#on-Pills , the sweet end.

Me and stonji would like to say thank you for all those who helped us along the way,the idlers,the sponsers and ofc the cheaters busters,thank you.

Stonji , dont rly likes to run a team anymore ( better for anyone ) , me? would say Good bye to ET and hello to army shortly,so,guess thats how it ends.

Sonji fucking clan Hopper!!!!
So every who reach the age of 18 has to join the army in Israel ?
for like 2-3 years or so? GL!
Reachs age 18 and done with skewl,yes.
gl in the army montage..

hope u wount have to use ur weapon, and hopefully the muslims dont do what they are threatning to do..
same in finland
gL my lovely Israeljews :*( cu
cu in 3-4 years
sad news montage, army can be fun though, but that's in Netherlands, dunno how it's @ Israel?.. GL!
some arabs hiding behind kids,using there own wifes as humen shields and other shit.
going to have lots of fun tho.

oh and forgot upcoming war versus iran roflbofl shit!
Dont rly gives a shit,if this guy holding a gun,aiming at me but allso hiding behind a child or his own wife,I will spray them both,Dont gives a fuck.

Call me a rasist,murder,but terrorist is still a terrorist,his next target could be my sister or my parents,So the fact that hes just a pussy dont rly change what I would do in the moment.

You guys @ Europe will never get it,I wish this thing would be over,that my love ones wont have to be afraid any more,but noone of the sides willing to give up,its a simple math,in the moment the arbas will lay down their weapons,then it will be no war,in the moment that Israel will lay down the weapons,it will be no more Israel.
from the view of an israelian guy.
Ok,so lets try to see it from the palestinian view,hes going to have like 90 virgins in heaven,he will die like a hero,and if the kid will get killed,he dont going to gives a dam about it,the world will blame Israel soldiers for massacre anyway,cut the bs,as I said,you will never get it,And I dont rly asking from you guys to understand it,kidies that siting infront of pc allday,watching tv while eating,and geting a brain wash,will NEVER get it.
so just give up.
Quotehe dont going to gives a dam about it

the english language can be so beautiful
typos,one of my skills,but I can live with it.
I can live with it too as long as i'm allowed to laugh :)
Thats ok laugh,I got a bigger penis anyway cowboy ;p
Quotebut allso hiding behind a child or his own wife,I will spray them both,Dont gives a fuck.

but terrorist is still a terrorist

is that kid who you are gonna shoot an terrorist too? only like 0,0000000001% from arabis are terrorists. that is why some isr-ppl are retarded, they think that all arabis are terrorists. and btw: the war will stop only if your country gives some areas back to palestinas.
+ you can't defend your family with a gun. so think before you shoot that kid, pls.
No that kid isnt going to shot anyone,but the terrorist behind would,Sould I give my life for this child? dont thinks so.
terrorist is still a terrorist.
that kid will wait you in hell, fucking rasist.
He's not being a racist. He's being honest. I think it takes a lot of courage to say you would kill the kid! The kid is probably the son of a terrorist and will (probably) follow his dad in his footsteps and will become a terrorist as well.

To be honest there's no good way in handling this issue. I wouldn't want to die but I wouldn't want to shoot the kid as well. In the end its the terrorist own risk to put his kid or his wife on the risk.
Since Israel has conscription are all Israeli children legitimate targets?

Killing a child in cold blood is inexcusable.
It's inexcusable to use it as a protection shield as well.
ye and thats why i am saying BOTH sides are acting shit.
And so am I. I just don't think it's right to judge montage for his opinion even though you do not agree with it. I mean the both of us live in a completely different world compared to his world. He has been sooo close to the danger and pain that war causes. Of course his opinion is biased due to him being jewish, but aren't our opinions biased as well?

I don't know enough about the war and its history to form a good opinion about it, I just think we shouldn't judge him too much, because we can only see the outside and not the inside of this conflict.
Can I tell you a real story? Before 2 years when the war was on it's highway, I walked in Tel-aviv (best city @ israel) and suddenly I heard huge explosion. I started to run while I'm bleeding from a small glass stuck in my hand. After I ran in the city I saw smoke and then I came to the smoke area, I was standing in front of the restaurant and I saw the budies of people bleeding and dying, and I think you should understand why I want to kill this kid, because his father did me the same, and why I can't hit him? Just because this is their land? So from that suicide terror action I understood that even there is a humen shield in my way, I'll NEVER judge before I shot.
I really don't know what to say. All I hope is, you will never get in a situation like you described. Plz try to be and stay as human as you can be. If anything occurs that can't be solved the human way, let your superiors decide what to do. If that's not possible, think about the chances of you getting out there alive. Like in the situation you decribed. You would shoot them like 2 in 1, but what if there's another 1 behind you that would shoot you instantly when you pull that trigger, was it worth then killing the innocent (child/woman)? Like I said before: All I hope is, you will never get in a situation like that. Live and let live, as far as possible. GL, TsK out.
A soldier?? human ?? ...

