PGA Teams

Attending Enemy Territory Teams:

Europe zeroPoint! Gaming
Europe cdap - pi
Poland Fear Factory X-Fi
Poland Netrunners
Poland Logitech UVM
Poland UltraFrag gGear

discuss :)
CDAP changed their roster alot i heard?
unexpected ?
snoop kris fobje logic nrs
not rly :P

just added 1 player :)
unexpected ?
complete BS, added 1 polish nurse becuz neither me nor perfo could come
edit ur flags bo <3
I'm to noob :<
Europe :D

flag=eu imo :D
Only 6 ET clans attending? The tourney will be over in half a day. And will there be live coverage from iTG? I sure hope zP is gonna take it!
and live Videostream + Coverage by HS ty..
pm me irc tomorrow !
So it's the name CDAP that's going and not the team?
there are 4 cdap players in that team, nrs was recruited for ze lan
and where is sennheiser boy?
nrs > toxic so its better for cdaps chances anyway ;D
toxic is best nader in ET :)
(normal nade not rg)
i thought kamz held that honour ;D
toxic is legal nader, I hope :>
haha ^_^ congrats on the win mate played great
i only wish i could be as good as u and show off my skills on public servers getting 10% accuracy... why god did u give me such shit skills and not evan's skills? why?

perfo cheater
The qualis ain't over yet ;o
That's why I wrote "discuss" ;)
zP! more luck pls...
wtf cdap, online only zlol
maybe becuz the players that played the quali, didnt know for sure if they could attend at all. but 4/5, i think thats quite ok
maybe coz they didnt know that they beat idle earlier :P
This time, I agree with you bold man.
u seem to forget that even team NL replaced a couple of players from their xfire LAN qualis to the LAN team.. u only seem to target the teams u want, i wonder why u posted this :)

for zP afaik [not sure at all] gifty played the quali, and he isnt going to the LAN.. did u care? not rly

riZe, mAus was meant to play, for some reason didnt go..

these are just a couple that i remember, im sure there were/are others.

possibly in the time when qcon required qualifiers, im sure teams didnt know for sure whether all 6 of their members would be able to go to USA when they played the quali, or hell, whether they would be able to go? why would they play the quali then? pure idiocy? ye right....
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