Random pic Jrnl. #1

So imma start a new trend.
Every day I'll be posting either a retarded, dumb, stupid, useless, funny, fucked up, random pic
(Hopefully admins are willing to be nice and not ban ?)
I have no intentions of trolling... just to start a random trend on crossfire!

So...hope you have fun checking out some dumbfuck pics.

image: 11rzv9u

I found this pic on either Deadmau5's facebook or Infected Mushroom's
I don't remember which, but I think it's Infected Mushroom's.
So ye, first pic of an EPIC TREND

bye-bye crossies! <3
worst idea EVER
Nope!!!..It's epic!
you define epic?

idea sux dick anyway.
Not to me!
I think the trend you are talking about is already born, even before you joined crossfire...
It's brand new for me!
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