mystic or olbaa?


BUT ! I like to know your point of view, someone told me tonight that the Team Finland 2006 < Team Finland 2011

LU :

Team Finland 2006 ~ Finlandmystic, FinlandRaveneye, Finlandtorspo, FinlandTiigeri, FinlandJafo, FinlandsAintt, Finlandjauhis, Finlandkmble.

Team Finland 2011 = FinlandENSJAM, FinlandolBaa, FinlandSquall, FinlandSample, FinlandLepari, FinlandStuka & FinlandIron.

Your choice ?

random chicks -->
ensam = shit
olBaa = shit
squall = shit
sample = shit
lerpari = shit

mystic = shit
raveneye = shit
torpso = shit
sAintt = shit
jafo = shit
how dare u misspell Lepari
Did you really need to post such a stupid comment ? SERIOUSLY, DON'T YOU HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO ?
He got your attention, that was his point.
and I hope he received my contempt cause it was my point, but you right about that, I just cannot bear such childish replies :F
2006 has raveneye, so that ofc
2011 because it has lepari
lepari is only famous cuz of 1 docs run in important match , that shit happens everyday and their are alot of finish players better overall than him
lol please, lepari is the best et player
easy, 06 beats 11 because of extra player
Matias could be added without problem..
team finland sucked back then compared to other nations like estonia netherlands germany belgium
team nl had much more to offer than that
I also think. But who for example? NetherlandsfoSt, Netherlandsmize, Netherlandsmodus, Netherlandsazatej ?
kris , sem , 2nd , bundy , horuS ,bull , lunatic
bundy and horus :DDDDDDDDDDD
Horus was before that a while pretty good
bundy was never that good.
Fost and mize were both banned for cheating
I not know that.
the belgium team would win against the finland team?? :)
if we put a team of beautiful days !

Shewie, mAx, Maus, Lioco, dAvid, Acid, zeto, Xionn, Mesq
no they wouldn't, you'll need more of the new players to win of a team like finland
mAus, chry, unDEAD, Jere, lioco, player, vila ?
there are not many team at the level actually :DD
2006 > 2011
You werent even born back in 2006 :DDD
mystic+ raveneye beats all
you're too newskool for that
so are you :)
i was around back than :>
It's not because my account isn't 5 years old (its actually 3 months newer then yours) that i wasnt playing ET or following the scene. albeit more in the american community back then. I'm not lying when i say i specced both Qcons live for example.. but okay, believe what you must, you are obviously to pro for this thread
You are too pro for this thread, you gotta leave now.
my rl m8 got this game the day it came out in2003 :) and i saw him play it a bit later and wasnt realy interested in it as i was rolling sports back then, didnt start playing til start of 2005 i think :> he joined one of the first teams in ET. Now thats oldschool
:D nerd UK's
fo shizzle
Computer incoming today/tomorrow <3333333
off to bed, gn8 x
so are you :)
newschoolers :(
Do you still remember Finnish player called Nupe who played in TKP?
so are you:)
fumble+ kmble beats all
uve never seen them play so how would u know :)
good 1 my upini
cant compare tbh
neither of them would be good now, whole new gameplay + no prone. thx
*both of them would be good now.
mystic & torspo ? :)
torspo is still machine!
add torspo !!
He even did more damage than you in mixwar! oh_my_god :)
what i mean is, if you put either for the 2k6 lineup (be it in their old 'level') they still wouldnt be top notch now, they need at least an adaption period. my opinion tho
Compare their intelligence in team play?
if the match was played in 2006, the NC team 2006 will win ofc, if it will be played now the 2011 team would've raped the 2006 team :)
I compare their intelligence in the game, aim etc...
u need to edit and add jafro :)
who is jafro ? FinlandJafo ? :D
ur making a journal about oldschool finish lineup and u dont know jafro?


No jafo isnt jafro , 2 dif people :) u obviously werent around then or you would know who jafro is lol
You know a Finlandjafro ? o0
u saw the 2005 2.55 NC and EC? mystic,raveneye,jauhis,jafo,jafro,saintt was the lineup for uQ and subsequently NC :) u96d was Night,r3load,r3vers,holz,gza,elps
and subequently NC for estonia. other players also played some games but that was the lineup for the finals of uQ vs u96d as i remember. not 100 % clear on the full NC lineups though
This has to be a bad troll. Drc is finish and therefore played for uQ. elps was playing in u96d at that time. Stop acting like an oldschooler if you dunno shit, theres noone such as a 'jafro', its jafo who played in ultimate Quest.
thats the ticket, elps was the 6th , got drc mixed up. So its not a troll just a mistake :)

EDIT: yes there was such a player as jafro in 2005 2.55 in uQ. i knew him from Zboard in CSS because my m8 played for imageless and thus knew the high scene in CSS. he was a pro CSS player aswell. There are pictures of jafo and jafro together in CSS at some of the first CSS lans.
i just read over this again. forget the mistake i made. Did u just say jafro didnt exist then tell me im making shit up by saying he did exist? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

k im about to drop an oldschool knowledge bomb on u.

Jafro used to be one of the best CSS players on the planet. He was @ i31 and numerous Starbytes lans with team zboard: jafro, tiLs,mesy and ben0. for footage of Jafro. epic oldschool CSS movie.