"If anything occurs that can't be solved the human way, let your superiors decide what to do."

And you really think that his superior is going to tell him :
-Put your weapon down, it's just a palestinian kid!


Comon stop dreamin, it's the War, furthermore the jewish army aka USA n°2 ..
ok I stop dreaming.. War sucks. people die for what... A war that they didn't actually started themself. I would say, fight your own war.. But montage is forced to go... That's sad imo.
with this answer you made yourself look very retarded tbh.
I didnt say the palestenian point of view is right. i was just saying that BOTH, isralis AND palestinians have their point of view and each one is just dumb. You see this conflict very one sided because you are a part of it. In my oppinion Israel does a lot of shit as well and thats the reason why the war will never really stop. Its always the same. And you say Palestenians kill children and they dont give a damn about it. So when Israel is flying airstrikes and is killing children with it + one high rank palestenian guy its called collateral damage?
It's not our fault that this "high rank" palesinian guy is hiding in family's houses.
i hope you are not serious with this answer because that makes you equal to montage
I'm proud to say you that I'm jew in my blood, and every thing montage said is true.

I'm sure you never lived in this situation like I'm living these days, so you can't understand it so much.

have fun in the army and be happy.
Both sides not doing allot for peace,but trust me,its hard when most of the leaders are terror organization leaders,who keeps on saying that they will never accept Israel as part of the global map.
While they are keeps on shoting missles on Israel and runing the planstinan terror,this is a war without winners,both sides are losing,but we dont rly got any other place to go to,we got only one country,but the muslim got something like 13? and alltought they are taking over eroup allso,so dunno,I understand that most of you geting the worng image about Israel,too bad,I cant show you the real image,cheers.
there is much room in russia.
yes, you came to their land, kicked them away, killed the opportunists, started to live in their houses and now you blaim them n1 looool :p
Dear Mr . I knows it all ,top trying to smartout everyone with your HUGE knowledge,thnx.
thats good argument
nevermind him he is an idiot.
thats good argument too :p
too bad that this shouldnt be an argument at all
otter, how can you say he is retard. i bet if you or me was a Jew living there, I would think exactly same way as he does.
I bet you wouldnt think like that in that situation.
montage = tough guy LOL
my favourite isr quits et :((((((
does he goes in zha army xD
Die fucking russain
You are 18, I thought you was 12-13 at max. But anyway, retard.
fuzz on 13/11/06, 17:11:33 PM | Reply

k mr.mature
say hi to rivz @ army from me ;)
gl montage in the army, and if razy's phone will ring, don't laugh just because it makes "lolololol" sound :D

gL Stonji my russian love very nice guy with huge ambition to succed <33

GL <3
:( stonji racist :((((
too bad :( gl montage :O I hope you will come back in one part :(
bye montage:c
have fun in army, killing palestinians on their own land
K while they are doing the same on my land.
sorry, its not your land, mr occupant
omfg u are rly retarded mate :)
why do you think so? because i say facts? np then, im retard in your eyes, i can rly be him.
then say me plz whats there land?
they have no land. easy. oh noes now they have some land :o
kurds also want their own country, they are living in 4 countries and are minorities there. they fight, but nothing happens.
I hope you'll die inchallah and your familly too.
See you in another world fuckin sionist.You'll pay for all your crimes.
Afterall it's just the Life, you give an importance to it, we don't, cuz we know what's our destiny...
stfu arab,and thanks,I hope your love ones will die too mate.
And btw,im still wating to pay my crimes,mayb you wanna try?
You can call me arab (I'm proud of it) At least we didn't get cooked by hitler, but I'm not your mate fuckin sionist..
Go give some headshots to your stupid wall...
People like you are just sick..
This is the best example for the arab thinking line.

