Aero Cup Shoutcast

Seeing as we (TLR) are on a break for a month or so, we wont be competing in the aero cup. I was wondering, seeing as owzo isnt going to be shoutcasting, if it was worth setting up a TLR shoutcast server with me shoutcasting - boring people to death. Looking at the team list though it isnt great, so was debating whether it would be a good idea or not. Would people listen ? !

Edit: If i do, would probably miss the 1st round of games.

Edit 2: Would need suggestions on which game(s) to cast - pm me at #thelastresort
go for it
go for it
go for it
Theres one way to find it out
go for it, cast KRP games.
go for it ross should be ok quite alot of nice teams ! x e. just start laughing and ull get the biggest listerner peak ever :D
would be nais
go for it
go for it
team up with Ati
If im out in the first few rounds you can dualshoutcast with me on stream :>
team up with Ati
go for it
Funny to see the amount of people trying to shoutcast nowadays. Anyway, can't blame ET to be more active.
Have fun if you do it.
team up with Ati
You could shoutcast with me. Got everything setup for t'night in the later games. Taking owzo's place
go for it
i think, seeing as you are ross and seeing as you blablabla and seeing as you

for it go
krp = mind ensam sample lepari olbaa so its deffo worth it :P
cast KRP
might be exciting without TLR & dignitas .so go for it !
good luck i m sure u ll make a nice shoutcast
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