ESL EMS 8 no et

no enemy territory shame


More coming!
As you may have noticed the total prize money does not add up to the amount spread of the games. Next week Monday we will have a special announcement but we cannot give away too much details for now. Stay tuned!
I dont get it
Heroes of Newerth (5on5): €5,000
Counter-Strike: Source (5on5): €3,000
Call of Duty: Black Ops (5on5): €2,500
Trackmania (Team mode): €2000
Quake Live (2on2 TDM): €1,000
Pro Evo Soccer (1on1): €750
FIFA (1on1): €750

no ET
Electronic Sports Lan incoming?
Stopped reading after :

As part of our ongoing aim to push eSports forwards in today's most most popular games, we have made some changes since last season. We have decided to change Quake Live from 4on4 to 2on2 TDM, Call of Duty 4 moves on to Call of Duty: Black Ops

No ET - a less than 1k euro prize pot which gets just as much attention as some other games there.

Oh Well, guess EC, Lans and Full Tilt Poker Challenge is still good.
I said the same thing to gunny on xfire just then, how they can support games like Black Ops, and Pro Evo???? I'm pretty sure its Fifa or GTFO :D
Might be sponsored by the developers though. I know FIFA was given like £1,500 at i37 by the developers just so it was played there and PES wasn't.
ET + TF2 500e each would sound fair (biased ofc, we all know ET shouldnt be there :D)
I agree with the split you mentioned. I disagree that it shouldnt be there. Last season was one of the best EMS', the final was quoted as one of the best games of the year and could only have benefited ESL.
unless they add more prizemoney the perfect adding to that would be cod4+tf2. If CoD4 is not supported at all then ET might have a chance. Nothing to do with how EMS has been, im not saying that at all.
Ye agree, but its still ludicrous to drop ET a game that receives little prize money but gives back quite a lot. If we were talking about ET receiving over 1k then i could agree with the reason why they may have wanted to drop it. The fact its a small prize tourney/game thats still growing in terms of competitions and prize pots means its perfect for leagues to support. They must receive a hell of a lot of advertisement and hits from crossfire/gtv
well im not suprised after WL signups, must be dead in their eyes too.
has the world gone mad
black ops to ezi just knife all :D
Simple, the world was never sane in the first place :)
The other games?
Several games from the previous season have not returned in the eighth season due to their activity in the ESL over the last season. If you don't see your favourite game in the list, then do what you can to make it more active on the ESL and it could be included next season.

This is what I said several times before...Mainly because I hoped to see more prize money for ET with bigger activity at ESL.ET. But if there is no (not enough) activity this is what comes consequently. The ET community should think about it once again. ClanBase cannot give you prize money tournaments, ESL can. But if the ESL heads think there are other games with more activity, what would you do? We have seen enough flames about ESL in the history. Are the next ones incoming or can we all work together? ESL does not give anything away for free. They put thousands of euro into ET and did not get enough back propably. Let's do another try or not? It is your decision if you want to have prize money tournaments or not...
Dont talk crap.

Quote, Game of the year

Viewer Peak - over 700
Listener Peak - over 300

One of the most competitive EMS seasons to date. The lack of coverage from ESL admins was frankly their own fault, hell if i knew ESL wasnt going to run another EMS i would have done newsposts myself. You cant blame the ET community, ladders are dead in every game now, the only activity on ESL from ET is EMS. Hell, teams used to play with a 200 euro prize pot. If ESL are going to venture away from ET then its a massive loss for them.

The amount of hits they receive from crossfire and gtv must be beneficial by itself. The fact they are moving onto black ops shows that someone is making the wrong decisions.
Beat me to it :(
ever heard of publishers paying money to get their new game into the tournament and not the old one? :)
Frankly, if its the case that ESL wont include ET because publishers wont provide money, then they are no use and support to ET and they can stick their hits, tournaments etc up their ass. I'll just speak to members of the community to run their own competition with prize pot. At least Full Tilt Poker/Heaven Media were clever enough to realise they made the wrong decision not including ET. Im not gonna take on ESL because they probably are so big they couldnt give a shit about the ET community.

With so many lans coming up, around the time of EMS finish, it would have been a perfect opportunity for them to allow the final to be played at a Lan (thats already organised)
" if its the case that ESL wont include ET because publishers wont provide money"
that's why et was always part of the last seasons. good point...

