
Hi crossfire.nu community & friends,

why is it still allowed to have of r_depthbits "16" ?
the advantage is that you can see people through walls, while they cannot see you!

maybe that is a cheat too?

some screens of it:
(screen1) - (screen2) - (screen3) - (screen4) - (screen5)

and you don't even receive more FPS from it: (oasis timedemo)

i read that it's also possible to have 32 depthbits? but i didn't test that nor i know much about that topic and graficsettings in general

©pumu + thx 2 stiff 4 help
coz its more a feature than a bug :)

and why u dont use it urself if u have a disadvantage?
does it even make sense then to have one player tactically playing upstairs in the room on radar?
or "camping" in the towers on supply? i don't want to sit in there, waiting for the opponent to plant and then getting killed myself by a nade because they saw me through the wall
you make a very good vaild point.
does it make any difference today? wh or 16 bits what do u prefer.

now serious it isnt such special imho if u camp@spots u can see in with 16 bits so it isnt such a huge advantage!!!

most of time u predict someone there so the 16 bits just make u sure :P
Allow wallhacks please. You can predict where enemy is very easy or with sound, so let's use WH to be sure.
mmh k true :(

but i like it :(
weird pumu, i used depthbits 16 for a long time and never had anything like you screenshots....
yep, should be forced to 32
24 is enough to remove that bug.
nice config...hacker
doesnt everyone use this?
no most use 24+
only cheap twats and cfg lamers use 16
seeing through walls shouldnt be possible at all, agree. but now that its possible, you might as well use it.
Your argument is really ignorant. That's the same as saying "well since a wallhack is possible, we might as well use it"
Maybe I didn't use the right word, instead of "possible" I meant "allowed", surely you can't blame someone for useing a setting giving that person an advantage as long as it's allowed? Wallhacks on the other hand aren't allowed (thank god). Don't get me wrong though, if it would be removed I'd be just as happy as you. :)
me not :( i like my cfg like it is :(
Ofcourse you can blame someone for using a setting that gives him this advantage. Why do you think they have put restrictions on picmip, lodbias, lightmap etc.etc.etc.. cuz they could be set to such values that it gave people an advantage. Same should happen with r_depthbits imo if it gives people an advantage like this.
hell no did u play rtcw recently?

i dont get it why they forbid so many commands what doesnt give u any advantage its just coz of some lowskilled admins which enjoy the grafik :X
and why?

to make it better 4 the spectator :)

u got spectator at home?
maybe because then it's all fair? look @ CS, only options tweaking allowed ( NO CONSOLE), 16 bits is NOT allowed also. ( you can see through smoke)
i use 16 [email protected] also and i like it there 2 :P

i dont know enough about cs in esport but i saw some streams about css and there they sayed that the lan-attendies have to play with standart cfg and i though wtf!!!

maybe its the best 4 LANgames coz its fair then but imho we got so much other factors in onlinegaming(ping/pc-performance) which make it unfair so we shouldnt care so much about it @online

to the fairness part i have to say everyone have the possibility to use 16 bits so it isnt such unfair isnt it?
fuck off with that bs, basically you're saying that razz was right with his rivatuner crap. no-one should have advantages, fairplay all the way.
i would use it if it isnt forbidden coz i like the lowdetailthingi!!

but i dont say in any word that he did right!!!

its forbidden so u shouldnt use!!! like heron and stuff(maybe helpfull and everyone can use it but forbidden)
riva is external programme, this is unbanned command, so you are advantaged, but everybody can use it so i dont see any problem.

btw why arent you at clanbase in idle profile?
because i'm kicked.
Ideal world everyone would be forced to the same settings.
Not really everyone is different, why would we all have the same settings? That's like saying everyone should wear the same shoes with football even though I have twice the size of my teammate :).
Not at all, that comparison would be to your individual mouse settings & keyboard setup.

