very strange lucid dream

hi crossfire!
i think the time has come for another journal by myself, it's been rare lately, I know, it's just since i moved out i have no real interest in gaming at the moment, only my wii is setup and im currently playing a bit of twilight princess, which i haven't got very far with yet.

what i wanted to tell you about today, is my lastnights funny experience with a lucid dream, that never ever happened to me in that way before. at first i fell asleep on my new leather couch in front of tv, where i was watching "the rock" with nick cage, later zapping trough the channels only to get stuck in front of "signs", you know that "horrormovie" with mel gibson where aliens invade a planet which's surface is covered in 2/3 bare water only to find out they are deadly vulnerable to it..anyway, as i said, i fell asleep but only to notice that i immediately started dreaming.

i was still lying on that specific couch and all of that room was still there but my body would only move with like 25 frames/s instead of 125 (im quite certain, u know the feeling).

well, usually those kinda dreams end by becoming nightmares for me and since i watched signs (not that i would fear that movie..xD) i supposed it would be better for me to wake up at the very same moment, which i managed to succeed with by overthrowing the couch table (only in the dream).

wenn i was still clutching to the couch, sweating a bit since i still wore all my clothes, i thought about the movie inception, which imo was a very nice piece of art and showoff of possibilities in what to do within a dream.

so i thought of entering a new level of dreaming, i cant for sure tell apart, at this moment, if i was awake or not but i would rather say, no i wasnt again. at some point i must have woke up tough, since i tried to fall asleep again shortly after (for a third time). i closed my eyelits, burried myself deeply under my blanket and thought about if i was asleep already or not by trying to move my fingers and hand. only moments later i would feel my head rush, becoming a crushing feeling, which is very close to that one, you feel when you close-clutch your eyes very hard, only stronger.
if you believe it or not, i somehow could tell apart now dream from reality so i actually noticed the very exact moment of me falling asleep and waking up somewhere else.
whatever happened in that dream, i must say, far from my precending lucid experiences, this one was totally different.

the dream itself, mainly the ludic part, was very long-lasting, longer than ever before.
also what happened inside there, which i will not discuss here ofc since it should be rated 18+ (cough cough), i can say, even tough i was "finished" i didnt wake up, what would usually happen in that kind of dreams. all the time i thought about that inception-movie and about the little totem they had while i was asleep. i had 2 more "finishes" :D... then a storyline applied, which i don't remember at all. all i can say about it, that i played it trough the whole time and that i got myself to a happy end there somehow.

at least once i had a little nightmare between, somewhere.
usually i would have feared those figures but last time i posted a comment on a journal about lucid dreaming, some crossfireguy gave me the advice simply to ask the figure what it' wants. that is what i did this time too, the last nightmares i had ended with me punching that figure, usually not developing any fear at all.
so well..uhm...:D

tl;dr i know but some may be interested

Ps: ive had some weird situations a couple of times like diving only to wake up and have the feeling about somebody beeing in the room and also still feel the watter pressing against my head for as long as my eyes were still closed after waking up.
so this is not very new to me. this time i actually created an ak47 and a few other weapons, which i shot some things with, from tiny little blocks to other things.
i think i also shot some of my enemies^^
wall of text
can u write an essay now? pls
I'd ve been grateful if you had add some CAPITALIZED letters, way easier to read....
since theres alot of ppl that are gonna say tl;dr, could you maybe summerize it ? :D
i'm kinda intrested cuz you said "..have the feeling about somebody beeing in the room.."
i'm very intrested in paranomal shizzle :>
yea sure. i mean it happened a few years ago and already tried to talk with some people about it but as you may know usually nobody will believe that something like that is even possible, to close-minded.
well what happened back then was, that in the dream i was at a beach with a girl i liked at that time, she aint very beautiful but she was very nice, a school mate. so we went to that beach and started swimming, later on we would dive into the water. as far as i remember that was the point where i noticed i was dreaming. so just to summarize it:
we dived. deeper and deeper.
i saw funny colors and whirls all around me, the got dark very soon. i expected a nightmare and tried to wake up. and i tried very hard. usually i could wake up instantly from any dream by simply moving too fast or too rapidly, this was the first time i wasn't able to do so. i panicked. something dark and big was approaching trough the water, i remember seeing the headless body of the friend at the bottom of the water and rly that was annoying..i spun around as hard as i could and somehow managed to wake up in my room, my eyes still closed and pressing hard so they dont open at all. i feel a very hard crushy weight on my ear (i was lying on the side so the pressure came from top, i dont remember if it was the right or left side). i had the feeling something was standing in my room so i didnt dare to open the eyes, the pressure still holding and pressing me down. then i ripped my eyes open and suddenly the pressure was gone and everything was back to normal. it was just very dark and i had this awkward, bad feeling inside.
internetz said something about a creature called "mare"..well ;) thats it
what the fuck is wrong with you?
k well, when i read
Quote..which i will not discuss here ofc since it should be rated 18+ (cough cough).. was just very dark..


