Revive.6on6 !

Need more teams to sign up for the 6v6 cup, there are already some promising teams signed up and allot of decent skilled teams which could perhaps battle it out in a ranking tournament after the group stage is over.

If you think that running this cup over clanbase is a bad idea, please write it down in this journal. Could be that some "mixes" would like to signup but lack the motivation to make a CB clan to be able to do that.

Depending on the succes of this cup RAGE-GAMING could be interested in organizing another 6v6 cup with prizes (don't expect anything crazy). But something to get the 6v6 scene active.

1 channel to gather the 6v6 community, join up and lets gather some ideas.


CF link
CB Cup link page
You are dividing the community by this 'separate' 6v6 cups. :)
care, 5v5 didn't care about diving the community did it ?
5v5 didn't divide the community
but this is going to
If you look at the journals, columns and reactions that have been written about this.
Yes, it did.
dividing something means you have two groups, both of them are doing the same thing, but in an other way. ESL,CB and LANs are going to be played on 5on5, so teams who want participate will say at 5on5, and players who want to play 6on6, will play it.
same amount of players will play, but you'll meet only with half of it
Lans will probably stay 5v5 agree on that.
CB & ESL will follow any trend that's going on, especially if a large usergroup from CF and some important figures start acting on it. Nobody likes to community to get split-up that's why the 6v6 scene would recommend making that seasonal switch for online & offline competitions.
& Let's not forget that the 5v5 format was FORCED while a 6v6 tournament was still active.
whatever, keep doing it if you feel its good
hf being disagreed by cb,esl,cc,aef and any serious tournament- dont bother reply back
euh what? I don't think anyone minded when there was a AEF LAN coming up that they had to play 5v5? & with all the new lans - I think it's a bad idea to start the 6v6 nonsense at this moment. I prefer 6v6 too, but if 5v5 means more lans & more competitions, my decision is made.
5v5 for lans if needed, season switch.
Like allot of people mentioned no need to torture the whole community for 5% or less that actually do go to these lans.
comon.. you can't be serious?
I understand you want to make a statement, but this is just the wrong way.

Try making a decent proposal.. & i'm not talking: 'ey let's do 6v6'.
I mean make a plan, a real one. A plan that has to be considered by the admins.
I'm willing to help, I've had an idea for 6months now.. but with this discussion going on it will just sound as another flame to 5v5 which is not my intention.

6v6 is the better format & is without any doubt better for ET's LAN future.
5 % of the community playing on lans, makes everybody willing to play this game. I think everybody here likes the LAN, even the players that don't go (like me).
I never went to a lan, but still I can see why Krosan (& others) have a valid argument in the whole 5v5 vs 6v6 discussion. Being a bit understanding, could help you into getting a real discussion.
No need to discuss with the "big guys" yet when we don't have anything to stand on. First thing is to get the 6v6 scene started again, when we have enough backing and enough ideas how to act then we'll make the next step of integrating it with the 5v5 scene.

This is just the 1st step of gathering people with the knowledge and creative ideas on how to get 6v6 started, nothing yet about getting 5v5 removed in any way.
Don't include the big guys? How's that even possible?
It isn't impossible to convince them you know.
When you just start a "new" 6on6 community outside the 5v5.. you have to realise that this will divide the community into 6v6 players & 5v5 players. That's not a good thing, I'm sure you know that. You are doing exactly the same thing as you blame the admins for, making a decision for the community without consulting "the rest".

Sounds to me like you are willing to get some kind of revolution..? Small people against the powerful?
you are wrong in this, this is nothing, just some small cup to remember old times. Its nothing compared to ESL/CB who switched to 5on5 format in middle of season with "if u dont like it u gonna get kicked", and in EC/EMS there is prestige and money/prizes involved. I am not saying it was that bad at the end of a day, but it was forcing players by "brutal force". We dont need to play this cup if dont want to and nothing will happen, but if we choose not to play ESL/CB major leagues (EC and EMS) and LANs its gonna be end of competitive ET.
On the other hand, I dont agree with Lazio on season switching idea, it would be wrong to think that switching from 5on5 to 6on6 and back 3 times a year could work, as I already said in some other discussion, what if LAN happens to be in middle of season? Teams would have to choose whether they want to pracc 5on5 or 6on6 + they would need to face situations where somebody would basicly get kicked because there is no room for 6th in LAN.
You don't understand me.. I like 6v6 more as 5v5. I'm defending you guys, I just don't like the way they are trying to do it. & Saying this cup means nothing.. Lazio just said he wants to grow the 6v6 community again. In my opinion.. that does mean something. :)

I'm also not defending clanbase or anyone else by my arguments, I'm just saying there is a better way to defend your statement.
more lans?

There hasnt been more lans since 5on5 came.

