PGA Teams
17 Nov 2006, 00:13
Attending Enemy Territory Teams:
zeroPoint! Gaming
cdap - pi
Fear Factory X-Fi
Logitech UVM
UltraFrag gGear
discuss :)
zeroPoint! Gaming
cdap - pi
Fear Factory X-Fi
Logitech UVM
UltraFrag gGear
discuss :)
just added 1 player :)
flag=eu imo :D
(normal nade not rg)
for zP afaik [not sure at all] gifty played the quali, and he isnt going to the LAN.. did u care? not rly
riZe, mAus was meant to play, for some reason didnt go..
these are just a couple that i remember, im sure there were/are others.
possibly in the time when qcon required qualifiers, im sure teams didnt know for sure whether all 6 of their members would be able to go to USA when they played the quali, or hell, whether they would be able to go? why would they play the quali then? pure idiocy? ye right....