ET dream

this shit just happened to me for very first time :DD so......

some kind of ET 2 was out and we were testing it, im not sure with who i was playing but it was some kind of mix vs mix match and the map was actually the old version of goldrush. i managed to do all objectives and i was fucking superior killing machine...

when i was driving the truck till the end, i saw Netherlands perfo coming... he was really mad and said: SAMPLE YOU HAVE CHANGED SO MUCH and left the server... every1 was mad at me cause i did the objective and after that i was really sad... then i woke up

have you ever seen a dream about ET or am i the only nerd here??? share please :)
yesterday i saw a dream about RAAB the movie 2
hah ;d trolling fins are back :[
once i was an engineer saving Germanyschnee from landmines ... carring her in my back lol :D
if i were a girl i would've dreamed of a naked fops
allies fops ofc, yes?!
but of course
u r so sweet <3
Quotecarring her in my back lol

and then she got out a strap-on a syringe out of her backpack & was nailing your ass healing you while u carried her
just added some erotica to this et dream

tits or GTFO
I dreamed of the Roman Empire fighting its way through fire and flames just to sell roses. Not even bothered. Rumour has it you are relation Julius Ceaser .. ?
lol:P, who knows your dream will actually become true!
I once 'really' felt like I was in oasis.. (4y ago or someth).. was together "IN" the map with a friend of mine discussing tactics.. REALLY weird to wake up. Oasis was like reallife :x
1) Killerboy climbed on top of Supply Depot while we were attending school in the crane room... And I realized that wtf the skybox prevents that this must be a dream

2) I am defending last stage with flamer, so I empty the fuel tank and make a stream of gasoline from axis spawn to allied spawn, then light it up & own everyone. In this, too I wasn't playing but it felt like IRL supplydepot

3) I steal the gold, but decide that fuck the truck, I bring this to tank... Then drove the tank from the bridge to the tankyard -> from there to the ending while owning everyone with the MG

4) I am in a huge map with a canyon in it, sniping IRL (but with ET weapons and mechanics). Was a pretty cool map that my brain decided to render, might try drawing it once.

5) Same thing as 4) but in a ET_beach wannabe map. Owned everyone obv as allied jetpack panzer-sniper
fucking sick dreams :D really brilliant actually
keep posting the gif, it will eventually be good
yes ET nightmares constantly because I'm so nub

Years ago I had a dream sEreya and me played in team-hun, cuz fobje died or sth. We won NC.
ET 2 IS OUT??????
i had a dream that i share a pillow with perfo. i woke up and looked into his face^^
i remember this! :)
Few days ago I saw a dream about ET.

I was back in Finland and I phone Squall to ask what he is up to. He told me that he and Olbaa are going to coffee place to discuss the important match in next LAN. The opponent were Intact, Ankel, mAus and some other duudes xD then I woke up... scary shit :(
mad !
I've never dreamed of Et, but why not :D. However, I have dreamed of Crash Bandicoot yet xD.
Fucking epic game, yes it is! :D
Only remember this dream of Hulk Hogan doing a legdrop from the bridge on Goldrush on top of engineers who were building barrier

+ I have seen dreams of meeting several people from ET, one of them was actually perfo :O
yes, i had a dream about engineer scared to do objective, cause bad axis defended it with flamethrower. I was persuading him for hours and dunno how it finished.
I onces had a dream i had like highste damage against pro teams such as Rock.IT + SL on lan :P.. oh wait
I once had this dream where there was a reasonable amount of polish players in the ET community who all seemed to lack some intelligence, nor had any english skills whatsoever.