A better comparison would be it's like ensuring everyone plays with the same ball. Not that the Premiership has better balls that can be hit further and more accurately - because they can afford it.
But the fact is everyone can afford the same settings, people don't use the same settings because they prefer other settings. It's not that pro gamers can use different (better) settings than lesser skilled players now is it?
you're the one who's lowskilled here.
i guess u didnt played rtcw in the last year and didnt know the admin situation so plz dont talk to me :)

thx :P
bla blub bleb...whine bla blub bleh
I don't agree. Putting restrictions on those cvars is an obvious consequence of too many people gaining advantage of it. I therefor think that if there will be alot of discussion about r_depthbits it might be restricted as well. However what you are saying is that people shouldn't use settings giving them an advantage, that is a wrong thought. If people are allowed to use this setting, I don't see ANY reason why they shouldn't use it. That is like saying "people can't use cg_wolfparticles 0, because they will have an advantage over people that don't use it." EVERYONE can use this setting, therefor you won't have an advantage OVER other people, you will just have an advantage, because you can see through walls sometimes. As long as it isn't restricted and everyone can use it you can't blame someone for doing so.
you're pretty funny, showing your english skills instead of replying to him in concret terms
I am actually replying to him... just read what I said. He says you can blame someone for useing r_depthbits 16 and I disagree, because there is no cvar restriction for it. How can you blame someone for doing something which is allowed? You can't. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be forced to 24 or 32, but as of now that isn't the case. So actually I am replying to what he says.
32 is possible, i use it
tru dat

this should be forbiden in global (<----LOL) config

Anyway the people who are making new configs (if they are) should consider this information and make changes in configs.
If you force it to 32 with a config, people will just force them in their drivers to a lower setting. Besides it would be very lotto to have a pb_ss where you can see someonetrough a wall, so if it were illegal it would be very hard to control.
it would be hard, but you could ban ppl for this too, i think everyone with some brain won't use it ( hi razz!)
hast du ja früh gemerkt sherlock
is it just r_depthbits 16 that makes it possible? cuz I've tried it and I never get anything remotely like it.
low details
ah well.. dont want it anyway, just tried to see what it'd look like on a server.. didn't work and I'm not gonna bother any further
I think it only works with ati cards or smth.
my gfxcard cant handle more than 16bits, please dont ban me cb admins if u see me seeing people through walls on pbshots!
r_depthbits 0

ftw : )
why are all the screens made with binocoluar
check screen #1... it's just him with normal view :|
prolly the rest is with binocs cuz you see them better through the wall, the first screen i actually had to look for the guy :S
depth bits 16 got fov bug too
Elaborate please!
translate plz
Explain please!
I think he means the bug where you can lean trough walls when using ultra high fovs, but i thought that only worked at fov 130.
He wanted you to give some further information on this bug/description of this bug you've mentioned.

note to self: refresh more often
I think the FPS is the important thing here, should be forced in configs.
What do you wanna force to then ?
76, is kinda easiest to get for all i think
oh i thought he meant forcing r_depthbits ...
i ment the dephbits do not effect the fps :> sry
oh then we agree for once :)

command "sv_cvar mr_depthbits IN 24 32"

or smth... !?!
zlol I had it on since day 1 and cant be bothered to change it. but forcing it sounds ok to me.
i have 16 apperantly(just checkd) and i cant see jack shit thru walls...
there are lots of hackers out there if they are allowed to see through walls why arent we?
its my hax :<
im too poor for private haxxes.
checked with timedemo? pr00f pls
for me its even a bit higher ...
24 or 32 imo, 16 should not be allowed
mrozu said that if u use that and u get busted by pbss u will get ban from cb or something =S
and force fps to higher than 100 imo, because in these days its easy to get 100+ fps stable and having fps 71 gives u (almost) no recoil which is imo ridiculous and unfair. And if your maxpackets are 100 and your fps is capped @ 76, your maxfps practically is 76.
that would disqualify poor peeps that cant get 100 :/
i myself have 125, so not that it has to do anything with me
I can't even get stable 50 in most of the maps so cut that off. :p
I have/had a hard time getting 76 stable... at least on some/most maps... so imo that is a good point! :)
try getting 32 on linux, no way dude! Blame ATI, nVidia shitty non-GPL policy
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