2 x Razzia in 5 days

wednesday last week they were looking for flatmate #1 which wasnt here at that time

flatmate #1 was helped out of the arresting order and the complaints concerning her
by a letter of mine to the authorities in a couple of hours.
charges were dropped on thursday (wednesday was a holiday)

today they came for flatmate #2
they took flatmate #2 because of something else and guess what
they are looking for flatmate #1 as well again because of something else

flatmate #1 actually moved out yesterday

i shat my pants when the policeman went into my room, im glad he missed the tobacco/weed all over my desk..

both times they rang at 6 am.
luckily tonight i was playing fifa, work starts at 1 pm.

well i moved in 2 weeks ago, a lotta action going on here but honestly i think i have enough.. with my job at the cambridge institute i should be able to rent a new flat in a couple of months
dude that shit is awesome? u shud talk shit about em and fuck their gf:)
thug life smokin' weed and TOBACCO!
i smoked weed with dad:))
dont hate cause you dont understand, norman
i taught my dad how to roll a joint:))
lol what a loser, right? who mixes their weed with tobacco? how stupid
lucky lucker...:>
btw all you roomates are in mafia? nice friends you have :D
you will laugh but actually one of em is working for and escort agency which's boss is very fond and close with a very well known hookers ring in vienna (actually all of its bosses are sitting in jail because of that crap everybody knows of)
so yea :) they are quite close to the mafia somehow :D even told me a few funny stories already, but thats public news in austria anyway. and my old work was right next to that specific headquarters on vienna neubaugürtel :D
i know those guys there too from seeing and beeing our customers
Geht ja richtig ab bei euch da meine güte
brag post about having weed, wp
first time i ever bought weed nothing cool about that im 22 (much too late for beeing cool)
just funny coincidence right when i got it (yesterday)

my comment ;o)
reminds me of something i saw on news some time ago.special forces took down a guys door in the middle of the night and after they scared the shit out of him they realized it was the wrong address :D
Living the wild life!

Good team yes : )
You should work on your spelling and grammar if you want to have a future in writing fiction.
You're my hero.
I hate you so much
haha you're awesome
what's stopping you from editing them out?
oh no problem im doing all the cambridge certificates for free + free education :)
why do you think i went there, just because of those grammar problems.
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