Kevlar acting like a cunt

I got kicked from BIO after sniping.

Can anyone tell Kevlar that jumping, scoping and sniping can be done by anyone ?
Can anyone tell Kevlar that running with scope for half a sec is possible ? I cannot believe how stubborn this guy is
shut the fuck up retard
Thanks for the contribution cf nerd
QuotePro sniper (no ego, take me :P)
undefeated in sniper wars

shut the fuck up retard
kevlar, jumping,scoping and sniping can be done by anyone!
kevlar, running with scope for half a sec is possible
kevlar, RASHOMON cannot believe how stubborn you are
Sounds like you cheat.
Kevlar gave up listening to people long ago. Partly because he's Scottish, partly because the majority of people have nothing interesting to say, but mostly because he doesn't really give a shit.
im not even going to correct one single point you made, as they are all spot on. nice to see you sock.
shut the fuck up retard
Yeah for further information watch KRP Movie 3 there is an example
Yea, this would make my point, but you must be a cheater, noone can do jumpshoting, hell no, jumping, scoping and shooting is way tooo hard, see potty's comment...
ya, so kicking you was a good choice
Retards gathering, thank you so much <3
He is a cheater though so... ":D"
QuoteTeam : '545.SniperClan #1 Sniper team on ET
Playing on Cybergames mostly. 100% sniping. Cless on ETPro, not looking for any team.

Self-proclaimed best 2.55 etpro sniper

Seeking a good sniper with whom I could duel :
Not using IRC.
xfire : realmadrid77

You really love caps lock, don't you?

QuoteYou really love caps lock, don't you?

You have failed
Kevlar = legend
no. youre a legend.
kevlar is amazing <3
have my baby. youre an et lovegod.
Kevlar = awesomeness > you = wrong
nothing but love <3
sniping on pub is bore anyway, it should be medic and engi forced :P
agreed, improve teamplay!
can anyone tell this guy it's kevlars server and he's gonna kick whoever he wants? :P
Bad move number one was getting kicked, bad move number two is bitching about Kevlar and thinking its going to end well :)
he has indeed, made my shitlist :P youre a wonderful human being sol <3
youre wonderful.
good decision
not as bad as kicking someone for backraping him :b
no wasn't me
i am feeling the motherfucking love here people. thank you , i love you too <3

"I got kicked from BIO after sniping". sorry RASHONARSE its a no noob zone :<

thanks for the journal though, it gave me something to read whilst eating my shredded wheat. even sock turned up for a wank.

have a lovely day. ross is a legend.
Dear Kevlarse (I can make a pun aswell (and mine is better)!!) you are too stubborn and immature to have a fair discussion, forgive me for having created this journal, it is quite useless since you have no arguments to put forward. So please keep parading your astonishing sexual vocabulary through the ETTV cessions ! Your life must be fucking boring and uninteresting, I feel sorry for you... Try to have a good day, sir
i was going to fill my reply with witty and fantastic put downs, but there really is no need. when you made this journal, you made youreself look a bigger imbecile than i ever could. well done. and thanks for calling me sir, about time you showed me respect. now do one.
YOU showed me no respect on the server, because you let me argue but u were not even paying attention to what I had to say, and I only wanted to solve the mis-understanding between us... Plus I don't care about what the people who replied by saying how wonderful you are will think about me, I really couldn't care less, I overestimated them because they are not able and not willing to weigh up the pros and the cons. You are their friend, they don't care about how immature and disrespectful you were towards me, but after all, they are nothing but uneducated e-nerds, I should not have expected more than that from them...
i was wrong. youve actually excelled in making yourself look even sillier. keep it up, this is comedy gold. quick, make sure you get more in about me being immature and having no life again, that parts my favourite.
At least I don't make a journal for being kicked from a public server, "e-nerd".
Nah, you make journals about e-nerd's birthday, Justin Bieber, Emma Watson and about how happy you are, THIS IS WAY MORE INTERESTING.
And I made this journal to show people how stupid and immature Kevlar is, but since the readers seem to have the same characteristics, I only received hatred from those e-nerds which at least proves how blind and stupid they/you are
Took you five months to realize how people on crossfire are?

Not really but I never make journals so it didn't really hit me, because I was not concerned by random comments made on random journals
Aww, you got hit?
Please don't cut your wrists.
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