My first movie.mp4

What's wrong with the first 5 seconds? It works fine on my computer, but on Youtube it fucks up with GREY.
lol @nerds "stop scripting" :) Nice clip :p
shit video! stop cheating
looooooool u owning idle:PP
Yeah everyday rolling nerds like that

The clip is from some 6o6 gather I played on Friday, though.
Its awesome.
dunno but the bug is because of MeGUI
Ah, must be pretty random then, as I made some Minecraft video earlier and used the exact same settings in MeGUI with that, and it had no greyness on Youtube. I did use that Vegas shizzle with this video though, to make that speedup and blur and shit, but I didn't use any codec with it (saved as uncompressed) so I doubt it has anything to do with the bug.
cant see shit sry ,e dunk
You're a covert
Gief script/settings/whatever
lol, there really ain't such thing as "no recoil" with scope, just use very high m_pitch and learn to control it = profit
but there exist a recoil reducing script :)
not in etpro.
burneddi actually posted one once, and the recoil is clearly noticable :)
I posted the age-old sniper script that pulls your aim down using +lookdown every time you shoot. However, on latest ETPro +lookdown does absolutely nothing regardless of what pitchpseed you have, so it doesn't work.

Operates flawlessly on Jaymod though, and on unpatched etpro I believe.
as KB said already in the same newspost, pb is bit too slow to block it completely, so there is a bit less recoil noticable.
That's wrong. +lookdown is entirely disabled, even if you have cl_pitchspeed 3000 it does absolutely nothing. +lookleft and +lookup and whatnot still ought to work, but lookdown doesn't. I tested the script, and it simply alarmed that I had committed a cvar violation but did not move my aim down. When I changed +lookdown to +lookleft in the script and cl_pitchspeed to cl_yawspeed, it turned left, however.

There is a cl_pitchspeed 0 force in the configs, too, but it's a bit redundant in my opinion.
I tested it as well, once with sniperscript and once without, and you clearly noticed a difference.
Well, it's very simple to find out whether lookdown does anything:
Open console, type /+lookdown into it. It says "Unknown command". Then type /+lookleft and observe how it doesn't complain about the command being unknown.

Here's a pic I also posted to Killerboy when he mentioned this. He did not reply to me afterwards.
image: QtSJc
Yea but if I fix my crosshair to a point and shoot with sniperscript on and it goes to a lower point than without sniperscript, it must have an efficiency.
Or placebo or the com_maxfps 71.
It's because you're shooting at me
You're almost good as I am with sniper
to be honest, why are you sniping randomly in a war?
Says the one who gave three headshots to olbaa randomly with his garand!
i never garand-headshotted olbaa
rumor: they mad
I admire your skills!
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