I just found this...

I got fropped, welcome to china

Have you ever read the Bible ?

image: isabelfigueira2-2

M.O.P - Cold as ice
You want pics of Evilynns tits? ;__.
no, just wanted to bust some wankers
nice reward, but.. why dont I laugh @ that journal?
Because its not funny?;:3
ye,thats gonna be it :D
dunno, i laugh at matias comments
2. Have you ever read the Bible ?

no, have you ?
started yesterday
why ? i cant see any reason to read it
i was curious . Maybe i'll discover some new things, or change my way of thinking or something. Anyway, why not :) ?
well, i am all against bible and stuffs with religion(how that type of human called?), so it gets me annoyed if someone reads it :D
but i accept that you're corious :)
why are you against it ?
(they called atheist, had to know :D)

because i just simply dont believe in it, and i cant understand why people believe in this, why its already prooven(isn't it?) that its fake, or atleast alot of part of the bible
i don't believe in it either, and i'm against the church, but i don't judge someone's beliefs (in god) because sometimes it can help people when they're in trouble, or have some desease.
yeah, its ok, but still think its just bullshit, and still cant believe.
if sick people want to believe in something, then believe in their friends/family/themself or whatever, but believing in something that is not exist, is just bullshit in my eyes
I find it harder to blame people who grew up in a Christian atmosphere or a Chrisitan home all their lives rather than those who turn to God later in their lives just to find answers or help with themselves.
yea, its ok, but other people, who just chooses it by him/herself?
well and why do you think it's bullshit?
because some things have prooven that its fake, but pope and others say its true and whatever, i just can see the point in believing in something that doesn't exist
Well it's true that whole christianity changed the whole "picture" of God to their need. But I must disagree with people who thinks that the existence of God is bullshit. It's the easiest way of believing how the world works and many people belive in it because it can't be proven nor unproven. I'm atheist like you but I can't deny God because I don't know how, there just isn't any clue if he exists or not :P. Maybe he is old guy with white beard or a giant green alien. Noone knows and won't know :).
2. i started it but then i skipped to the end and it ruined it for me
like the real sheldon cooper would be interested in someones boobs :(
better now ?
not rly but go ahead :i
I could call the comments in that journal quite retarded.
i kinda agree. But it's more retarded to share these kind of pics, isn't it ? ( i don't know if it was shared or stolen or ... , just assuming )
lol who was the "lucky" guy ?
mind I think
I heard she gave m to one of those belgian cheaters once. Might be wrong
Yeah, that's what I remember, too.
I just heard it, wasnt 'active' on cf at that time :p Luckily I never saw the pics :p
They weren't fappable, just hilarious in a 2girls1cup/car crash kinda way.
When I first saw those titty pics I seriously laughed quitely to myself over the hilarity of sending someone nudies over the interwebs to strangers and then being upset when they get leaked.
2.Jesus dies. But then he doesn't. And then he dies again.

I only read excerpts. I once read the Tora though, to find out how the dirty jews make so much money.
lol you've just ruined my reading, thank you sir
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