I remember CSS when it first came out i got it with my m8 in 2004. on my old,old PC i got a 4 digit steam ID aswel as him :).
and where did he play ET :D?
he played ET in 2004/5 2.55 with parodia :). I know jafro, i used to play CSS with him and my rl m8. i got him on xfire i could tell him u didnt know he existed in ET for u :). I just realised im a year more oldschool than i thought. I watched the 2.55 finals in 2005 with parodia and u96d but id already been playing ET for a year with my m8 who was in <<8>> clan which was one of the first competetive clans to emerge with [QUBE].

go on splatterladder and check out <<8>> clan and see it exists for urself :)

Dam im oldschool
There has never been anyone named "Jafro" in any official lineup of Parodia, or Finland national team, or on #ET-finland scene channel, or in any match that I have heard of in my career.

Either you're making this up, or confusing him with either Drc or Gaso, or then "jafro" was the fakenick of someone else in the lineup, or a completely random merc in a single prac (and thus not a member of the clan). Whatever the case, you're not right.
good troll :DDDDDDDDDDD
You're talking bullshit... thats all :D
dwight u forgot jafro :(
you're acting like the cool oldschooler here in this topic

image: rikishi
2011 because some aren't lanproof :)
I think 2006 would have some issues with 5on5 and the lack of weapons.
Dont really think so, almost every one of them has played during the 5on5 time.. And as a side note most of the 2006 team members still play rather activly in secret mixes ;)
I only knew that Torspo is playing sometimes but others... huh
it wasnt the same gamestyle :( but 2006 > !
Emorej l'affiche quand votre LU ? :)
ce weekend jcrois
emorej, maxuh, antho, karnaj, rizk et toi c'est sa ? D:
coucou b3ck
C'toi Sherlock, il n'empêche que j'ai la bonne lu là
j'en sais rien on verra ce week end
easy 2011
2006 all randoms, never heard :s
seriously how can you dare to call jennifer aniston random?
title got fropped hard
Finlandtorspo, kmble, jauhis, squall, Raveneye, mystic.
FinlandTiigeri < Finlandkmble ??? uhuh men :D
kmble is somewhat legendary. I think walle can approve of this. Really good player overall! Tiigeri is also a choice as he incredibly evolved as a player in such a short time back then, but I had to go for my personal fav. top 6 :)
easy, 2011. One reason: Stuka
Finland mystic, Raveneye, ENSJAM, olBaa, Squall, Sample, Lepari
Easy Estonia Estonia had the best lineup back then.

EE > all
By mean USA then yeah, best lineup ever
the current fi lineup is unstopable :P
2006 obviously.
Why 06? make it 03/4 ;)

The game and the aim changed during the years, can't really compare those line-ups...
first team nl players from tm/bB/dC! mostly

How can you compare them to now, you just can't.
The game changed too much.
new scholers would bash em.

as the years pass the better ppl gets.. ppl knows more stuff about the game than b4, med skill is way higher than it was before aim wise compared to the oldschool med, and im sure that its the same on a tactical way..

plus the game has a whole new dynamic that its like this because its more effective if it wasnt it wouldnt have evolved this way.
maybe 'real' med skill is, but usually med on irc isn't,. that's for sure^^
in irc if u want real med u gotta search for med+ and then its only some of em who are med but not the entire team:/

but anyway aimwise at any et level is better than the one before
Or you guys have a wrong idea about med+ or med skill..?
Ensam is a fucking legend hacker. Too bad you all have forgotten that
i remember playing him few months ago, he disconnects after sucking 1 round, comes back without slac and gets 5-6k in one know the typical high knowing and 3hs per kill
in the past he was busted for cheats and he was a crazy hacker in that time
yeah there is actually nothing else you can say to that :DD
im even crazier hacker now
maybe, haven't seen you play for a long time.. the only fact is that you were banned in the past :{DD
current lu are nc winners, but the same team would have stood no chance in 2006.
well finland is not raNDOM: it wasnt and its still not. so both teams have their superior players and gonna rock
sample is highly overrated imo

raveneye >
mystic >
Want to buy Raveneye and Xpaz
06 easily
The 2011 team is currently the best national team in the world. The 2006 lineup is currently at a way lower level, most are very inactive and even the active ones don't play competitively. I assume this is what you asked considering that ">" means "is greater than" (which refers to the current order of greatness).
I compare their intelligence in the game, their team play etc..

I do not think the team of today, would win on all points of view, idk
no that wasn't the comment, the comment was would the finland 2006 team beat the current 2011 squad, if you take those players at their 2006 level vs the current 2011 team and it wouldn't even be a contest. 06 hands down would win.
Quote if you take those players at their 2006 level

take their 05 level cuz changing into 2006 both parodia and kmble were already inactive and didnt impress anyone because of that, only torspo and tiigeri played active in demiurge during that NC period.
good point, i think the idea is if you took those players at their best vs these players whom you would argue are currently at their best :)
Everyone was terrible in 06
jafo and jauhis were fucking rage!
2006 > 2011
What about Finland 2003
They won NC

How can you compare them ?
You can't.
omg morty, my first idol <3
kmble the fucking legend!
i dunno, havent played neither of those :XD
Would it be 6v6 or 5v5?
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