problem, sneijder?

image: Trollface

this is serious journal. i'm not wesley's fan, but i think he should be in top 3 this year. but i dont know in who's place, really :). anywa, that italian journal already said it's iniesta who's going to win. i hoped for XAVI, but well, andres is also good :)
biggest joke ever that messi made it to the top 3

players like sneijder, robben and forlan should be there instead of him

most overrated player ever

messi played cl final last year...OH WAIT
messi played Wc final last year... OH WAIT
Yeah, 15 goals in 12 league games, so overrated.
christiano ronaldo has 16 goals in the premiera division so far !

+ 3 in cl

Gekas has 13 goals in the bundesliga so far and he costs only 3 mio :o

You cant just look on the goals
okey first of all the bundesliga doesn´t count its a shit league , and second of all Messi is the best in the world and hes gona get the pocal no doubt
bundesliga is the 3rd best league
yea +1
Huntelaar is doing good aswell :)
only the spanish and the english ones are better :S
Quote by RazzahYou can't just look on the goals

Yes, you can't. Just watch some Barcelona's matches and see for yourself that Messi is also a great teamplayer. Without him, Barcelona loses very much of their teamplay.
I think xavi and iniesta are the team players that messi needs them to perform on his best. With Argentina he doesn't have that and you can notice that.
I agree with you. But notice what function Messi had on WC. He was a typical playmaker. He wasn't a winger or a forward. He was distributing the ball to his teammates in front - Di Maria, Tevez and Higuain. He just had a different role on WC than in Barca.
Yeah, but CR also played 14 matches, hence Messi has the better scoring ratio.

And the market value is a combination of accomplishments, age, potential and contract clauses. Messi has been playing top notch for the past 6 years despite being only 23. Theo only played a couple of decent seasons while being 30 already. Apart from scoring he has no value to the team, unlike Messi who manages to tear apart entire defenses once he has one of his many brilliant moments. Messi also scored 103 goals in 156 games which Gekas didn't in far over 200 games.
it's about being "best player" not a "player having best team" or "player winning most thropies" or "player getting furthest in all competitions" :). i'm no big fan of messi, but i have to admit, he's playing awesome since few seasons.
No, Forlan is a joke... He won Europa league, what a fucking accomplishment :/
and during the wc, he scored some nice goals, true, but he can't do much things with the ball in the game... He is overrated and haven't won enough last year to claim for any award..
So basicly you are saying that being loyal to weaker club makes you overrated and bad player? òÓ Forlan would succeed in topteams nowadays and winning Europa League with At.Madrid is a great accomplishment in my opinion. Still not sure whether he should be in top3 but dont think that he is overrated...
Well I'm not sure he would succeed in the greatest clubs in Europe (that's my opinion, but I could fail aswell)
To win the ballon d'or, you have to be a great player but who also won something with the team, that's why wining "only" Europe League isn't enough according to me
He is the best player in the world. Just watch his recent performance vs. Real.

He can't help it if his entire national team is shit!
messi out, he played nais year but accomplished nothing comperd to the rest
ballon d'or is about accomplishments? or about being best footballer?
accomplishments are prizes for your skills,
no, they are prizes for the skill of your team.
he outclassed both iniesta/xavi till the start of this club season. he's in a kinda bad shape lately imo. not saying that he's bad at all or something, just missing his constant deadly passes/shots
oh, how exactly is sneijder better than xavi? how did he outclass xavi or iniesta? by one off-side goal that lead inter through the semis?
He is involved in almost every goal Inter/NL made last year.
so what? xavi and iniesta couldnt be involved in every barca and spain goal, because there are many other great creative players in their teams, so it's harder to shine. and still xavi is a fucking motor of the teams he is playing.
was just my opinion. opinion based on his style compared with xavi (eventho most people say xavi is a midfield magician). But on the other hand i agree that outclassed is a bit harsh word used here. As i said, his attacking creation, deadly passes/shots made him a bit better, again for my opinion. It's also hard to compare both players. Xavi is totally used to attacking, brain play of barcelona and also spain. Wesley is playing a bit different role in Inter, not possible to show every quality that he has due to "sucky" italian style. Sorry for my english, it sucks :S
i dont mind you having your own opinion :) the point is, having right to an opinion doesnt make that opinion right, thats why i asked for some argumentation :D.

well, i agree they are different. weasley is more direct, xavi is guardiola's heir. but i'd say that this 'sucky italian style' (as you called it :>) is good for sneijder, because he couldn't really perform in spain (or was it all fault of real?).

i think your english is just fine :)
at first have to say you're prolly the first person here that is able to talk constructively w/o any hatred! two claps for you ;) You got me wrong, never said my opinion is right. It is just my point of view on that. Right decision already came from FIFA :P About italian style, can't say that's right thing for him, eventho he extended his contract with inter. I think problem was in real. Take vd vaart for an example.. nothing really special in madrid but now he's dominating under redknapp. Wesley also performed very well with holland and i think they played way different, way more attacking and entertaining.
just tired.
that's true prolly. hope he'll be back in his form asap :S
yea and ajax too :)
hehe true true! what's going on lately btw? u'r dutch u should know some more details.. heard there is some internal hate between players/staff or something. They impressed me at the start of this season. But now.. first they lost to AZ then Nijmegen last week (also lost my bet ticket cuz of that :SS), then Jol left. Atleast they won milan today, so they're in europe league now but i think it's time to win eredivisie!
Up and downs, nobody knowns why.
Jol and Blind had some internal problems together. Maybe it has something to do with daley blind not getting a chance.
Thomas Müller in. That kid isn't overhyped enough yet.
this is for the whole year 2010, and sneijder's shit this season, so there you go
yeah, we dont give awards to anemics!
well, yeah, but still it's a bit unfair, i think, for how he decided the games during spring and summer.
Sneijder playing more games than anyone else. What do you expect? It's impossible to stay fit the entire season. Just like Tour the Dope.
Why dont they make it a top 4 instead
Why not give out 5 ballon d'ors? Then even CR could win something!
Xavi best player ever :]
Messi will win. No doubt that he is the best player atm. But because I don't like him, I hope Litmanen would win. Useless topic btw, people shouting their own favorite players. OMG FORLAN SHOULD WIN!!!! Would be a fucking joke if Iniesta won.
Some people tend to forget that iniesta also was injured last season for a while.
sneijder shud be in there an win. period
Xavi > Iniesta, but very very close :P
Messi > Xavi = Iniesta

: )
Kinda :)

But without Xavi + Iniesta, Messi ain't that good :P
tbh he would be still, but Xavi and Iniesta make him even better because they can always receive the ball.
they are just different :). i really wouldn't try to call either a better player. i would only say that xavi's role seems to be more important in longer perspective.

iniesta is more dynamic than xavi and can dribble more than xavi can. but xavi has this something special... :)
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