Need advice! (.nl)

Yo bros,

Because I got an exam tomorrow at 11 I need to study my ass off tonight. It's no big problem but for some reason I am totally tired and can't concentrate for shit since I am yawning the whole time and feel like falling asleep.

I need some advice on how to stay awake now so I can study some more, make exam tomorrow and then completely pass out on my couch. I already consumed an energy drink, listened to some music and watched some porn but I still feel like crap. Any ideas my fellow nerds?


image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTtz9rAjmNOQc3U0EvYwVBCq7V4pFy8KCdjr5baYPu7orvd94X92w
Coffee !
Sleep now, wake up earlier.
Agree - wake up a few hours earlier, and study then
Would be a good idea and it is what I usually do, but I already have to wake up at 7 in order to fetch a train :<

I won't have to pull an all-nighter, but even just an hour and a half or something seems hard to pull off to do at the moment :P
studeer in de trein? :O
Zal wel moeten! :P

Heb het deze keer allemaal niet zo handig aangepakt x)
:-) dan hoop ik dat je zit plaats hebt, staand studeren is kudt
waar moet je vandaan komen dan? nog steeds geen kamer in nijmegen? :P

ik moet morgen om 9 uur in arnhem zijn voor tentamen.. 8 uur in de auto
Ben al weer een tijdje weg uit Nijmegen, kom van m'n ouders in Zeeland vandaan en moet naar Utrecht ^^
zeeland in brabant of zeeland provincie?
Provincie :)
ik kan nooit in de trein leren....

als ik jou was zou ik even een douche nemen en dan nog keer proberen :p en ga in een stoel zitten niet op de bank ofzo

ik ken het al gelukkig :P beetje blackopsen en dan slapie
Ik zit in een niet zo comfortabele bureaustoel dus dat komt wel goed!

Succes morgen!
ja jij ook gnagna

en vannacht ook xD
Van uitstel komt afstel.

Ik weet niet of je de hele nacht wil leren maar ik ken iemand die meerdere keren in de nacht wakker werd en dan een half uur ging leren. Dat werkt denk ik beter dan wat je nu probeert.

epinefrine ONLY 10ml
lololololol u lost men

e:get some cocaine one line not so long should help
Studying right before exam is useless anyway :S
Personal experience has taught me otherwise!
Really? Awesome, then go for it. I would try coffee or a walk in the fresh air. :) Make small breaks after each 30 mins studying!
Depends on wether you want to remember the things only to pass the exam (so you ll study right before the exam) or you want to learn, acknowledge, and keep the infos in mind for a longer time : in this case, you ll start studying long time before the exam, re-study, etc. imo. It's a matter or short/long time memory
cheat in the exam and sleep now

or sleep now + dont go to the exam. go to the doctor, say you are ill and make him give u an excuseletter (?). then study the next whole day and write the exam some days later

or study all night long and probably write a shit mark, because you cant concentrate at all

or study all night long and write a good mark <insert everything went better than expected.jpeg>

what do all this options have in common ? jup. close fucking and start doing something
I know how to pass subjects and I can afford to fuck this one up. It probably won't happen though because I am a fucking beast, terrifically intelligent and always manage to peak at the right moments because of my sheer fucking awesomeness.

Geez people, I didn't ask you to judge my studying behavior, I only asked some advice on staying awake! :P
take a cold shower then or take a walk outside ffs
jesus christ, you've really got to be stupid if you study all night long and still don't get a good mark
you can get a "black out" etc
go sleep, wake up, do the exam.
gay loa
eat an ecstasy
or get some speed
Ehm, play an exciting game, and dont do the usually route (if there are any routes) and be excited or surprised about what u wud see :D

or, watch some exciting movie/program/anime, which u have not seen b4, and when something cool happens u are like: O_O.

U see the big eyes? it means u are awake for minimal another half hour :D

image: 80641_1226039962_27e1_p

problem solved.
Turn off ur pc
so fukcing +1 :D
wise words
school sucks beer best
Beer will be around when the exam is over! Don't worry!
costa del sos
I got some Ritalin for you
welk vak en welke studie ? ;p Gewoon nachtje doorhalen


w8 wut
Gewoon MSN aan & muziek dan leren, zo doe ik het :p
wat je ook doet, niet aan je bar trekken! daar word je moe en voldaan van!
Gebruik concentratie pillen serieus.
Coffee, coffee and oh eeeh coffee..

and stay away from porn or at least make sure you don't ejaculate cuz ejaculation releases the hormone prolactin (amongst other chemicals/hormones) and that causes you to feel tired and sleepy.
So does wanking furiously for hours without any effect!
play ql vs cooller
just study and stop being tired.. nerd
Nerds browsing CF instead of studying...
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