Graphics problem..

Alright I reinstalled my GFX drivers for my nVidia 7900GTO and something odd happened to my GFX, most notably in ET.... check the screens below.

Screenshot BEFORE reinstall:

image: lolreloadit9

Screenshot AFTER reinstall:

image: lolreload2hj5

As you can see, the textures on the 2nd screenshot, especially on the walls have changed and look goddamn ugly compared to the first...

Now I really hate playing with this and would like to know if anyone knows what settings or what commands in the config even make the textures go like that...

...and no I'm not talking about the /r_texturemode nearest_mipmap_nearest command either, the actual textures have changed and look different.
both look like shit
change the settings in ur gfx card properties
Yah, but which?
image: 44rc5l3

these maybe
All the same as before.
go back to old drivers
you used to have high AA ?
when u reinstall ur gfxdriver ur settings go to default so as a rocket scientist i can tell u that some setting are different now
asking here what ur setting were isnt that clever so what about trying out ur self and next time u need to update or reinstall drivers write down ur settings so that u dont get uglywallz
Problem is, I am "sure" that I put all the settings back as they were, now my question is, which setting(s) can cause this?

Show me some more Rocket Scientistismness! o_O
mipmap details :)
It's currently on "Trilinear" under the setting "Force Mipmaps".

I would have thought that is the best quality, not the ugly-wall quality!
did u use this setting before?

usualy it should be better with trilinear
Yeah, I had this setting before :(
as a rocket scientist i can tell u that if u have the exact same drivers and exact same settings u have the exact same graphics
Obviously not...

Einstein > you.

But seriously, I am pretty sure the settings have remained the same, if I missed one, I am clueless to which it can be, which is why I am talking to you!
maybe u have some setting forced someway in drivers that u didnt have forced before
maybe he forget to install a tool he got before :)
second 1 looks better imho :D
No wai!!!11
reload going to pawn them
All you seam to have is problems
I've never been good at sewing. Sorry.
nor have i. Ill ask my nan to knit a scarf for you.
Seems nice.
Looks same to me.
Open them @ full view.
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