Christmas (forever) alone?

Sup Guys anyone which is alone at christmas or did everyone here spent christmas with his family ?

Are there any Hardcore nerds praccing hard at Christmas?

Anyone outthere who give a fuck at christmas?

Or somebody like me which is making "party hard" at christmas :D?

image: 1292773114001

little bit of everything except praccing hard
spending xmas with my parents cuz rest of my family like aunts and grandmas expect me to pray at the table so I'm like gtfo to church!
Verpiss dich aus meinem Internetz,JUNG!
;( ?

inb4 comment deleted by frop check ur language!
family & friends
family and gf
family and gf too
fam and then paly
home alone
i celebrate the day before christmas :<
&what are u doing there ?
visit friends and stuff, family dinner, presents, talk, drink, sleep
family,then go out i think..
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