Aero Cup Shoutcast
19 Dec 2010, 18:28
Seeing as we (TLR) are on a break for a month or so, we wont be competing in the aero cup. I was wondering, seeing as owzo isnt going to be shoutcasting, if it was worth setting up a TLR shoutcast server with me shoutcasting - boring people to death. Looking at the team list though it isnt great, so was debating whether it would be a good idea or not. Would people listen ? !
Edit: If i do, would probably miss the 1st round of games.
Edit 2: Would need suggestions on which game(s) to cast - pm me at #thelastresort
Edit: If i do, would probably miss the 1st round of games.
Edit 2: Would need suggestions on which game(s) to cast - pm me at #thelastresort
Have fun if you do it.