RTCW via steam

I bought RTCW for 10 euros :D Sup nerds?
gl hf =)
got 2 for free thanks to Latvia zivs LOL :D NERD :D
Hf gl =)
i bought mine for £3 about 5 years ago ...
Well on these days it's difficult to buy rtcw since most shops don't sell it anynore due to old game =)
i bought RTCW collectors edition so i am one of the few people to actually own an (original) ET on CD.
dont need rtcw key tho so if some1 wants it...
offer me something nice and ill think about it as soon as im back at my parents place (this evening).
bought the same a few years ago plus 2 other versions in metal tin boxes (real collectors editions, never opened them) hope they will be worth some thing one day :)
congratulations, nice successful life you have
I have same... and original RTCW... and I have the first ET build on disc from an old magazine demo disc (2003)

image: p1010211
could you please provide further evidence of you being the person that took the picture? the screen looks shopped
lol from earlier this year...

image: p1010210
so u just bought what i bought for the amount i bought but like 3 years ago

stick to rtcw it doesnt get inflationated
Nice, you can join us tonight on [[[Mad.4.wolF]]] :)
I Downloaded that game from Taringa.Net with a Origian CDKey, sup?
Paid £3-£4 from GAME a while ago as I lost my original.

Still got my RTCW t-shirt from some 'limited edition' when it was released *_*
woah u paid 10 € to play shrub mod :/
Well RTCW is more than game for me. It doesn't matter that there isn't much server left. Its important that I can feel spirit of RTCW again =)
don't think you ever played it before so why
"again" ?XDD
":D" Maybe I played :D
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