new forced facebook profile

it really gives me the creepz, you know what Im saying?
fuck the shit
facebook admins = nazi
image: Hitler_aufgeregt

I hate everyhing forced, I can go along with changes but FORCING stuff sux donkey dick.
good example: 5on5.
Blondie, you so badass x))9
what changed?
new profile style sucks
and today they forced it on mine
forced here aswell.
I is not amused
forced here as well and i whined as much as you :(
+1 to this journal.
Oh, it has been updated. Gotta love Germany wsk´s food-tag-pics on my front-page.

EDIT: And who the hell cares, how much time do you spend watching it anyway.
waiting for my first friend invitation from 6 to 12 every night
I gotta agree, it's a fail :/
Can't see any difference.. :x
Got used to it after a couple days. On a plus note, I spend more time away from Facebook now.
Yeah you now hang around gaming forums trying to get hits for your shitty website the other 23 hours of the day.
i pee on new profile... not gonna change it till the end
why Finland kolla doesn't have you @ his buddylist?
Youtube/google is also good at forcing shit on you.
quit facebook?
FUck this new profile we should be free to do whatever we want to
Crossfire 3.2 - A Gaming Community
yeh usually dont mind the changes but some layout changes lately really sucked including this one
forced meme is forced xDDD
it's there site, deal with it. don't like it, gtfo facebook...
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