kamz (barry)

kamz added me on facebook and keeps pmming me telling me hes gonna beat me up and make sure no one is gonna ever play et with me.
I then asked him nicely to stop sending me invites which he didn't do,it got so bad that he sent maybe 1 a day.
Then i asked him on irc to stop, upon doing so was sent pm's on facebook, saying vile crap like "i so badly want to smash your face in" and "i hope your fucking family die's in a fire".

i scared
he accepted my invite on FB not so long ago yay :D
:D funny thing dude :D
I would be too. He looks scary :X
you scared
immigrants hating on immigrants. np
asian invasion
I wish kamz was spamming me on facebook
lol thats the funniest thing ive seen all day...
so do i, ur a faggot and ill kill u if i even see ur fat face
that's not very nice
Im such a badass
You fail at being funny
You dont, because ppl just have to look at ur forehead.
You're fat, unpopular and by far the worst player in your team
looks like someone is mad ! :-)
Far from it, just stating some facts since you decided to pipe up. I'm off anyway, have fun replying and getting your little side kicks to harras me
You can't call him fat, he is not that fat... Unpopular ? Just troll-hate, nothing important, and I think you would like to be the worst player in Impact (TLR), wouldn't you ?
If u think R0SS is fat, how about some1 like image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTLMRB_8orD5DFW56wwTTVMdFoDurdwWpMhq-ntTv9RUrA_0OY_eg R0SS might weigh few kilos more than average brit of his age but he definately is not fat
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