And btw, read the column comments before you come here lol
I think i've read all the columns + all the journals about this. If you're looking for a 'fight-discussion', I won't put my time into it, when you want a decent discussion, you're welcome to reply. There will be more lans as promessed by the admins, when they don't follow their promesses, you can go and blame them, but not for now.
there will be max 2 lans this year, not more. Just not enough time anymore. So yeah, 5on5 didnt mean more lans compared to 6o6
Quotewith all the new lans

what lans?

all of u noobs been talking bout these new lans for year now and still i cant see one fucking lan announcement
"all of u noobs"
Nice ignoring the question
"all of u noobs" - that's where I stopped.
Nice ignoring the question.


Next time u argue bout shit, maybe answer
Next time you want to argue, try a more friendly approach. It might help.
What the hell is wrong with you anyway? Insulting random people on a website? If you have a more serious problem, I would be glad to talk about that too.

on topic, if you wouldn't know yet, i'm fucking supporting 6v6.. 5v5 isn't even close to enjoyable (not as spec, not as player). But I don't like the way some are pointing it out, that's my discussion.

And about the lans, Krosan stated somewhere that there might be some lans coming in 2011. Untill this year is over, I won't talk bad about him.. he made a promess - give him the chance to keep it.
I usually like flaming but it's so full of win! Finaly more actions less talks.
have fun :)
merc avi
ur sugestion +1
Can merc and pracc pmme
murc avi
6on6 ! unleash the horde !
GermanyFor the Horde?
merc avi
CB & ESL will follow LANs
So what? Like many people (including admins have stated) there is nothing stopping people making 6v6 cups.
QuoteCB & ESL will follow any trend that's going on, especially if a large usergroup from CF and some important figures start acting on it. Nobody likes to community to get split-up that's why the 6v6 scene would recommend making that seasonal switch for online & offline competitions.
Then we'll have to do with our own competitions, like I mentioned also above, at this stage we're not planning anything. Just starting to connect all the people that do prefer 6v6 or have ideas how we could handle this situation.
First you say you will follow LANs, but then that you will follow "a large usergroup from CF". The two conflict each other, make your mind up.
i quoted Lazio's comment above
oh right, I didn't notice. to be fair though if everyone started playing 6on6 you wouldn't really have any choice but to change, even if LAN stayed 5on5.
doubt LANs would stick to 5on5 though if everyone started playing 6on6 again
Why exactly?
I would like to know that as well, since the lans are such a small part of the community. All those lower skilled teams that never attend to any lan are just forced to play 5on5 because of a couple of lans.

And what happens if there aren't any lans anymore for ET? Who will you follow than?
Goodluck with this, hope it goes well and there will be many more to follow :)
ET will be dead if it's going to be 6on6 again. bb
Who, you? Yes. Me? No.
I know what you're doing.
What then?
avi if someone needs a medic :p
gl but i dont agree with that cup. i like a lot more 6on6 but 5on5 gave some more activity to ET and this shit cups will divide the community instead of keeping them together
lets go 4on4!!
Are we dividing the community?
No! We are just - by our own democratic will! - going back to where we were at.. without the admins interfering, forcing a format nobody wanted, saying that we are too stubborn for a change and hence forcing it on us. Everybody will follow and we will complete our mission successfully. SIX ON SIX will be back!

We are not willing to play something much less enjoyable for the sake of a small group of players which go to LAN every year. TosspoT is saying that it was a nightmare to host CIC6 in the 6on6 format. Of course hosting a LAN means fatigue to the organizers, what did the think?! The truth why we are now doomed to play in 5on5 is: TosspoT doesn't care about ET anymore. No, he only cares about the money - else he wouldn't invite COD players to join us on LAN. We needed to adapt to 5on5 only because the COD scene plays 5on5! That is ridiculous!
It is only for the sake of TosspoT's wallet we are now playing 5on5. The people which are not with us yet need to finally realize that. Everything else is a made up story! A blatant lie! We do not need to listen to lies!

Discussions with the likes of Krosan and TosspoT have shown we can achieve nothing by just plain talking to them, we not to act!

Let us get ET to its former prime, to what it was! Let us abandon the 5on5 format.
Nearly nobody likes 5on5. We all want 6on6 back!
Let's switch to 6on6 by our own democratic will!
image: Daisy%20Chill%20Pill_sm_comp

on a side note, you're totally right
yeah well it annoys me that some specific persons are blinded by the lies already made up and some others have the venture to keep those lies coming.
You forgot one thing, the annoying banners with flash.
And the one in the middle above each profile.

When raza was still owner from xfire, no single ad.
After tosspot became the owner, it went from a nice peaceful community website to a commercial website.
I can understand the banner(s) from i3d for the hosting, but further not.

And flash banners are a crime.
adblock plus is what I use, adds fortunately do not get on my nerves.
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