Too many cups?

Is there too many cups going on in ET atm? In my opinion the cups have become just as boring as ladders, simply because there's too many of them.

lozl i just eated liek a whoel bread rolf
no way!
no wai!

random pic:
image: Comic_____NO_WAI___by_BlightedKujo
too many retards like you
Well, back in the days you could really look forward to cups. Now there's a new one every week or something. There's just nothing special about it anymore.
u sir have imho a rly retarded opinion :X
that's because he is a retard, what's your excuse?
That's a great question
i need a excuse?
ESL + CB only
Maybe if you got in top 3 even in one of them then I would agree with you, but atm no. I think cups are good it will keep clans interested and active.
if you cant consider them as cups, you can consider them as practice matches then, it will raise the activity alot.
how come Wolfenstein died? CAUSE OF NO CUPS

how come CS 1.6 is still the no. 1 online game? CAUSE THEY HAVE A FEW CUPS EVERY DAY

if you think there are to many cups, why don't you NOT participate? what's your whole problem? just like

I like cookies but there are sooooooooooo many of them so I don't like them anymore....

I don't have a problem. I'm just asking for your opinion. Now i have it, mission accomplished.
Calling someone a retard for a normal question like this is even more retarded. You can also just give your opinion really.

@ Olly; imo its good; Not because i'm a 1daycup admin i say this, but i think the 1daycup is good, because clans think 'hmm it only takes one day so why not give it a shot? We'll see where we end'
exactly and without cups there would be long stagnant periods for most clans with not really many competitions to play in
Maybe I'd think otherwise if you made some 3on3 cups :P
i like your flag
You must be gay
Maybe we can do that in future ;p
agree.. there are 2 many cups atm..
No, atm it is the only way to keep my clan active and alive.
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