Wakizashi mad?

image: V1pFa

Yeah you mad
forehead mad
He mad =)
raped him with 4 nq pubbers some days ago, he was mad <3
inb4 new japanese 'Waki's Life' vid :)
Waki doesn't like wasting his time with low skillers, that's all I can see
He should. Maybe he'd be able to actually put up some challenge.
Yes "low unknowns" made him ego, he must be very skilled :PPP
Waki doesn't like wasting his time with low skillers, that's all I can see
Like waki is skilled... He's shit.
I rarely play any ET and would rather play vs known players. I don't let rip till i know your clean. You got off lucky punk.
+1 - its more fun to play against people you know : )
they had slac.

u are fucking paranoid about cheaters. u accuse evrybody
you are one fucking cunt sir
hey, hes mad, he got excuses, hes imbecilo! wait one more thingy "i rather play vs known players" haha.. you see hes imbecilo! in albert we trust!
oh wait... just found out hes making some list about under 30 level in "LoL". LoL<---wahtever it means.. conclusion.. HES IMBECILO! ....but let him have a change.. google told me LoL is Some otehr online game.. so conclusion number 2.. HES IMBECILO.. fact.. HES IMBECILO.. oh and one more thing... IRL HES IMBECILO!!!
so wakisushi. imbecilo and mad. nothing to add here anymore.
"ill get a "better" game" wp... HAHAHA eat more fish mr. sushi.
I feel with you waki,playing tripple smiles is allways fail
makes me mad aswell
gratz, u beat waki -_-
we didnt even beat him, he left after 5 minutes or so :s
u dont get my point
ha die Ap0C, van cc6 held naar wakizashi pwne
junge ik was absurd stoned :s
1/16 a hell of a teammates he had :D
why didnt you tell your real nicks when he asked for em?

simple question, yet I dont expect to get an honest answer.
obviously cheating
knowing a little about your playmates and history and having a small idea what kinda ET-player you are Im quite sure you were not cheating.
knowing Waki too Im sure you dont need to be cheating to make him rage, all you need to do is make him suspecious and annoy him, he cant really live with the idea that he sux donkey dick.

What I asked for in the first place was "why didnt you tell your real nicks when he asked for em?"
they said sl_listplayers which would have revealed their real nicks but i guess its too much of a hassle to type down a simple command.
The amount of time he spent whining he could have used it more wisely by typing /sl_listplayers in the console to see for himself
you played on a server that shows the SLAC accounts?
incase you did: waki is a moron
incase you didnt: you were annoying pricks and waki is a moron
conclusion: what ever happens, waki is a moron but do you really have to go to his level of retardism?
Yes + new players must be warned about this idiot thus I created this topic :PpP
the community worker of 2k11. :p =(|)=
lets be honest, you created this topic to show how badly you owned waki, not that someone should be warned :p
waki always mad
why didnt you tell your real nicks when he asked for em?

simple question, yet I dont expect to get an honest answer.
Whats the point of playing vs opponents who get 1/16 and 5/14 stats?
somtimes i had shit kills/death ratio stats and highest dmg by far

even once i had 0 kills and highest dmg lol
really? waki sucking?
that's a first
i allways get great fun out of seeing such comments from people marked as cheaters!
how does me being a cheater have anything have to do with it?
I just find it amuzing when a cheater say someone suck..

nothing else:)
i ripped ass even without cheats
im not gonna argue with you on that, cause hell.. i dont know:)

and i guess there aint a need to go into a lengthy discussion on why someone who "ripped ass without cheats" suddently decides to cheat.

Have a nice day
i allways get great fun out of seeing such comments from people marked as cheaters!
wow, you were better than a med-max player.

waki to much time @ gym to little @ et :(
Waki ol`mate.

i support you in this war against infidels!

Come to me so we can cuddle!
ok thats too much right there!!
come on.. ur just jealous :p

your more than welcome to join us stud-boy!
i'm gonna pass
I do understand :)
I need a good spoon <3
My house if full of spoons :)
Waki doesn't like wasting his time with low skillers, that's all I can see
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