R_mode 8 !

Would like to play on this r_mode, but my config sucks with it. Anyone can give me a nice config with r_mode 8
or a site where I can make my own config with all the cmd's.
thnx in advance
it's in my profile
it's in my profile
Shut the fuck up you retard...
"It sucks on it" - why?
Can't see the oppo good in some maps, can't hit a shit
If you have non-CRT screen, higher resolutions tend to look choppier, thus making aiming a bit harder.
And if you are doing just fine with your old resolution, I think you shouldn't change it. If you still want to, try:

r_picmip 3
r_gamma 2.5
r_mapoverbrightbits 3
r_intensity 1
r_overbrightbits 1
r_ignorehwgamma 1

I can see enemies fine enough with that.
Ye I got a tft, I know crt is also better. I still would like to play with r mode 8. Do you maybe know if the 120hz tft's are any good?
My TFT feels a lot choppier with mode 8, so I'm just using 6. It's close enough for me.
And tbh the 120 Hz TFT's are overpriced compared to what you would get with a CRT (if you need a special screen for gaming at all)
nah don't need a screen just for gaming, just overall movies etc
so a new widescreen would be nice
Spirea and zerender if I remember correctly had 120 Hz TFT's. They said it's good but not as good as a 120 Hz CRT.

If you're gonna buy one I suggest you do a little Googling and see some comparisons of the 120 Hz screens, then buy the one that has the best price/goodness-value (but this of course is obvious :p)
Got a viewsonic vx2268wm, it's allright on native resolution (1680x1050) with 120hz. But like Sungi said, a 120hz CRT is just better.. Input lag is not really noticable unless you switch back and forth from a CRT but it's pretty insignificant imo. Get's a bit tricky with ATI cards and other resolutions tho, need to scale the image via Catalyst Control Center but works on 120hz with every resolution if you do so..

Also there's no blurr on certain res's like on a CRT but the overall quality isn't as good on non-native resolutions.

Some people liked the BenQ 120hz @ dreamhack and some didn't, I'd get that if I was buying one now but do some research, maybe test a few in the shop if you can..
it's in my profile
Maybe r_mode 8 just sucks in general, you thought about that? eh? eh?
Mine, just change rmode 6 to 8 :OO :D
8 sucks use 4
jakacz? used r_mode 8 I believe
my config very nice :) has r_mode 8
my config very nice :) has r_mode 4
my config very nice :) has r_mode 8
my config very nice :) has r_mode -1
BossHK's config

pmme but it will cost u 100e, low price for BossHK's config though.
dont use r_mode 8 on non5:4 screen :/
i've got r_mode 8 and the samsung rz2233 120hz monitor.

r_mode 8 on a widescreen.
i cant hit shit with everything but 8, i tried.
maak gwn custom
Quoteseta r_smp "0"
seta r_mode "8"
seta r_customwidth "1280"
seta r_customheight "1024"
seta r_depthbits "24"
seta r_stencilbits "0"
seta r_stereo "0"
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_texturebits "32"
seta r_clampToEdge "1"
seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"
seta r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
seta r_ext_NV_fog_dist "0"
seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0"
seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
seta r_ati_truform_pointmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_POINT_MODE_LINEAR"
seta r_ati_truform_normalmode "GL_PN_TRIANGLES_NORMAL_MODE_LINEAR"
seta r_ati_truform_tess "0"
seta r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0"
seta r_glIgnoreWicked3D "0"
seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
seta r_ext_multitexture "1"
seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"
seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
seta r_allowExtensions "1"
seta r_glDriver "opengl32"
seta r_nolightcalc "0"
seta r_lightningSegmentLength "32"
seta r_wateralpha "0"
seta r_glasses "1"
seta r_lowMemTextureThreshold "40.0"
seta r_detailtexture "1"
seta r_loadbias "2"
seta r_vertexLighting "1"
seta r_vertexLight "1"
seta r_picmip2 "3"
seta r_lowMemTextureSize "2048"
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"
seta r_drawStrips "0.0000"
seta r_megaTilesPerSecond "9999"
seta r_megaFadeTime "500"
seta r_CompressModels "1"
seta r_preloadTextures "0"
seta r_drawfoilage "0"
seta r_shadows "0"
seta r_vortexlighting "1"
seta r_picmip8 "5"
seta r_mapobjectbright "4"
seta r_mapoverhtBits "3"
seta r_fullbright "0"
seta r_segmentlength "3"
seta r_ati_trueform_tess "0"
seta r_dlightScale "1.0"
seta r_trails "1"
seta r_bullettrails "1"
seta r_sub "9999"
seta r_ext_swapinterval "1"
seta r_ext_texenv_add "1"
seta r_allowSoftwareGL "0"
seta r_noportals "0"
seta r_clear "0"
seta r_showmodelbounds "0"
seta r_shownormals "0"
seta r_showsky "0"
seta r_showtris "0"
seta r_debugSurface "0"
seta r_verbose "0"
seta r_nocull "0"
seta r_drawentities "1"
seta r_norefresh "0"
seta r_lodscale "5"
seta r_flareSize "40"
seta r_lightmap "0"
seta r_drawfoliage "1"
seta r_nocurves "0"
seta r_wolffog "0"
seta r_cacheShaders "0"
seta r_cache "1"
seta r_directedScale "1"
seta r_ambientScale "0.5"
seta r_zfar "0"
seta r_znear "3"
seta r_singleShader "0"
seta r_intensity "1.5"
seta r_mapOverBrightBits "3"
seta r_colorMipLevels "0"
seta r_uiFullScreen "1"
seta r_inGameVideo "0"
seta r_picmip "0"
seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
seta r_rmse "0"
seta r_detailtextures "0"
seta r_overBrightBits "1"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "1"
seta r_oldMode ""
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_customaspect "0"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"
seta r_subdivisions "1"
seta r_ignoreFastPath "0"
seta r_lodCurveError "60"
seta r_lodbias "0"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
seta r_fastsky "1"
seta r_drawSun "0"
seta r_dynamiclight "0"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
seta r_finish "0"
seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
seta r_textureAnisotropy "1.0"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_gamma "2.500000"
seta r_facePlaneCull "1"
seta r_railWidth "16"
seta r_railCoreWidth "1"
seta r_railSegmentLength "32"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_trisColor "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"
seta r_normallength "0.5"
seta r_highQualityVideo "0"
seta r_lastValidRenderer "ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series"
seta r_displayRefresh "85"
maybe try r_mode -1 ?
don't have widescreen so no thnx

just change resos

don't use it :)
inb4 dualinty or spie posting screenies of their configs
WON'T DO! :-p

Speciaal omdat jij nu eigenlijk vraagt om het niet te doen! <3


écoutez mes amis, je ne veux pas etre méchant mais vous etes ici grace à la main de henry! :-p
olbaa his config is really nice :)
my cfg @ gamersfiles.net
Try Mietek's @ r_mode 8, if you want something special ^^ BossHK's is awesome aswell :P
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