best reason your comment was deleted

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Reason: We do not allow unjustified flaming of other users
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Baggiez has just deleted a comment you made here.
Reason: This is a column about gaming on a gaming website. If you don't like it, fuck off.
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troller bob
Frop has just deleted a comment you made here.
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Quote by WHO IS HE? ;))))))*SENSOREDLOL* has just deleted a comment you made here.
Reason: I hate niggers too, but you got to learn to hide it.
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orly?! HAHAHA
Frop or foonr

They always deleted my nigger-journals but secretly admired them
Foonr is full of win.
Frop has just deleted a comment you made here.
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*10min ago
Frop has just deleted a comment you made here.
Reason: You are funny but I cant let you say funny stuff.
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Posting rights revoked!
Sent by Crossfire on Sunday 19th December 2010, 13:48
Your posting rights have been revoked by Krosan until 20 Dec 10 for Behave of begone..

Please take some time to read the site rules.

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Sent by Frop on Thursday 30th December 2010, 18:50
Je valt weer behoorlijk op met je morbide fascinatie voor het ophangen van mensen, probeer voor de verandering al die gasten eens te negeren.

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QuoteFrop has just deleted a comment you made here.
Reason: adminrolled.
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After I trolled him with
Your posting rights have been revoked by Frop until 19 Dec 10 for See you later, fucktard..

Your reporting rights have been revoked by Seanza until 29 Oct 10 for "He's a faggot" is not a valid reason to report a user..

Please take some time to read the site rules.

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i never received such a message. no deleted comment in 6 years, 5 months and some i too nice to all of you? :)
if i still had admin rights i'd delete this comment just for the heck of it :D
They had never deleted my comment because I iz their masters, they love me.
Evilynn is an admin?
sadly yes
Since when?
admin abuse 24/7 at cf
already sent a pm to tosspot regarding this bullshit admining

but got ignored
sooo evilynn doesnt know what shes doing and frop is having a brown tongue

Baggiez has just deleted your journal;
Quote Anime Linux Nerd Club Movie FROPPED from the interwebs?

Reason: The movie was kept private on my request. I&#039;ll upload the movie to own3d and youtube tonight, don&#039;t worry
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h3ll has given you a warning worth 30 points.

Your currently have a total of 30 points, when you reach 100 you will be banned. The length of the ban is determined by how many warnings you have received; e.g. If you got banned on your 5th warning then your account will be disabled for 10 days.

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Still make me laugh
Frop has just deleted your news post:
Quote Wakizashi Frags V

Reason: Lack of content.
Frop has just deleted your journal;

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Frop has just deleted a comment you made here.
Reason: i don't even know that
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Seanza has just deleted your journal;


Reason: You&#039;ll sober up in the morning and think &quot;LOL WTF?&quot; anyway and want it deleted. I&#039;m gonna save you the worry.

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Seanza is so good to me =DDD
Krosan has just deleted your journal;
Quote Top 5 Jew Jokes

Reason: No reason given
A Jewish grandmother plays with grandson at the seashore, when suddenly a big wave drags him off the coast. God notices and blows winds to put the kid back on land. Upon seeing that the grandmother yells "Thank you God, but WHAT THE FUCK HE WORE A HAT"
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