"because they probably are so big they couldnt give a shit about the ET community."
same point. esl spending money into et and giving a shit about it? not really...
You talk utter crap. You are an ESL admin and continuously back their decisions. This isnt benefiting ET and its a stupid move. If you cant admit that then dont bother replying. Actually answer the points i made.

They just need to check what they get back from ET in terms of crossfire and GTV and realise its a benefit to have. Also look back at last season and see how competitive and active it was.
Most UK LANs as far as im aware get funds from dev's / publishers.
I wish 'we' would drop the whole cb ladders.
maybe esl should set a lower price money for some games like hon. but esl can do something to help the community. if they shoutcast some et games on it maybe there will be guy think about to play the game. a good way would be if esl and cb would work more and more together.
hon prize money should be sponsored mainly by the publisher. it is not the first time you will see something like this :)
and League of legends aswell i guess
too bad that id-software isn't supporting et anymore :(
has the world gone mad
Deal with it. FoaMea best admin.
Black Ops?

they are having a laugh...

no ET as well, is there going to be any premier competition for ET on ESL now?
nice reading excuses from esl admins, h3h3
Its not like you receive the money within your lifetime anyway.

Clown is still waiting for his PS3 fund i bet from EMS before last.
Time to boycott ESL till they realise what a stupid decision they have made. No ESL cups, winter leagues, tourneys etc. say goodbye to checking ur site out and giving you hits!
Or we could just start playing their ladder and keep investing in a better future for ET.
Ladders are dead in every game, if they cant see the benefits of ET without ladders then they are seriously blind.
Well if we get EMS back with activity in the ladders why dont we just do it? I mean people still play the CB ladder regularly.
Its a decent idea but we all know ladders wont work. Ladders shouldnt define a game thats supported and whats not. They just need to review the last EMS season and see what they gain from ET vice versa.
They want more activity, we want EMS.

I dont believe it's that hard to just play an official in their ladder once a week/every two weeks.
no then they got what they wanted, never ever!
And then we get what we want? ESL is the biggest gaming competition, having EMS feature ET is really important publicity wise.
You do realise playing clanbase hardly benefits the online competition for ET?
i think cb is enough, cause they are supporting the game as we need.

it's sad that esl called it a day with us, but if we show them to become active in their ladder with their bad work to get another ems then they will do it again and again!

and 2ndly i prefer offline events :*
most mgcs just dont care about CB. If you prefer offline event you also would like some support woudlnt you? The chances to get one just went down.
+1 lavod.

Though, being the none user friendly site that it actually is, I see why people would prefer scheduling a ladder match in CB. I do that myself. Anyhow, with the new ESL site coming up, hopefully it could get better :)
You're a fairly respected member of the community. Get a thread going asking for ET players to CLOSE their ESL accounts! I am sure we can get around 500 members to follow.
A whole 500, WOW.
I really don't know what to say to you... I suppose I could start with "Wow, cannot believe there are people out there that are lacking as much common sense as you"
Yea its gonna bring EMS back!! Oh wait, it wont. It will just prove their decision was correct. Do you really think those 38 teams in ladder and 120 in WL (actually less than that) is gonna make a difference? Chiefs obviously dropped ET for a reason, most likely it beeing not active enough. I personally don't like this decision but at least I understand why it happened. You, on the other hand, think that ET was a good promotion for ESL and gave them profits. Well apparently it didnt. I believe that ESL has people who check on this stuff and they know what they're doing.
I highly doubt that when they add call of duty black ops
Probably because Call of has more future than ET, no ?

esl no more money for ET, old news

EC was always and will always be the better Top Team Cup in ET, you can reply with w/e you want kafux.
Thats bullshit, it's the same teams attending the tourneys. What will CB offer the ET community besides a golden pocal image?
i wonder why you don't know how much money CB ET EC offers every season
Steelseries products?
the prizez amount to 750€ = same as ESL offers but in money

you can always sell it if you want (to make money out of it)

+ it takes 2 weeks not 1year to receive it
over 5 years and still havent seen a cent from 2005 EC ET prizemoney

dont act like you're any better
maybe you need a new miNd if you do not know how to make money from selling gaming hardware
who you talking to? idiot
apparently you need a pair of new glasses as well
Hello? It's CB!
This is not a CB vs ESL war... It's not like CB made ESL drop ET...
if there was no CB ET, ESL wouldn't drop ET
you really are pathetic
didn't expect anything else from a butthurt ESL admin

Wtf we even moved to 5on5 and still this happened?! Omg!!!!
lans > ems dear Aki. You should know that after joining to the LAN-team.
ql tdm from 4v4 -> 2v2