"At least we didn't get cooked by hitler"

by the way, north africa was on of the tragest for hitler, and you live in marroco, so I think you should ask your family about their past.
True,common arab replay,go back to paki your fucking count.
And we got cocked by HitlerI wont doubt it,some ppl saying its a lie,good that your remember this,I hope all of you will never forget it,but the different from then to now,that we got army that is strong enough to protect us from those things again,aka muslims fucks,
so keep it up paki.
and your way of thinking is "its my land". no mister its not your land, you are occupating palestina.
If you knew the jews history, you probably know that this is the land of our fathers, and in the past some thing like 1500 years ago, Muhamad took over this place, and after that all the jews removed from this country, and afer 1452 years we actually got it back.

So please, before you are talking, open some book.
going with your way of thinking the land is owned by some communities from 14000 years ago, who came here from Africa at the beginning of our civilization.

Poland never got its historical lands like whole west Ukraine and west Belarus. (Did we make war that? We are talking about XX century)
Lithuania never got its historical lands like west Belarus. (we are talking about XVI/XVII century).
I could count more countries which border is not same as 500, 1000 years ago.

Arabs owned palestina for 1500 years. Why to change it now? There were wars in the past yes but the final outcome was that Arabs owned it for so long and now you come and say that 1000 years ago you lived here... your father lived there. yes and his father also lived there.

6v6 was ET's format for 3 years. Why to change it now after so loong?

I understand you are fully behind one side of conflict, so you cant look at palestinas case from 3rd person like europeans can. thats why i dont think you are idiot or retard or smth.

book closed now.
It seems you don't know what you are talking about? Go read some books and then talk about our history.
where they should live if they havent the permission from u to live in israel?
sad to hear

<3 stonji <3 montage
To all who read this and disrespect montage for his statements:

You do not choose where to be born. Feel lucky if you live in a wealthy country without war and the freedom to choose whether you want to go help/fight there or not.. Give this boy a break. He is forced by his country and situation. I think I would be a whole other person in his situation. Hell, I might shoot you for looking at my kids in times of war. (yes, I have 2 kids) Some dutchies had grandpa's telling them tough stories of their time in the resistance in WW2, doing things that are not really peaceloving? But you accept it, cause you know it was the only way to win the war...I never had a chance to talk to my grandpa's, 1 of them didn't got out of the Japanese camps alive...
The other 1 died a natural cause, but before I was born.
Last: No I ofc do not agree with the fact that you should kill a kid because it was used as human shield. But I do feel for montage because in another environment he would be a whole otherwise thinking person imo.
Thanks god,noone kidie comment,the way you describes the situation in Israel,I only gotta say that its much different in reality.
Why we used to have all those terrorist attack? that's simple,just look at those days when we gave them the freedome to move all around Israel,what they wanted so badly,and look how they used it? please.
And that's how it all started,we have to push them in their lands,and we are doing it by geting army units in gza and other places,thats why,Israel is clear from terrorist attack allmost for a year now.
This army giving me the freedome that I deserve,the freedome to do what ever I want in my country,and my goverment is just doing what they sould do,protect their people.
I hope someday,for my kids,they will wise up,understand that all this blood is just for free,and will face Israel as a country,or as nation that deserves live in here,beacuse we got no other place to go.
And tsk,I dont rly gives a dam about those kidies who flaming me,I know,that I will grow up,once you joins the army,this is the time to become a man on your own,but those guys,will keep playing et and hate jews without a reason,beacuse everyone does,and they want to be "cool",so I hope ( I got only to hope ) that while my serv time when im going to miss all those topics about israel, people will stop being so naiv,and wake up.
You are such a stupid kiddie.

Our traffics are open for the whole people that are living in israel, that one, and 2 the arabics from your country are building our houses, because they don't know to do something else. Eretz Israel in hebrew is the same as Marocco, a country, and yes, we are the only democracy in the middle east.

If you don't know don't talk.
cheers man. Keep your head up.
Thank you both,tsk and midas,most likley you have been seen lots of vids against israel inorder to increase the hate about it,and change the the image of Israel by showing the bad side of it,
well watch those vids:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnYCjy9A93M - Leabnon war 2

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Eeuy41W4Y - And yes,thats really israel.

The pictures that the media never likes to show

cheers,and thanks for the commments both.
i am sorry that u live in such a violent country and hope u have to kill less guys until the crimes/war ends :(

GL Israelmontage :)

i understand ur position :) and i guess me (and many others) would do the same if they are in ur situation :)
in what situation? yes looks like the situation of occupant must be very hard :(
I didnt like on-pills at all
i am not suprised of the news. I think it must have been every difficult to play with Stonji, he's good and pleasure boy, but i dont share his views on ET at all
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