awefull lags

image: 32415770

can this be caused by wlan or is it the isp?
wireless lan?
mine its A :D
packet loss 0%
Put ur hax off
That was a damn of an eccentric reply, I wonder how much time it took you to produce it :o
virus?? :D
who takes chello then >.<
Linequality: A
Packet loss: 0%
0% PL
could be the wlan

got D* using my mobile phone on the wlan and A wired in

try a cable!
image: 32421205

PL here ;)
image: 32421547

i m having WLAN btw
wlan for sho

image: 1115021185
image: 32422666
yeah could be, i just tested with cable and wlan, here are my cable results, wlan was twice as much
image: 32427012

e: here my cable without full download :D
image: 32427288
awefull lags here aswell
no problems with wlan!!!
image: 32430704

With wlan
Somehow Speedtest and Pingtest recommend me US based servers to test. :/ Dunno what's wrong with it since i'm not using any proxy or stuff like that.

On Chrome it shows correct, nearest servers though. Must be something fucked up in my FF, but i have no idea what :s.
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