I thought about the Succubus
but theres not alot of info on wiki about it..
But i'm thinking like its something paranormal, it could just have been something medical, i dnno :>
never herd about a succubus? :D
no, is that weird? xD
nah ^^
not alot of young ppl are intrested in that sort of paranormal stuff :p
yeah i thought about that mare too, its an old, ancient creature. and no, in that pressure dream i had no sex.
last night i did tough, 3 times and 3 times i even came so usually i would wake up right after but that didnt happen this time ;)
i can't help but ask, did you jizz your pants while you were sleeping?
it might have been bimbot a dark creature haunting hackers

so here, take this random animal

image: 4185174828_9c8da5e933_o
looks just like my turd
your turd has eyes? :o
paragraphs and capitals or fuck off
we dont care about your DreaM
why the D and the M in capital letters?
he recalls it to the ET team, hes addicted :<
Quotei was still lying on that specific couch and all of that room was still there but my body would only move with like 25 frames/s instead of 125 (im quite certain, u know the feeling).

too specific
paranormal activities 3
Congratulations, you had your first real wake induced lucid dream (-> Keep your mind awake while your body falls asleep) and due to you panicking and not knowing the feeling your fears became reality in the dream.
Had the same dream for over a week where I was in my bedroom, everything was perfectly 1:1 authentic but I knew I was dreaming and this invisible entity would start to grab my throat and drag me to the ceiling. So after 4 days or so I was like, dude this is getting fucking old, what do you want? Fucking show yourself you pussy.. And he did.. was the most ugly thing I've ever seen.. Best discribes as a Demon.

He let me down and the first day I tried to punch him and he just laughed so I gave up and asked him if we couldn't be friends and he agreed.. Then he went on to tell me things about the nature of reality, I mean that dude told me shit That you read on spritual forums on the internet these days and back then I never even heard of such things.. Anyways he also told me about my spirit body and that I could do anything I wanted when I was dreaming because I wasn't bound to the laws of our wordly physics while asleep..

So I was like, cool, can I go outside and instead of walk just make huge jumps n stuff. He was like sure.. So I went outside... again everything was perfectly 1:1, totally real.. Then I started to jump, it was sort of like low gravity and I was jumping all over my town.. 30-50 meters in the air.. All the time I had telepathic communication with him... I asked him if I could fly.. and he said go for it... so I was flying... Did lots of other stuff aswell..

The next day I was just talking to him about all kind of stuff and suddenly got this telepathic communication with loads of information on this entity and I realized how evil he really was... All the info also told me how to get rid of him and that was by tuning my radio to a certain frequency... so I was still talking to him and stuff and was sort of scared and ran over to the radio as fast as I could and tuned the frequency and he disapeared...

Since then I've never been bothered by weird nightmares where you feel watched etc :O

Had this dream about counterstrike once and woke up, went to the bathroom, took a nice piss and went back through the hallway back to my room and all of the sudden I hear this quiet shooting noise and I get a really bad pain in my leg... I was like wtf is happening and then I turn arround and I see a few 10cm terrorists shooting at me with ak's... :D

Then I stomped em dead and just stood there thinking wtf, I'm awake, how can this be happening, am I going nuts?

and then I woke up :DD

had so many weird dreams where I couldn't tell if I was awake or not.. Could also shape my dreams like I wanted to, one night before I went to bed i thought about an idea and made it come true in my dream... idea was to be able to jump into walls n shit without getting hurt, sorta like they're made out of jellow so I could just go nuts and jump off builldings and whatnot... then in the middle of the dream when I was done trashing my whole room, jumping into walls, smashing myself in the glas table n shit I thought I'd make a tower on my coffeetable with chairs, pillows snd so on.. so then I'm standing on top of this with my head against the ceiling ready to dive down into the floor head first and then I was like: Oh shit I can't do.. I knew I was asleep but I thought that maybe I was standing on the edge of my bed and was gonna jump and then I woke up :DD
wtf :d

I never had any dreams, good or bad(nightmares) :p

lucky me :DD
you do, but you just don't remember them.
I once had a fucked up dream, I used to live in a large farmhouse so the house was kinda old... In my room, the head of my bed was at the window and the top of the window kinda overhung so it was above my head. One night, just like a normal night i don't particularly remember having a specific dream, but i do remember only one thing.

I heard this voice, whispering to me, but it was so quiet i couldn't make out what it was saying. The voice was getting louder and louder but still in a whispering kinda tone.

Until eventually, one time it basically shouted at me and it said "wake up, wake up Tom, WAKE UP NOW"

And as i heard this, i shot up into an upright position so i was sat up in my bed. And at the EXACT same time i did this, a loose brick from the top of the window frame fell out. And because it was directly above me, it landed exactly where my head would of been on my pillow.. If i hadnt heard this voice, and moved, it would of most certainly hit me square in the face...

That was the weirdest thing i ever experienced.
thats one hell of a guardian angel you have there mait
i would be like


running chicken ;D
I would say, problem farmhouse? ":D"
tip: i always used to wake up by closing my eyes really hard (in-dream) and then opening them really fast and wide, you know like you see in movies you have a nightmare you wake up sitting on your ass with your eyes wide open, i guess i wanted to achieve that effect.

but i guess what matters to wake up is that you actually believe in it that you are actually GONNA wake up after you do a certain movement or w/e, i had many other things to wake up but they were all the same thing it was just by believing that after you do that you wake up, thats what matters in the end i guess

btw that startling or w/e you use to wake up is a really bad manner as you may panick and not wake up at all and just create more fear in yourself :P

nowadays i dont even dream anymore kinda hate it tho was fun sometimes :D

edit: i guess this weed really makes me more smart, its only 1 o clock and my brain-usage is way too high for this early time :D
well my dreams are better,you know one of those dreams when u dream that u dream but u dont dream but u actualy dream?well i had that dream
well last night i had a dream that i was falling down a building,but i didn't wake up,and i fell right at the ground,then i saw myself in a coffin getting buried , scary shit bro :D
And then it was just a dream, u jumped out of the coffin and said: problem coffin? ":D"
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