Julian Assange got arrested

For presumed sexual assault, they cant get more low. since when the whole interpool goes crazy for a pressunt sexual assault?:D


Mastercard cancelled Wikileaks account in order to boycott em from getting donations, so did Paypal and Visa.

Worldwide corrupts united against wikileaks. Wikileaks showing off all the bad things they did in the war etc etc etc and now they get arrested :DD nice freedom of speech. and i thought we were the 1st world.

Julian Assage the Che Guevara of this century.

btw just curious did they brain wash u ppl? (from USA, UK and perhaps sweden) against julian?:D
What does freedom of speech have to do with sexual assault?
u really think sexual assault has anything to do with his arrest at all? thats what they say, all they want to do is arrest him to make him shut...

thats why the "since when the whole interpool goes crazy for a pressunt sexual assault?:D"

while he is under custody usa has more time to get an order to arrest him because of all the leaks.
You don't need to arrest him to "shut up" Wikileaks, all the files are readily available and his co-workers will obviously release those anyway. They also mostly rely on leaks within a government or other institution, so shutting him behind bars (if found guilty) won't change anything.
those are already realsed yes, so? its to stop wikileaks from leaking more stuff..

u think its any good for the governemtn to have somebody like wikileaks telling the ppl what they actually do?:d and u support the governement after what they got leaked. its fucking ridiculous.
Learn to read. I'm not even mentioning whether or not governments "like" this, or if I support or disapprove what Wikileaks is doing. I'm simply saying that Wikileaks can simply continue what they're doing without Assange (he's just a poster boy) and as such his arrest can't possibly have any ulterior motives other than a suspicion of sexual assault.
he was not just a "poser boy" and evrybody knows that. the new guy is more like a "poser boy", only time will confirm.

Yeah sure wikileaks can keep doing, except that they have no domain, no visa, no paypal and no mastercard.

worldwide corrupts united against em and that should be more than enough to open people eyes but apparently is not. which i find quite amusing. i mean seriously how is ppl this stupid?
I read your comments and wonder exactly the same.
so whats up? your point is? wikileaks are the "bad" ones in your point of view, what u say? they made up evrything or somthing? (which is stupid because those are actual documents leaked.)

u say that wikileaks can just keep going but u prefectly know that this is false as i said.
Apart from having no clue of reading or any other form of comprehension, he does have a point. Usually Interpol doesn't make such a fuss about alleged rapists. It's possibly not to keep Wikileaks from wikileaking, but rather to denounce the head and founder of the institution and thereby denounce the entire operation to the wider public. I don't like Assange per se (in fact, I think he's a downright cunt), nor am I fully convinced of his principles, aims or methods until further evolution of this entire situation. I just find it highly suspicious that upon announcing the release of top secret US government cables, the suspicion of rape comes up. And if you think about it, it shouldn't be too difficult as a government to find two people that had sex with Assange to convince them to accuse him of rape. It's just too weird of a coincidence.
out of what he says u can actually get to know what he thinks about other matters in the same topic..
Who do you mean? Frop or Assange?
No, in all seriousness, I did not understand your previous comment.
if i was expanding the topic while talking to him it doesnt mean i dont have clue, its just to talk about more stuff in the same topic... and u can aswell assume what he thinks about a matter by lookign what he says.
Yeah, but if you keep disregarding Frop's points there's no use of keeping up the discussion. Also, it would help a great deal if you would address the people you're talking about to avoid confusion.
its easy to notice..

and he is fucking retarded if he actually belives what he says.

and i wont agree on his points because i just dont, just like he does.
Noone asked you to agree with anyone, and since you obviously read the comment below you should have realized he isn't 100% sincere.
I know it's a really weak attempt of trying to make him lose face, but I didn't want our furious friend here to need to change his pants.
In order to prevent him doing it again maybe..
Doing what again? Everybody can do what he does and there's no reason they won't with him out of the picture.
what about the domain down, and all those accounts? assanges arrest is just one more thing.

its like telling a guy without legs that even tho he has no legs u can still go up stairs and down stairs.. sure he can but its lots harder.
If you got a cock shoved in your mouth it's hard to express your opinion.
what are u talking about.
The relation between freedom of speech and sexual assault.
how stupid can u be. wont even bother explaining anymore tbh if u cant use your own common sense
Oh yeah, I'm definitely the dumbass here :D
you think interpol would be chasing some rapist without any actual proof other than what someone has said. and actually a guy who leaked info that shows what a bunch of assholes the governement is?

yeah u are a dumbass if u ask me;P
Seriously you are the biggest idiot ever. His troll couldnt be more obvious!
theres many ppl sharing his point of view, im affraid he aint troll
Yes you are an idiot.
wtf u on about fucking cunt.
He is trolling you and his comment is not meaning any sense. He just did it get you all emotional and succeded!
nah, it could but actually some ppl shares that point of view so..
Cause it fits. If you got a cock showed into your mouth you cant use free speec.
now that makes no sense
plus in sweden he got set free because the accusations were ridiculous against him. btu anyway thats kinda dumb question tbh
Sexsual assult dosent get you put on the interpools "most wanted list".

