Lol nice try

Quote* wrp/Gemb joined #aMenti
* wrp/Gemb is now known as Winghaven
* Clown sets mode: +o Winghaven
* Winghaven sets mode: -o mAus
* Winghaven sets mode: -o aCoZz
* Winghaven sets mode: -o Clown
* Winghaven sets mode: -o dAv1d
* Winghaven sets topic to: * Topic is '1[0OVERTAKE1]  Where the soldiers at?'
* Winghaven is now known as wrp/GembOFF
<mAus> cheaters never win ;D
just wanted to tell u that i got my posting rights back
i feel like 50cent now
what making shit music :D
wut happened with #belgian.fraternity ? :((
Me happened.
I was ingame and I wanted to auth real quickly so I typed amsg instead of msg and I leaked my own auth xD and some faggots kept trying to auth and they changed my password and took over #belgian.fraternity :P re-join !
#belgian.fraternity help us restore things :[ we were hurt badly in this irc war thats been going on for a whole damn day ! :<
sad day :<
wise words from mAus :P
explain for people which not using irc please^^
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