qatar was chosen.

Money talks here, FIFA & Blatter are corrupted idiots.

The only good thing is a slight hope, that when they give away some of the stadiums to poorer countries after the Cup, Finland could get a new stadium! (Which is built by slave-like immigrants from poorer countries,,,,QAT,4562d8cf2,484f9a3732,0.html)
"women rights" Haha, great joke, m8.
:D That's idd the shortest joke in the world!
Can't be drunk in a public place though! Which I know may sound bad, but thats quite a big deal for a lot of fans..
one of the richest countries on the planet yet only has 1.7m people in it.

FIFA wants $$$$ so FIFA gets $$$$
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