school party

As every year in this weird country called france where i sadly live , my college does a party with a theme
The theme this year is Film and tv
In otherwords you have to dress up as a film or a tv character.
Yes i know its childish for 17 year olds but not my fault , blame the french :)
Anyone got any ideas of what i could dress up as? And how ( material wise )

Cheers :)

image: sexy-superhero-babes
go as grinch.
alot of green needed :D
but looks funny for sure :)
i'll have a look how to make one ;)
What do you mean? You don't need to change :3
Childish? No way, theme parties are awesome. Unless you have to be sober there. Well, why would anyone say it is a "party" if you were sober.

Easiest way is to go mafia-way with a suit, though it might be quite boring.
we are "supposed" to be sober ;)
Pff, nobody is sober on those.
we wont be :)
go as barney!
image: 80779485
i'm no pedo :)
I think this barney:
image: nph_himym
chuck bartowski - nerd herd outfit.

white shirt, random tie, black pants
french heard of him? :P
Russel Crow and beat up every1
as gladiator ? :)
Talking about South Park I guess.
go as goku
super fucking mario
imo, go as a pokemon!
would go in a suit and be a mafia boy as thomm said.
looks awesome!
suit up!
Get wasted, slap some hoes - Charly Sheen Style!
SUIT UP and get lots of women and ditch them the next morning ! - Barney Stinson
for a superchick she's kinda fugly
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