
Here in Denmark this is a big fuzz about the release of Cataclysm.

Already now GameSop & Blockbuster has began selling it. Blizzard has contacted most of the companies selling it before time but still no one has stopped it.

It's funny since almost every company has advertised that they will be holding nightopen to sell it at precisely 00:01 to the first costumers.

I know from StarCraft II, Blizzard was dealing out fines for over 50.00 € to each game sold before time.

What about your countries? have they started selling it?
as of today, yep
pre-ordered, already downloaded it, gonna nerd it instantly when it becomes available :P
Here in Belgium this is a big fuzz about the date of Aalborg LAN
Bigger hype around Aalborg LAN here.
Great game yesterday :P
No, not really hahaha
got it from battle net so no need to buy!
going to nerd hard !! :D

waiting for reply from h1ko
expected, ur a freaker as we predicted.

problem prof?

e: Yes, the master will reply.
We won World of Warcraft
If this means they'll lower WotLK to a more reasonable price and retail Cataclysm at an alright price, I'll start playing again in about 2 weeks.
They've lowered all the prices apart from cata's
You sure? Surely this is hardly a discount:

Upgrade to Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King

Wrath of the Lich King

Digital Copy

34.99 €

Missed out on the sale they had, should of gotten it for 10 E but as usual, I neglected the e-mails Blizzard send me about it, passing them off as yet more spam.
Sorry, far as I knew it was 10euro from now on. :(
I'm missoing something... oh yea, LAN place
Aalborg LAN.
explain me one thing
your mom is selling her body there
Cant wait until 00:01, 40 h lan inc! No Sleep Luleå!
The servers aren't online yet anyway so no point in buying it now.
There's a point, you'll be the 1st who'll login to the new game, if you're fast enough!!!!1
Ye, but people have already pre-ordered it anyway @:D

e: and downloaded it.
Ye I know, still, the feeling of being 1st to connect to a new World..Probably feels great :P
iirc, you dont have to pre order it to download the cata stuff (you had to change something in data and you could download all the cata patches without buying it)
Just preordering here
Gonna get it day I come back from uni :$$:$
im not gonna buy straight away, i think ill get mine at january, too much fuzz ingame when it comes out
almost alborg
Gonna buy it at 00.01 :D
Will play it most likely, dnno when though.
well, stopped playing wow 2 weeks ago :D I just dont have the time anymore, so i decided to stop with cata (its better for me, i know myself :D)
hahah wow du spakken
besides ET, is WoW gonna be played in Aalborg lan?
predownload ftw <3

allready instaleld n stuff
Fucking WoW nerds -,-'
all my nerd friends have a copy already
preordered at blizzard shop
Fucking nerd.
we are selling it tomorrow
I haz zeh shirt and zeh game!
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