A time a go in Sweden some Irish dudes beat up a guy pretty bad. they confessed, and it was recorded on tape. but the Irish dudes went home back to Ireland. and when they where called to Swedish court they didn't show up. a reporter asked a polices officer why they don't issue a international arrest order and the answer he got was
"it simply dosent work that way"

So international arrest order will be issued if for example if they pin some of the Hells Angels tops to some crime. Not for a sexual assault.

And the girls that was assulted has been muzzled(right word?). anyway they cant talk to media when the case is active.
And they didn't even know that they have been sexually assaulted when they first came in to the police station. They had a question about something else that was related to the sexual act dont remeber. but this cant be confirmed cuz they are muzzled.
kind of a joke that whole story. at least I saw something on tv about it, he had sex with this woman and her best friend (think about that whateveryou want xD), now they both claim he raped them....
they set him free over sweden where it all happend because the accusations where absurd.

they just arrested him to let USA more time. they got it as a excusse more likely...
moral of the story, if you're going to piss off every government in the world, don't rape

no brainwashing here as far as i know
u actually believe he raped somebody?:D

and they got pissed off because they showed what they been doing all these years.
well they were already trying to have him extradited before the cable leaks started for this, he's a bit too high profile to just kill now but there are other people who will continue running the site without him anyway..
the accusations where after he leaked the afghanistan documents.

And there is already a guy who took over wikileaks and runs it, its Kristinn Hrafnsson
this one guy doesn't represent the lynch pin in the wikileaks organisation though, he is just a figurehead - governments have been taking other steps like ddos'ing the site and getting businesses to freeze them out thats the problem, not arresting this australian guy
yeh obviously he is just a figurehead.

and getting him arrested is as big trouble as the ddosing, getting wikileaks domain removed, the visa, paypal and mastercard case because assange its like "the leader" anyhow not just a figurehead, so getting julian out is a big plus.
Was this a huge troll or are you really that fucking stupid? :D
Yeah use the /!\ -card when you realize how stupid you are :D!
QuoteInjected Adawolfas Hardware wallhack to my winamp and turned SLAC on without noticing that winamp was still running

and im the stupid one
That doesn't actually have anything to do with my intelligence, its just pointing that I have a bad memory. Still you are damn stupid if you think interpol would be chasing some rapist without any actual proof other than what someone has said.
inject. wallhack. winamp.

such a poor memory
I have to agree with pebe this time. You're stupid.
Except for the brainwashing of the Wikileaks supporters.
:D Well put.
he didnt use a condom and thats why those bitches think its a rape or something

swedish law system = joke
woot? so if u want to rape some1, u use a condom and its not rape anymore? how cool is that!
image: trollface
Swedish people cheer rapist. If you rape, you will get support from people.
this country is awesome!
no. it was just an regular fuck except they didn't use condoms
i guess this bitch sang this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csEtzhVl-bQ and he just followed the invitation.. and obviously he scored, now she wants to get the highscore on her bank account
i didnt care about wikileaks tbh until that idiots published some things which were dangerous for the national security... i mean pls how stupid can you be ?

publish some naked pics of george bush. I DONT CARE

but gtfo from the safety shiat
national security?:D thats what they tell u?

and whats that?

letting ppl know where their tax actually go should be pretty normal tbh.

dont do those fuckedup things and u wont have a "national security" (or whatever u guys say) problem
Stop blurting your inane populist propaganda as you clearly haven't a clue what you're talking about.
actually what he said its the biggest populist propaganda there is.

there is files proving what the governement did, and retards like u still back em up:DD
The very majority of the documents wikileaks revealed are not scoops... Everyone already knew Arabian states are scared of Iran ; we already knew Sarkozy is pro-american ; we already knew China tried to hack Google.cn to prevent censorship ; we already knew North Korea is about to collapse and cannot go to war. Basically, what Wikileaks reveals was/is already known by everybody.
Diplomacy has always been based on secret negociations, on hypocrisy, on betrayals, and so on... Wikileaks is simply turning upside down diplomacy, the hard work (because it is a damn hard work) of international relations...
They made much noise, they weakened many persons and many relations for things (99% of them) which were already known/implied for many people.
yeh there is stuff like that, so there is new stuff aswell.. the pentagon with whats leaked is gone crazy, and they wouldnt go crazy for "known" stuff

there wasnt anything known on the afghanistan documents.
They go crazy because even tho any thigns were implied, they were part of the diplomacy tracks, the way diplomacy works is not the cleanest one, but it has always worked this way and all the diplomatic actors follow rules/codes and those have been revealed, and it should not have happened.
For the Afghanistan part, I didn't read carefully about those specific memos, but correct me if Im wrong, it mostly dealt with war crimes, american hitches, corruption... We know about that
yeh corruption etc etc that somehow smart ppl already thought there would be but normal ppl dont really think about it (if they would why would they still be on the governement) and now all that is confirmed. and its a big deal.
lol plz.. safety! spreading lies and false evidence to legitimate wars and now they try hide the truth of there failing as much as possible. all the usa are loosing is a bit of trust and presitige - which they almost lost completely in the past years. those files are just proofing the ignorance and narcissm. and since there are just some random files leaked and not some uber mega classified files everything is just as usual tbh :)
So whats new?
well this is actually news fuckign dumbass

