ET Medal

France Bruceh found his old ET Medal won in France FrenchLan 2 (Ok it's write France FragLand 3 but he won it in FragLand 3)

image: DSC01083_640x480
image: DSC01084_640x480

What's are you thinkin about this medal? :)

Made by France (I forgot his name)
1st is nice:p
It's the same one but there is 2 side
nice english
lol : D
Nice medal :D
heheheh i got like 30 of em :P
ehm, it's true

4time national champion in basketball my age, soon to be 6 cuz we defeated our only good opponent in the semifinal already and we're prolly gonna roll das national cup aswell so im not lying :P

oh and only lost a game once or twice here in estonia, and that was during the regular season so it doesn't matter at all

oh and also years back when we were like 10 or so we used to pwn every random cup and thats why i got so many medals, we'd have much more but we cba to play random cups anymore and we're focusing on EYBL
Yes but... you're busted... nobody care about you...
well why the fuck did you reply to me then? :D
Because i want to believe, one day you'll say sorry to god for cheating
oh man you must be seriously handicapped
Nice english
nice one
lol they mad

driving the truck before getting the flag :o
2 Possibility:
- Full hold
- Escort after getting flag
Thats one nice medal. :)
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