Publishers/developers/sponsers pay to get their game in and others out. More people = more $$$.

imagine you own a shop and you have 100 people who come in everyday guaranteed. or you can get a guaranteed amount of 200 people coming everyday if you take new products in and ship old ones out.

its why since business began to right now u constantly see new products in the shops. The more people u get to buy your products the more $$$ u get. Why keep old products that dont make you as much $$$ compared to if you were to switch to new products.

im reminded of a quote:

'its nothing personal, its just business' - The Godfather 1972
Thats the worst thing i have ever read. You keep old products because you are guaranteed on them being taken, you also have the add on effect that other products will be bought at the same time. You make the best of both worlds and keep both sets of products. Obviously research has to be done but what you typed is ridiculous :DDD
'You keep old products because you are guaranteed on them being taken'

so PS1 games being sold are 'guaranteed' to be taken? i dont think so. Its why u dont see PS1 games being sold in shops anymore, only places like CEX and market stalls as people trade them in.

Its why u dont see 60s clothing in the 70s , 70s clothing in the 80s, 80th clothing in the 90s, etc. Its why u dont see 20 year old style trainers being sold in shops.

Everything u see and own today had to be brought into a shop to be sold. In order for mass amounts of new products to come in , the oldest products get shipped out.
10 years ago i could go to Game and buy any Sega/gameboy game i wanted. I cant walk into Game and buy a Sega/gameboy game now can i.
U misunderstood me when i said 'take old products out' u probably thought i ment take all old shit out. I ment take the oldest shit out as newer stuff comes in. Ofc u keep products in still

Youve had your first experiance with the world of business. I dont like the decision as much as the next guy but i understand how our economy and business system works. Im trying to help you understand :)
When something is an in-elastic product, which i would class ET as seeing as its been running as a free game for 7 or so years, you wouldnt replace it. It has an in-elastic demand because, with regards to the prize money, players and teams that are highly respected and supported by big orgs like TLR Speedlink Dignitas will still continue to play even with small prize pots. You still guarantee the best that ET has to offer with the addition of Crossfire and Gamestv its a win win situation. You wouldnt replace newspapers at a newsagents with an amazon kindle that can download the paper every day. Your losing ur customers.

You are replacing it with products that have an elastic demand. Pro Evo Fifa etc are one year games. Its a stupid decision.
Ofc ET is elastic. You put a £50,000 prize purse on OC,EC and ESL with the top 5 teams getting paid from each. The amount of people playing this game will go way up.

I hope u know what prize elasticity is because ET is definately not an inelastic product. Yes some organizations stay with ET who have an inelastic demand for ET. However many other organizations have an elastic demand for ET. Thus ET is elastic.

And inelastic product warrants the same demand wether the price increases or decreases. That doesnt mean because 50 people will always buy your product that means its inelastic. Everybody has to keep purchasing your product for it to be inelastic. You will see a huge fluctuation in the demand for ET if you give HUGE prize purses for it.

Everybody on this website who has been playing over the years has seen ETs demand become less and less every year.
Er, no. ET will remain inelastic as players will continue to play disregarding the prize pot. You would see a huge fluctuation if the prize pot increases, but hardly any change with a reduced prize pot. The prize pot would still only affect those that are at the high end of ET meaning again, 16 teams for instance would only get a chance to play. The demand for ET would go up, but its only gradually going down. People arent going to quit ET because of this decision. I am comparing the high end of the competition as inelastic. Not the game as total. And EMS is targeted at the best of the best. Meaning it is inelastic. But i get ur point on what inelastic and elastic demand is. You could argue both ways imo.
I agree that the high end of ET would remain even if the prize purse went down etc. However if ET never had another lan and no competition in ET ever had another prize purse and u had to pay to play ET. The demand would go way down on all levels of it :)

this many never happen im just saying hypotheticaly. The result would be that less people on all levels would play this game.

ET is not as desirable as it was years ago. Now there are numerous more games to choose from, many offering higher prize purses due to haveing a higher amount of people willing to attend LANS and in general play the game. So more sponsers take teams in that game.

ET will never be as desirable as it was due to the opportunity cost getting higher over each year.
time to get 6on6 back imo
[21:38:38] [@[CB]Killer|AFK] if ESL are smart they will change to 6on6 now
[21:38:45] [@[CB]Killer|AFK] they don't have any reason to stay 5on5
ESL remains shit
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