u still mad because i flamed north korea?
No, im not mad, its just people get framed often by governments. Just deal with it, nothing you can do.
obviously an individual cant do shit but yes a whole.
he turned himself over
Freedom of speech has always been limited when its working against goverments interests or can cause problems towards worldwide relationships or people.
then deal with things in the right away instead of being corrupt and u wont have any troubles when the truth is known.
As if the global community would work if the people wouldnt be corrupt or always be honest....
Isn't this old news? (the sex case)
he got arrested yesterday tho.

b4 he was only accused but couldnt be arrested because teh accusations where a total joke. now all of sudden its right
I was talking about the story as a whole http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/aug/21/julian-assange-wikileaks-arrest-warrant-sweden as an example, but it is pretty recent (lol) that he got arrested, denied bail and probably going to Sweden where he'll have fun in prison with alexL.
He was arrested for the sexual assault charges not what the site has done. Will he be lucky to get out anytime soon because of the website? Yah... I don't like that they want to arrest him for founding the site that simply hosts it, they're not actually leaking anything, other people do that.
you think interpol would be chasing some rapist without any actual proof other than what someone has said.

and about the site he has no paypal etc etc.
yea, read about it today. Paypal and mastercard froze his donation accounts - pretty lame if you ask me. Also, I am not sure if the whole thing is a huge conspiracy or not. Possible. I don't know ofc if he really raped the girls or not, atm it doesn't seem like he did. Ofc only the "victims" and he himself knows what really happened.
recently appeared another false victim claiming she got raped, about the mastercard etc shizzle its a conspiracy against wikileaks imo.
Why so serious on a gaming forum friend
i don't appreciate this guy publishing confidential information but then again i also don't think that he really raped somebody.
how come u dont appreciate him?

now ppl knows whats being made with their taxes
its not just about taxes, some things better remain secret and confidential. its just ridiculious if any random plumber (no offense to plumbers XD) thinks he knows oh so well what is supposed to be done while actually having no clue on what's going on and just keeps following the headline of bild/sun. just like i think that real democracy wouldn't work out (just follow stutgart 21, ridiculous) and i appreciate it that we got a representative democracy.
du bist ja doch ganz schön gescheit mein jung :P
freut mich dass du einer meinung mit mir bist :p
301 cables have been released out of over 200,000. 301 cables have got the government hopping and people all over the world questioning the American governments actions and motives.

the worst cable thats been released so far is obviously about Hilary Clinton Authorising spying on UN officals and requiering biometric scans, DNA , fingerprints, voice authorization, passwords and secret codes to communications databases.

imagine if Obama knew about this and let it happen. American government would be under immiment attack, all government officials lives would be in jeopardy. Thers onyl 1 reason why Hilary Clinton would want to spy on UN officials and officials around the world and thats to get into their databases to see whats on them and monitor them for the future.

301 cables have been released out of over 200,000. The fact that the government are wildley accusing him of sexual assault on women in Sweden and identifying these women as Miss A and Miss W and holding a private court hearing tells us they are obviously fixing it so hel go to jail.
if 301 cables can do this to the world , imagine what 200,000 could do. The worst is yet to come imo if they dont stop the leaks.
yeah, he once said that if somebody from wikileaks dies they are going to release something really big.
Any bets whats in the insurance file?

Hrafnsson, the WikiLeaks spokesman, said the group had no plans yet to carry through on its threat to release the key to a heavily encrypted version of some of the most sensitive U.S. diplomatic cables — an "insurance" file that has been distributed to supporters and news media in case of an emergency.

from another web:
In the wake of strong U.S. government statements condemning WikiLeaks’ recent publishing of 77,000 Afghan War documents, the secret-spilling site has posted a mysterious encrypted file labeled “insurance.”

The huge file, posted on the Afghan War page at the WikiLeaks site, is 1.4 GB and is encrypted with AES256. The file’s size dwarfs the size of all the other files on the page combined. The file has also been posted on a torrent download site.
epic as the same swedish justice granted political refugee status to Bivolaru , a guy that was charged in Romania with eight counts( including sex with a minor and manipulating and exploiting persons (of whom many were minor) to his own personal interest)
the supposed assanges victim wrote on tweeter: somebody knows a good place to eat, julian is here.

after she wrote soemthing like: this is so amazing im talking to one of the most intelligent guys on the earth right now! (or smth liek that i cant remeber) after she accused him all those tweets got deleted by her, she is hidding smth.

ps: there is screenshots of those tweets.
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