Nope, wasn't a dream.
why you are bashing poles on this thread?
i never had a dream about et but i always wanted to be at lan and kill rags like u
this is some scary shit tbh :D
it could happen to you some day ;)
i once dreamed of goldrush, where i rambo'ed my way through the whole map.
Rahul has.
i havn't dream about ET. Only nolifers dream about game lol...
It's not like we control them.
Busted :( :D
yeah , i was playing football and suddenly i was in adlernest with panzer in my hand , i was like woot , must find home ( wtf every dream im searching for my home) till i saw hot axis medic and you know what happened
i have also seen other dreams (adlernest is always ) about ET
It happened when i was playing ET every day for 3-5 hours
Not really had any ET dreams. However when I played HoN all day I regularly had dreams about HoN. The sad thing was nothing extraordinary happened, they were just standard games of HoN :s
This night, I was trying to organize an ODC with seareal on Cathedral, and my musical background was made of some latino trumpet...
perfo was such a nice guy too until he started hanging out with me

And yeah what Mayni said, Rahul has had some pretty "intimate" dreams involving supplydepot.
share rahul's dream :P
2 much playing ET u nerd ;]
its actually pretty weird that i didnt have dreams about ET when i was playing actively but now when i play random mixes few times a week i dream about ET. maybe it means i should play it more?
dunno, its great to watch stars in EC finals, but everyone is getting older and has some other things to do, eveything has an end

anyway dreaming about pc games is nice, got one dream two months ago about random multiplayer game which dies for 2 years
maybe you CRAVE for some HIGH SKILL ET-ACTION again! maybe its your subconscious telling you to do so!
i crave for elsku :)
minäkin hautasin elskua viime yönä :D
anteeksi kirjoitusvirhe. tarkoitin crave tietenkin, hehe :) enhän minä elskua hautaisi :D <3
Always wanted one, but never succeeded :(
i saw a dream of tc_base, cant remember anything else :S
wtf i saw my first or 2nd ET dream last night too.. it wasnt really ET but it was reality in oasis around the spawn in last stage
it was super weird and embarassing that i dont even dare to tell the little bits i remember :DD

btw eating vitamin d supplement makes u remember ur dreams alot better
stay away from my dream
once i was skilled by NetherlandsTwizZt in my dream! this was so scary, cause i know he sux so much!
About a month ago after a long evening of pretty intensive pracs i had this dream where we were defending the truckstage on supply. I was standing at the truck, and for some reason i was absolutely sure the main and east were covered sufficiently.

suddenly the truck started moving. I looked to the right of the truck, to the left of the truck and on top of the truck but i couldn't find any allies. Then i looked inside the window and there was a fucking drunk african-american behind the steering wheel. I remember at first i felt cheated upon, but then when he missed the turn and drove into the wooden crate in the corner i woke up laughing :dddddd

e: african-american? seriously admin..?
wtf hahaha :D
I remember one

i had a marijuana plantation on adlernest and was jumping from plant to plant taking care of my trees , and then i heard that someone opening courtyard doors ,i went there to figure out whats going on and i saw a mass of fuckn police and anti-terrorists coming in and i start to running away like fuckn crazy with joint in my mouth , and was like hide&seek .. :D
I once had a dream I had sex with a girl who was called Wiaderko.
True story.
i fucked an engi with rifle one time in my dream.
once dreamed i was playing with overdrive.

and then one day my dream came true he was on same public as me and since that day i can't play ET anymore cause have nothing more to achieve.
Too bad I never sleep.
i dreamed of hazz flying all over goldrush with somekind of jetpack/healthpack-motor, somekind of healthpack-trail was left behind or something. cant remember others atm
i was hiding behind a blue golf, on radar side. knifed the guy in a gun dual. just woke up.

E: And i once threw a strike in reallife (dreams ofc)
I killed Vanhis with sniper rifle <333
Keep dreaming nigga
No way skinhead bro :P
So, I had a dream bout ET.
Just a normal war, but suddenly a big nigger fops attaches his horse cock to the tank and shot white balls all over to spawn.

CB banned this shit
Back when I was playing this game alot, I once started dreaming of braundorf. I had an appartment in the upper room at the first stage (where the ladder is), was pretty big with a fishtank and everything. I got annoyed off all the noise downstairs, with people running past it. So I moved to the other upper part of braundorf. And then snoop performed "drop it like it's hot" at my crib.
i remember defending supply depot's truck with my sister some years ago
with your sister? : D
yeah i was leaning at east and she was defending west
hehe :D could be fun ^^
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